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Everything posted by furio22

  1. Don't know what is going on but for a minute there I was having trouble connecting to the quad cam.
  2. Feeds back from fish, all 4 cams are in workout room.
  3. 9:48 BBT, Cappy (eric) is declared coaster throwing champion. He is now playing Ivette. House is still on indoor LD.
  4. Im 23....enagaged....and type exactly what the HG's say. :twisted:
  5. So based on what we type, your not going to donate? Sounds like you are just using that as excuse so you dont have to or you never really were.
  6. if you dont like it, dont read the updates, we type out exactly what they say.
  7. Eric looks as if he is wandering around trying to figure out puzzles or the combo for the workout room.
  8. Jan says she had to vote for Kaysar because she promised Ashlea but she didnt want to.
  9. 11:52 BBT April is saying she had a dream about the HG's evicting her because they thought she is addicted to hypnotics such as robitussin and ambien.
  10. no not Eric, hes great. He's got all the women hating Michael, he is playing the game very well.
  11. I think Janelle will be next because none of the girls really talk to her. What do ya'll think?
  12. Has anyone unlocked it yet? People were saying earlier in Real player chat that Kaysar unlocked it. Anyone know?
  13. she needs to do something for me, she married the pres of CBS. Send me some money.
  14. well is the food comp today, Monday I mean?
  15. i know he got in bed with her during the night, i dont know about the sweater thing.
  16. Does anyone remember what kind of joke Jase and Scott used to play on Karen? They had a word they used to say to her and she would say "waht did you say?" then they would go "what?, we didnt say anything." Please help me remember, it was hillarious.
  17. eric thinks there is another secret room, is there?
  18. eric thinks there is another secret room in the house
  19. Maggie- "Do you know how many wierdos are out there watching us?"



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