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Everything posted by HeleneL

  1. Oh shoot!! I thought it was tomorrow but you're right it's the 15th. Darn it. I was looking forward to that lol.
  2. I suspect you might be right about that. I remember her doing something or other or saying something that would in effect set Jason up for eviction. That was a couple weeks ago. Wish my memory was clearer on that.
  3. I hope tomorrow's episode isn't a rehash of this week like they did the last one. I want to see more Jury footage and Jason and Raven's arrival. I want to see if Jason realizes how duped he was and if Cody can convince him that Paul was the mastermind behind it all.
  4. I doubt any name celebrities will volunteer to subject themselves to a couple of months of isolation in this house. Can't wait to see the list. However if it's only going to be broadcast on All Access I guess it doesn't really matter since I don't have access.
  5. Grow a pair? Far as I'm concerned he's a eunuch. Makes the stupidest move in history and runs off to bawl his eyes out. I never really warmed up to him. Actually I detested everything about him but lately he was sort of growing on me because he was waking up to Paul's antics but after tonight they can't vote him out soon enough for my taste.
  6. I can't believe I just witnessed this debacle. Josh and Alex had the chance to make the biggest move of the season and they both act like wet noodles.
  7. Yeah, what you said. The thing is I think she's also aware of exactly what Paul is doing except she's expecting to reap the benefits. I bet she thought Josh too stupid to figure things out and now that he has she's worried he'll blow the scheme wide open before they have a chance to vote him out. So now she's using "motherly" forceful language to try to intimidate him. I'm glad he walked away to go take a nap lol. Hope he wakes up to realize the Bitch side of Xmas he's been ignoring all along.
  8. That's about Jason's SNAFU with the rape comments. I happened to say it was all bluster on his part to impress Paul. And a poster said - I don't care what excuse you make of it but what Jason said was foul - Actually I wasn't making excuses for him but just stating my opinion. Then other poster said AMEN.
  9. Of course you do. Shaking hands is old school. I was about to FF his segment in DR when I saw his chin quiver like he was about to cry after getting a Friendship bracelet from Paul. I'm so glad I didn't when I heard him say the HGs were so stupid. Should have voted Paul off in 1st week. Made my day!!!
  10. Don't specifically recall Paul and Xmas comments but there was one HG (don't remember who) said if he won he'd be willing to hand over his winnings to Raven and I thought "he's out of his mind!! Why would you sign up just to give it away". I thought I'd check out her Facebook page today and saw that hers and Mamas personal pages have been closed. There was a Raven Walton GoFundMe page and interestingly enough it too has been closed and people were offered refunds. Target was $200K and had collected only a little over $4K. A lot of people are angry at being scammed. Another group of GP sufferers are also angry at Raven's fibs and exaggeration about this disease. They are worried that her nonsense has set back their chances of raising awareness and funds to provide research and possibly better treatments or even a cure for this. Talk going around about her dance studio and new car funded by donations. Social media and word of mouth are powerful tools and she is in for a rude awakening when she gets out of that house.
  11. In the early days Raven was pitied for her disease and HGs wouldn't even think of voting her off. If she had left it at that and kept her mouth shut she would be taken to F2 and probably be a winner. However she started inventing or perceiving many other ailments all the while intensifying showmance with Matt to the point that the HGs started wondering if she was legit or not. Now they believe she is just annoying and we're nearing the end of the season so they now decide she has to go which should have been 8 weeks ago.
  12. Provided he's still there I'd like to see him get one too. He seems good at remembering trivia and dates so it would have to be one of those comps. I doubt he could handle a physical one. But since it's a double next they will likely have to do a mental comp for 2nd eviction.
  13. Oh yeah, delusional Raven. lol It will be interesting to see the interaction between Cody and Matt. I think a good part of Friday's special edition might be devoted to some Jury house footage. At least I hope so. They tend to show more of it with each eviction now that we're nearing the end and Thursday is a double. Still not certain who goes Thursday's first round but hope Raven goes in the second round.
  14. Yeah well me too but Cody wanting Raven? ROFLMBO! This isn't As the World Turns or Days of Our Lives. Bad enough Cody got together with Jessica but Raven??? OMG. Tough times ahead moneywise. Jessica super high maintenance and then Raven moderately so because of her take on Go Fund Me but all those supposed medical bills for her, mama and brother?
  15. Phew, heavy reading tonight. For a second I thought I was on a legal debate forum. Just thought I'd lighten things up by announcing the Toucan's demise.
  16. Bird got popped!! LMAO!! All that's needed now is decapitation unless Xmas' bandaid fix holds up. Then someone can make him an offer he can't refuse.
  17. You're right it was the memes but I took it for granted she said it. I mean if Jessica didn't know what a hymen was why would Raven think she and her mama didn't have a prostate. Thank you for correcting me. I read so much stuff that it's starting to get jumbled in my head and I forget where I read it.
  18. If it's one of the very early seasons, I don't go back that far. When I started watching BB I think it was Rachel Reilly's 1st season and I don't recall anyone claiming to lactate in any season after that lol.
  19. Really? How much less can they wear without it being reduced to pasties. I mean Elena's G-strings didn't leave much to the imagination and Alex's tops just have a strip of fabric covering the nipples.
  20. Was reading LFU last week and there was a pic of Kevin demonstrating how docs do a prostate exam and Raven yelled from the kitchen that her mama has that too. I just deduced that if Mama has it she surely has inherited it too. She seemed to have gotten everything else Mama has lol.
  21. There have been an abundance of boobs this season starting with Elena's crop tops with no bra. What I was wondering is if the people with full body tats even think of what they'll look like in their 70s and gravity has begun it's work. Paul's flying eagle for instance may crash land around his belly button and the leaves or whatever he has on his knees will end up near his ankles. He said once he's not done and needs lots more ink to finish what he has now. Same with Xmas and that lady on her arm. Wonder what that will look like in 40 years.
  22. Haven't read the LFU today but think this is unsure. He was thinking of not using veto at one point. Interesting convo Josh had with the camera last night. He's on to Paul's wacky scenario and is having none of it. He fully intends to talk to Alex and Jason and make them listen. Of course Alex probably won't but Jason will since he's already suspicious of an alliance between Alex and Paul. Paul wants Jason out ASAP.
  23. Saw that too last week. Wonder if they added prostate disease and rough knee syndrome.
  24. Both. He's so afraid to cross Paul. That way the rest of the nitwits can go connive behind his back without worrying about him walking into a room and catch them laughing at how stupid they believe he is.



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