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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. I thought everyone knows about the twins now?
  2. I was so glad he didn't get HOH. Now he and Shellie can squarm a little. Lol
  3. I am starting to really like him. And yes, his DR session after winning the POV was great!
  4. I do think that she is really pretty. So much better looking that Kaitlyn.
  5. Meg will be the real floater of the season. She brings nothing to the game.
  6. Well let's see if these HOH will mix it up a little. I was so hoping for a close vote to divide the house and stop the stupid vote with the house! On another note soooo glad James didn't get the HOH tonight.
  7. I do want him to stay hope for the outsiders to get HOH next.
  8. I don't think Jackie has any idea of what a "move" would be in this game. She just doesn't seem like one who can plan anything at this point. If she is ever HOH, Jeff will run her HOH time.
  9. I cannot stand him! Hope SOMEONE puts him up next to Audrey next week.
  10. Hope her and Steve actually stay in their alliance. I like them both.
  11. He is definitely should NOT be going shirtless all the time! Geez....
  12. I can't believe Austin hasn't noticed anything between Liz and Julia. He is with "them" a lot. LOL> I hope they make it just for grins. They will be targeted if they both play though.
  13. I do too Marty! I really want the "outsiders" to get control of the house.
  14. Ugh! No one is even looking at him as a target to go home. Can't stand him.
  15. I am starting to like him, but don't think he will stay long.
  16. I watched the clip and I don't see it as bullying either. He was just very intense. Steve didn't looked scared or anything either.
  17. I wish they had the HG compete for foods and have-not status. It's boring with them getting whatever they want to eat and some jack arss picking who is on slop. It was more interesting when they competed. IMO
  18. I missed the "song" that they made up about Jace? Who was involved in this? I changed my mind, I do not like James.
  19. Marty - I live in the boonies and have satellite for TV and Internet. The live feeds would eat up all of our data. I tired to quote your comment but I couldn't get it to work. LOL
  20. I don't have the live feeds but I do read the daily recaps here. I like to know ahead of time what the group is doing that wont be televised. I love the spoilers, heck I look forward to the spoilers here. Thanks to all who are providing the updates. Love it.



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