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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. I sorta liked him at first, but then all the thrown comps and not having guts to go against Vanessa, done with him
  2. Wow not many comments for Austin! Lol don't like him but like him better than the twins.
  3. Of all the houseguests, all her fake crying, manipulations, bullying, etc, Vanessa is really the only one who has truly played the game. She has had her hand in everything and no one else can say they played a better game UNLESS they are the one who sends her to jury! IMO
  4. Well at least the Austwins are up. Not so sure he is doing what Vanessa wants, just so happens it is what he wants too.
  5. Someone always says "worst season ever" every year lol. None of my favs (not much to choose from) are still in the game, but I can't stop watching or reading lol. I say I don't care anymore, but I still have to keep up with it. Hopeless I guess.
  6. I do not like Austin but I dislike the twins more! Hope she goes then Julia
  7. James is the only one I can root for now. I was a Jmac fan, but after throwing the comp to Van last week, he can go.
  8. This plan won't happen. It's a good plan, but Steve and Jmac won't go through with it.
  9. IF he votes out Julia tonight (and that is a big IF) he should stay in the game (IMO). If he doesn't (and that is the easy way out - and the probable vote) hope he goes in the DE.
  10. James for me but ONLY if he doesn't win the whole thing!
  11. 1. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the double eviction show... Liz will win HOH 2. Which nominee is the better partner Meg or Julia? Neither can win - but with the HOH comp being a crap shoot, probably Meg 3. What is your worst case scenario hoh winner/2nd person evicted for double eviction show? Liz or Austin winning / James evicted
  12. I hope he is in long enough to split up Austin and Liz. The group has let them and Julia stay in too long already.
  13. Meg needs to go. She can't win any comps and is the ultimate floater.
  14. I think Jmac has the most idiotic speeches. But he knows he can't sway anyone vote at the time, he doesn't beg. That much I do like about him.
  15. GoGo, I didn't say I won't watch anymore ----- just not at the edge of my seat anticipating something different happening.
  16. He is such an idiot to throw the comp. I think Vanessa is just saying he didn't take the deal to throw the others off. With him throwing it, I hope he goes right back out.
  17. Well I am officially in the "I DO NOT CARE ANYMORE" mode! JMac throwing the comp to Van...... I will keep up with the show but I am just not enthused to hurry up and see what is going on anymore. Once I saw who won the HOH, I just lost interest.
  18. She is a real bully. Don't care for her. She was one on my picks early on, but then the real Vanessa showed up.
  19. Vanessa was really bullying lil Steve! she is a real beatch! He can't make a move without asking someone's permission and he needs to go. He will not go against Vanessa and the Austwins.
  20. I love the forums. I can vent, change my mind about venting, change my opinion on the house guests, like one day and hate the next, and so on and so on. Things happen in the house that makes you (me anyway) start to see things differently.....but then, it can completely turn me back to my original thinking. LOL At this point, James is about the only one I can root for. JMac has thrown too many comps. Steve is too "needy"? Always asking others what he can ask, discuss, say, etc. Anyone of the jury people who comes back into the game will probably go after the twins and Austin. This is only MY opinion and thoughts. I don't consider it "complaining." LOL Have I ever complained? Absolutely LOL
  21. I would love for Jmac to get a special power. But looks CBS gave up on the "weekly Twist" a long time ago.
  22. I hated Nadia and Natalie on TAR and I hated that Natalie won Survivor. That being said, I am really losing interest in BB this year. There is no one I really want to rally for so far. Maybe James, but if he doesn' win HOH, he will probably be gone soon. With the Austwins and Van, no one really has a chance. They really messed up by letting the twins in. I am still at a loss as to why they thought it was the so cool for them to play together?
  23. She I so absolutely useless to James in this game! She is the worst!



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