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Everything posted by furio22

  1. 10:00am BBT, BB: Good morning HG's, the veto ceremony will begin in 90mins.
  2. pretty dumb, just my 2cents
  3. 11:00BBT the cult as you others put it, are sitting in the kitchen talking and laughing, no sign of michael or the others.
  4. im getting tired of the Michael & Janelle show, they need to show other cams.
  5. Kaysar, Jen, April and Rachel are all in the bedroom discussing different things.
  6. not playing the game right? there is no right or wrong way to play this game i mean its not like monopoly or something like that.
  7. thank you Yana, you also click agree when you sign into watch the feeds and that screen says that CBS can "blackout" the feeds aka fishtank.
  8. you honestly dont think they will cast someone like him in the future? If they show this on tv do you realize what kind of ratings this will get?
  9. SHUTUP, hes staying and there is nothing you or I can do about it.
  10. 11:00BBT, still fish. they are prolly talking to both men about what happened. both will stay i presume
  11. jeez, quit speculating, they had it under control.
  12. what sense does it make for eric to walk off the show, michael will prolly be gone next week anyways
  13. they are prolly gonna have some sort of HG meeting
  14. once again its reality tv, things like this happen in the "real" world.
  15. I really doubt anyone will go home because a nothing physical happened. Remember this is reality tv and this is what happens when 2 people drink that dont like each other.
  16. I think someone came in from behind the walls and said goto the diary room.
  17. wow, Cappy blew up at Michael and then we get fish
  18. i dont think the comp has happened yet.
  19. how could one person not live on $750 a week? That's $18.75 and hour, i agree its not exactly chicken feed, you could make ends meet.



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