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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. I know, I thought they were hilarious!! Have no idea how you do what you do but it's good for a laugh.
  2. Actually my original moniker was Pillsbury Doughboy, but everybody else was calling him Baby Huey so I switched.
  3. I always suspected he was a glorified "Avon" lady. Oh the last 3 posts I just read: Elena was called a "dumbass", Josh a Meatball and Xmas a Chipmunk. Guess I'm part of a club now.
  4. Only one with much to analyze. Too much for me...
  5. ITA 100%. Love the last scenario but it will never happen. Like you I got nauseated when I saw Paul come back.
  6. Well I guess I was a little sensitive too. I've been called out 2-3 times now for petty crap yet with all the GIF's being posted with caricatures of Elena, Mark, Paul walking his HG dogs and then there's the Josh monkey with the brass cymbals ohhh, not a peep except for laughter. As for Josh, I didn't say he wasn't intelligent. He has a college degree, he has his own business, he's said it often enough but he's acting stupid. Being Cuban doesn't give him the right to cause havoc in the house and insult people. He's acting like a child and now that he's happy that Jessica is gone and Cody almost there too he's trying to act like big man on campus, Paul's right hand man and gopher. He's pathetic, I don't like him and maybe that's why I called him what many other posters have called him. If he had acted like an intelligent human being from the get go I might have a different opinion. 'nuff said!
  7. Huh? backbone? Haven't seen one yet except Cody's. They're all jellyfish past their prime, no more venom in the tentacles.
  8. Doubt he'll get anywhere near F2. He's on the outs with Paul and on everybody else's S-list. Besides Paul has already discussed with Alex the idea of keeping Xmas around till the end because she won't be able to compete in the final physical comp. Alex is in for a huge surprise if he decides she's way too competitive and manoeuvres something that will keep Baby Huey in the finals, again giving him a certain advantage. Always the thinker that Paul...
  9. You know, in the old days soldiers used Coca Cola or Pepsi to clean and shine their brass buttons and we drink that stuff. But she drinks so much of it imagine what it's doing to her brain. And all that sugar is making her ADHD worse.
  10. Watching last night's BBAD this morning, I had a small glimmer of hope (mind you VERY tiny) when Cody was talking with Alex and Jason and outlining a few scenarios that might/could keep him in the house and they all seemed to seriously consider it. But then Lord and Master trouped in with the sheep and small talk took over. But Alex showed how thoroughly stupid she was after most of them left (I actually thought she was a little smarter than the others) and relayed the whole convo to Paul and Xmas, constantly giggling over it. I can't believe how thoroughly brainwashed they all are. Programmed robots!
  11. Ultimate punishment: being tethered to Paul for 48 hours. OMG they deserve each other lol. Alex's punishment is extreme but I think having to kick a soccer ball into a net 2400 times in 24 hours was a little more painful. The only thing worse is that Alex has to do this all week. That's a little much really. She must really have it in for Elena now but as usual Paul is in everybody's ear about not deviating from the plan that Cody is going out this week. At lease for 48 hours he can't negotiate those stairs with Xmas to get up to the HOH room.
  12. ITA I think a 2-week get to know each other thing would be perfect. For some reason some of my posts just haven't posted lol. I replied to others that just haven't showed. Been having severe thunderstorms here all week and I'm losing internet with my satellite dish not to mention power for several hours yesterday. So I'm late responding to other comments.
  13. I understand it to mean followers but I could be wrong. I have been before lol
  14. You and me both. I was so sick of hearing the friendship crap last year that I wanted to puke when I saw Paul back in there this year.
  15. Absolutely! You can't hand out friendship bracelets or decide who has to go after an hour of talking to people. The two week "get to know you period" would be a good thing.
  16. But that is taking a hell of a chance. If he saves Jason, he goes back on the block. He has to know or suspect he's not top of the keep list since he hasn't contributed anything to the game except entertainment fights with Raven. And he's also on Paul's list of people to break up and evict. Like Mark saved himself, Matt would be a fool not to use it on himself. Why should he trust Alex. I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth either. When she giggles after every sentence you know she's being shady. Cody will always be a target whether this week or next. He's a lone wolf at this point and not harming anyone's game.
  17. I just figured most people were feeling sorry for Josh being the underdog. I never saw it that way. He came in as an attack dog. And yes, Megan was totally blindsided by his Pitbull tactics. I don't care he's "only" 23, he should know better. By the age of 23 my children were well behaved adults.
  18. So is Cody safe this week? Matt won POV and he's third nominee having lost the competition which means Alex doesn't replace anyone on the block and Cody can't be backdoored. So I guess it's bye bye Elena?
  19. Really! Hope Matt and Raven weren't in those "others". Lots of groping and kissing with Jody but cameras sure lingered a long time on Maven having intercourse the other night. Left nothing to the imagination. Have to assume if you have live feeds you see a lot more than I do on BBAD. From what I've seen Josh came in the house in a defensive mood. Get them before they get me. He imagined everyone would be against him; says he saw it in their demeanor and their eyes so he grabbed that apple in the first comp. He never gave anyone a chance to get to know him and acted out like a child. I did not like him from the first minute and still don't no matter how hard he's trying to explain himself or his behavior. Worried about his poor Mama and his familia seeing him being disrespected. He should be worried more about how embarrassed his familia is with his behavior. I know I'm in the minority but that's just my opinion.
  20. Thanks, for once I heard Paul say his name last night on BBAD. I'd never heard it before but your phonetic attempt was dead on. I was just trying to pronounce too many consonants.
  21. I think hate is too harsh of a word. We don't know these people on a personal level, never met them, so how can we hate them. How about dislike, detest, can't stand them etc. When I said you were a Jessica hater in another post I meant you had a hate on for stuff she said or did, how she behaved, yet I was accused of calling you a hater. I don't think I've ever really hated anyone. An exception would be if someone really harmed or killed someone in my family but that's never happened. Having said that I really detest Paul and his manipulations and ditto for Josh. He does not amuse me one bit.
  22. Sorry to see you go Marty! Will miss your posts but you're right, this is a terrible season even though I haven't watched 19 of them.



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