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Everything posted by furio22

  1. what hour was it on CST? I only get an hour of the show.
  2. it looks like the lights are off in the house right now. 5:24 BBT
  3. nevermind, i think its something the fish are eating. I swear it looked just like a teddy bear when it by the camera
  4. please tell me someone other than me just saw what looked like a teddy bear in the water?
  5. I'm 23, last year was my first season on BB.
  6. i want to wake up early one day just to see Kaysar pray, i think that would be interesting.
  7. i can already tell im not going to like Beau, no its not because hes black or gay, i just cant stand his voice.
  8. so if this pic is taken outside the house, it is safe to assume that they are already in the house?
  9. they can bring pets to the house?
  10. ok so it didnt air today right? it's supposed to be shown tomorrow? I'm getting tired of this, its the 2nd time I have set my DVR.
  11. there is a hair or a wire floating in the tank right now.
  12. 3:50 BBT there is someone wearing white sitting on a couch or something by the tank.
  13. make sure your web browser is set to receive all cookies, that may have something to do with it.
  14. i just thought it was something good to post since everyone thinks she is a man lol
  15. We got fish! Does anyone else have the BB6 icon on their desktop?
  16. everyone of them are single except for the newlywed and the firefighter.
  17. Ok i just saw like 5 people through the tank. wonder whats happening? Also looks like something bumped the camera.
  18. how bout the middle eastern guy? he doesnt have any favorites.
  19. so we should who the new cast is in a few days?
  20. well if there is 1 extra houseguest and there is a suprise on the very first episode, my guess is that there will be an eviction on the first night for someone in the house.
  21. can someone email me the new comercial also please?



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