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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. She told Matt that when Jason gave her a hug he whispered that he'd pull her off the block. Did I miss something? I know for sure that Paul hugged and whispered that to her but I don't recall Jason saying that. I was hoping to see Raven's explosion on last night's show but they portrayed her as a poor defenseless victim. I sure hope they don't white wash it tonight and her screeching rant is peppered with as many bleeps as possible.
  2. Right down to Josh bragging about hitting somebody upside the head with a beer bottle. Why does he feel it's necessary to prove he's a big tough guy by being violent. He's always saying he's ready to take on anybody who messes with him. I think he's all hot air.
  3. Yeah, I knew someone was. She's the one who was married but played footsies with Cody throughout the season. They even interviewed her husband about it and he said he still he supported her.
  4. Yes, I remember that and I think it was also restricted to just family members too.
  5. There are lots more stay at home Dads in the last 10-15 years. Women chose to further their education rather than get married, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen at the age of 18. So maybe he was a prof. gambler or a bookie but you can't make a living at it unless you have tons of money to lose. His involvement with mafia might have been to loan sharks. His wife made a decent salary and they decided he should stay at home and she would work. So his kids are grown and still living at home so he's still a stay at home Dad. Maybe they should have said retired stay at home Dad. He's 57, why not be retired or semi-retired. I retired at 53 after working for 35 years. He's so old school and set in his ways and he acts more like a 75 year old. He's more concerned with having his clothes trampled on than finding a veto. So what! He's not harming anyone, he's just annoying. So are most of the other houseguests and some more than Kevin. He's no threat, just like a bump on a log but he's also a jury vote.
  6. CBS might not allow booing but they can't control it if there is just a smatter of applause and no cheering.
  7. I'm RC and no we have no Sunday school. But I have to say that after all the stuff she does in the house and conniving against people I was surprised to see her pull out the beads and recite her Rosary every night. Wonder if she thinks it's going to absolve her. BTW I'm not a religious fanatic nor a bible thumper lol.
  8. Bad enough with the nose picking but my jaw dropped when I saw Kevin brushing his teeth and used the toothbrush to brush his hair and then continued brushing his teeth!! Really?
  9. Disgusting, I FF that. But I'm not sure it was Matt splashing. Most times he didn't have hands in the water and you could still hear the splashing. I think it was Xmas dangling her good leg in the pool. Anyway I FF that too coz you couldn't hear anything.
  10. OMG! What a drama queen! He gets poked on the eyebrow with a dumbbell pole and acts like he was hit with a sledge hammer and suffered a broken nose, a concussion and a brain injury. He's milking it for all it's worth and everybody's indulging him except for Josh who tells him to get an ice pack and an advil. If he was that badly hurt he wouldn't keep prancing around with that stupid bird around his waist, stopping at every mirror to examine himself. He'd get the ice and the advil and go lie down. Nope he has to recreate the whole thing for Maven. We'll hear about his presumed black eye all week for sure. I'd hate to see what he's like if he got really hurt.
  11. Huh? Jason promised nothing to Maven. They just misinterpreted what he said. Matt is just a floater and only wants his Wheaties and a good lay with Raven. He's useless as tits on a bull.
  12. lol, I like that description of Matt. BB 17 Audrey did the same thing. Knew for sure she was going home and just ignored the HN rules although she did hide out in those dentist chairs and people brought her food.
  13. I read that too but I thought it was all bluster on Jason's part to impress Paul. I doubt he meant a word of it. Paul on the other hand always tries to poke the worst out of everyone. Gosh I can't think of anyone I've detested more than Paul in my entire life. That's scary.
  14. And that's why I want Cody to have it. Simply because he was the first HG to see through Paul's gameplay and got shafted for it. But I can't vote so this is JMO. Next for me right this minute is Jason because he's starting to wake up a little but needs a little push to develop the rest of the backbone leftover from the other night's dinner.
  15. 1:54PM BBT: Christmas and Raven in the living room . Christmas talking about how Kevin has tried to get her out since day one. Raven says, "a woman corned is a powerful tings." Christmas says that Raven held her own and didn't walk away. From the updates of this afternoon. This one had me chuckling for some time. ROFL
  16. Oh he's getting screwed all right but just not the way you're saying Whoever ends up living with this guy (probably not Raven) will likely run out of there in a matter of months. I can just picture his house: kitchen cupboards filled with Wheaties, or froot loops, 1 bowl, 1 spoon, 1 cup, fridge with milk. Closet has 1 blue shirt, and the shirt he wore for his profile pic and that ghastly orange Texas shirt. Couple baggy shorts and probably a couple of long pants (I'm sure it gets cold in Virginia in winter). And that's it. Easy peasy life, no fuss, no muss.
  17. Just read the updates that go until noon and Raven sure is tripping as WOC said. Seems she's screaming like a banshee. Matt once said he wouldn't put up with the way Alex treats Jason. I suppose he much prefers getting screeched at and get things thrown at him seeing his relationship is so perfect with Raven.
  18. I hope they show it tonight. Wonder if her mama is reading some of these forums and our comments. During HOH comp all she wanted was a letter from mama. Well if this were Harry Potter I'd guess her letter would be one of those screeching missives students at Hogwarts got from their mamas from time to time.
  19. Yes I saw the prostate meme lol. Wouldn't be surprised if she did say that.
  20. Jason didn't use the POV. I know they keep talking about sending Matt home but after last night's BBAD I hope they decide Raven should go instead.
  21. No! There is a something called Inversion Therapy to treat back pain and decompress the spine. You lay on a table and it's inverted for a while to relieve pressure in lower back. Have no idea what Raven was talking about except her normal behavior of inventing diseases.
  22. He started doing that last year when he first had it done. Disgusting how they always showed him flushing it. They really could skip that part.



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