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Posts posted by carmen

  1. 6 minutes ago, straykat said:


    Yes but what I meant was that if Alex decided to make a move on Paul, she could tell Jason and he wouldn't run to Paul with it like some of the others in the house.

    Oh, I think I misread what you were saying.  I would tend to agree that Alex could *probably* trust Jason.  However, Jason isn't quite right or is "off" in some way, so I also question if he wouldn't do his suck-up routine to Paul, despite having such a deal with Alex.

  2. The house is generally working off of a mob mentality this season so that whoever is the target or "marked" as an outcast must remain in the outcast state.  And if anyone dares speak to that person or associate with that person in any way, the group will call that person out and put the next target on THEIR back. 


  3. This man has to be absolutely not playing with a full deck.  How many stupid mistakes did he just make as the HOH?  He cemented that nothing or no one comes between him and Alex (but where does that leave Paul, the person you're playing for???  are alarm bells going off in Paul's head?  should Paul be worried that two of his sheeple are now saying they are each other's #1 and not Paul?).  He also let it be known that he had been in conversation with Mark about a shakedown possibility (except he wanted to clear himself of any wrongdoing there -- but still...... that can't go over well in Paul's mind). 



  4. If Elena is that far down the totem pole and likely to go next, why would she not try to get some traction going against the powers in the house?  I keep saying it, all it would take is for her, Mark, Kevin, Matt, Cody and Raven to join forces and voila suddenly Paul, Xmas, Alex, and Josh no longer have the numbers.  The two couples + Kevin are all vulnerable.  Now would be the time to do something about it.


    But I guess playing to make it to the jury house is all they want.  Pathetic.

    Maybe Elena will follow Cody out of the house tonight since it's double eviction night.

  5. 39 minutes ago, stevea11 said:

    Probably the only reason X-mas is still there is her broken foot. Everyone will want to take her to the end for an easy win. I'm really hoping this happens as I want to see her HAVE to compete in the final competitions.


    Me too.  But what do you want to bet she'll miraculously recover by then?  She even made a joke about it being all an act.  Whether it's now become an act for her, or she's actually injured still, none of it takes away from the fact that she should have been removed from the game when the injury first happened and she could no longer compete.

  6. 3 hours ago, Aldrich said:

    Sadly, as this season of BB is ruined as we see violent verbal bullying from most of them it is same here.  Not most posters here are bullies, just a couple,  and we know who they are.  


    Yes we do.  Thank you for this as it's sad that it drives some posters away who I wish would come back.  I've been coming to Morty's for years and it's crazy how some of the newbies want to control the discussion.  I've seen some of the old timers just fade away as a result.


    Apparently Kevin has some despicable behavior but I am still rooting for Mr. Massachusettes.  Wish I knew how to post a pic of him with his banner across his chest.  He literally won the Mr. Massachusettes title years ago.

  7. 5 hours ago, Gram02 said:

    I am becoming a fan of mark. He does stand up for himself and points out what he sees people doing, when he gets to talk. X, Raven, and Alex seem to only know how to scream and shout then Josh interjects with his screaming and yelling. If Cody leaves and mark would get HOH  just watch all the minions scramble.



    I agree.  There are 7 people (I think) voting this week and they ALL can benefit by keeping Cody in the house and voting out Elena (or Matt).  Since Matt used the veto on Jason, which leaves Matt still on the block, they could rationalize voting out Matt who really adds nothing (same for Elena). 


    The key is to blindside Paul and Christmas (their 5 votes against 2).  Those not voting Cody out -- Raven, Josh, Jason, Kevin, and Mark.  Mark needs to sell them on the idea that breaking with Paul and Christmas at this point (and Alex) means they have the numbers and can now pick off three players who so far have been running things. This would be a real turning point in the game. 


  8. 26 minutes ago, straykat said:

    Well, you know there is that saying about thinking with one head vs. the other. :D


    LOL I totally agree.  Yes there is that factor for sure.  Who knows?  Maybe by some miracle he'll survive the week and we might get to see just how much ability he truly does have to play this game. It's unfortunate that he had such setbacks early on (I was against him almost immediately for his coldness and mean-spiritedness), but I admit I wouldn't mind seeing him actually have a chance at this point with such odds against him.  I also think he truly fell for Jessica, which can totally derail the way the mind works.

  9. Seriously?  Paul is tethered to Alex?  I don't have the live feeds and can barely keep up with what's going on in there anyway.  But if it's true that Paul is weighted down and can't circulate to work the house the way he normally does, then I agree it might be the best part of the season so far.  Question is:  are the others savvy enough to take advantage of Paul being out of circulation?

  10. 16 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    They were talking gameplay and Cody really respected Alex's game and how athletic she was and along the line yes a Freudian slip and he called Jess Alex lol and OOPS!


    HeleneL -- you are so right!!  I had forgotten about that.  Very early on, Cody was praising Alex's abilities.  Freudian slip for sure now that you reminded me of that.

  11. 2 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Cody should let the couples and Josh know how Kevin wanted to work a deal that protected Paul, Alex, Jason and himself at the other HGs expense. These idiots wouldn't believe it, but if I was Cody I'd work that angle. He should also go to Kevin and ask if the deal is still good? Act like he's biting at the bit to get at the couples. Maybe he could fool them. 


    Cody definitely needs to try working that angle.  Actually, Cody needs to work any angle he can think of.  Now that Jessica is out of the way, people like Kevin need to start taking advantage of that fact to take down Paul.  Use Cody to do the work that you might not want to do.



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