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Everything posted by BBLover4ever

  1. Crap, hate that Van won. She gets to decide between Jmac and Liz. Hope she gets out Liz.
  2. Thanks to all the LFU's! I really like keeping up with what is going on BEFORE it is aired !
  3. Recorded and fast forwarded through the who Grande thing. So sick of Vanessa's seeking info on everyone. Funny when Jmac said in DR that Van TOLD him to make that deal with Austin. Shows she is definitely on meds or something.
  4. 1. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show..... Steve will be happy to go to jury 2. Who is your favorite BB super fan / BB showmance? Jeff and Jordan 3. Would you rather win POV or HOH at final 4? HOH so you can let the others stress
  5. I recorded it and quickly pushed forward for that entire segment! Cant stand him or his sister.
  6. I hope he stays and takes out van next week. That would be epic!
  7. Can't stand her....so tired of her interrogating everyone....but she is the only one playing the game. All the idiots have known she is running the house, and still she is there.
  8. You just never know his he will vote! He knows Van is a lil off lol. He has to win the next HOH to have any chance.
  9. Vanessa has promised a lot to Austwins and Jmac and Steve. She will not keep to anything she says to Jmac IMO. Hope he makes her get blood dripping from her hands LOL
  10. You know GoGo,you are right! We need to be nervous because no one votes their on way this season.
  11. Jmac isn't going to vote out Steve. Van will have "to get blood on her hands" and break the tie! Love it.
  12. I am sooooo confused! I am not a Jmac fan but I'm soooo glad he won VETO..... Vanessa is not happy and that makes me happy lol.
  13. Poor thing! He was really surprised that Van took Austin & Liz over him and Jmac. Hope he wins the veto and DOES use it on himself. I think he is smart enough to do that at least!
  14. How can she say she hasn't broke her word to anyone? She told JMac that she would throw the HOH to him AND he was right behind her to win AND she did not throw it! Now, she is putting up Steve who has been with her from the beginning.
  15. She is definitely a manipulator! Mel better take a step back and look!
  16. If the idiots keep Liz over Julia, I hope Austin and Julia are the F2.
  17. They could have had some of the past "special powers", Pandora's box, etc. This hasn't really been a very exciting year.
  18. He is really so immature. He is not ready for this type of living scenario. He may be more messed up when he gets out of the house.



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