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Posts posted by carmen

  1. 2 hours ago, WOC said:


    Too bad David didn't act totally relieved and then throw a little subtle "thanks man, I owe ya" to Memphis right after the ceremony. Start some crap. What does he have to lose? Play the game. :D


    Hahaha! Oh, that would have been so great if David had tried to pin it on Memphis. David has gotten better at this game in a very short amount of time, but I don't think he's quite to that level yet . . . but who knows? I've seen some pretty surprising things out of him.


    Bottom line, though. Someone needs to start going after Memphis. His free ride should have ended already.

  2. 4 hours ago, BRealz said:

     Memphis is an ass hat 24/7. And he seems to be the ring leader of everything.



    Thank you. I couldn't agree more. I cannot stand Memphis and cannot for the life of me figure out why they're carrying his ass along as if he is some great player. He isn't. He's pretty much a waste of space (they must have really been desperate to fill a slot). Would love for someone to put him and Cody up with Nicole as a backdoor plan. These privileged-acting cast members' heads would explode. Why at this point is it all about getting the remaining minorities out? Ageism (Keesha / Janelle / Kaysar ) + other isms seems to be the underlying strategy for who gets eliminated.

  3. 10 minutes ago, BRealz said:

    She has done much better this time. The fact that she really had to channel herself to not act crazy is a little concerning. Also, the point of BB is to nominate 2 people and one gets voted out. Typically, pairs are nominated. I think she missed that in the rule book. 


    This is true. However, Xmas is aware of many other pairs in the house yet she chose to exploit the information that Bayleigh trusted her with.  Plus, Bay and Day weren't even going after Xmas. So it seemed like an odd choice all the way around.

  4. Wow. David is starting to shine in some bizarre way.

    Not sure how he has become so perceptive, but I could genuinely start to root for him. He's not nearly as pathetic as I originally thought.


    My only thing is why couldn't he have had this awakening before Janelle and Kaysar were evicted?  Those 3 with Day and Bay and possibly Kevin could have had at least a fighting chance to take on the pre-game alliance (or the Core).



  5. 19 hours ago, QuietStorm06 said:

    The houseguests should do whats best for their game and if voting as a house is not best then dont do it. Because the house could next week turn on you and decide to vote you out. Its just silly game play and i hate when people on the block get mad that the house is voting them out. Maybe last vote you should have split the house.


    Right. As much as I had wanted to see some real game play and push back, I honestly cannot feel any sympathy for Bayleigh or whoever ends up going this week. They had an opportunity to form a counter-alliance and chose not to since they didn't want to go against "the house."

  6. Producers should not have selected several of these cast members to come back. The pre-planning by some of them in advance has contributed to ruining this game, not only for the other houseguests but for us as viewers.


    The ones I am disgusted by the most are Nicole F, Dani, Xmas, Cody, Enzo, and Tyler (and NicoleA should never have been there at all).
    They are all making this season ROTTEN.


    The others are dumb as rocks. They have been told there was a pre-season alliance (Cody/Nicole and Cody/Nicole/Dani) and yet they act as if they all have an equal chance at winning. What?? Why are the big targets not even on any of their radars? And they actually seem proud of sharing the same strategy of "voting with the house," and "I'll do whatever the house wants." Well, what the house wants is for each of you to be picked off until it's only some combination of Cody / Nicole / Dani at the end.




  7. 3 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

    I’m starting to change my mind about David. I think he has been secretly playing dumb. In a very overt over the top way. Claiming to know nothing about the game, saying he never watched previous seasons, constantly cleaning and being a yes man. I’m not saying he’s a mastermind, but I think he has been playing stupid to not be seen by the men in the house as a threat and as a tool to get further in the game.


    If I’m right this could be interesting.


    It would be great if this turns out to be an accurate take on David.

    However, if he really is an amateur and truly clueless about how to play this game, I so hope he ends up winning anyway cause that would be a great ending to what has become a joke of a season. And looked at that way, he's really not playing any worse than these so-called "all stars." Equal if not better game play on his part.


    It's pathetic, but go David.

  8. Day, you made a good reaction about Kaysar when you cast your vote. But, really, why could you not have formed an alliance with Kaysar and worked to get others on the "outside" of the core alliance to build an opposing alliance!?? Now that would have been good game play.  At this point, you're still just treading water along with everyone else. And it is BORING.

  9. Kaysar made all the other houseguests look like the amateurs that they are tonight!  It was very gratifying to see their stunned faces when he demonstrated integrity in his pre-eviction speech.


    Dani and NicoleF never looked so petty and void of courage and grace. I wish they all could lose at this point, but I especially look forward to seeing either one of them (Dani or Nicole) not make it to jury (please, oh please).

  10. This was such an accurate assessment of this season, it almost made me cry. It made me realize how much I enjoyed the early years of BB, and really broke down what is so unenjoyable about the past few seasons. Thank you for sharing it.


    I am clinging to a sliver of hope that there can be some push back on the alliance running the house, but it's beginning to look dimmer and dimmer. Sending Xmas home this week and keeping Kaysar in the house would be a big shake up and would add some excitement, but so far they all seem locked in on the idea that Kaysar must go, which is strategically RIDICULOUS.


  11. I agree Helene. I've been watching BB for years (since season 2), and this is by far one of the worst (I still say the one with Dick and his daughter is the ultimate worst). This one gave that one a run for its money, though.


    Was hoping Michie would lose at the end just to see his anger explode (he was already steamed from the questions the jury asked). Now THAT would have been some good BB tv given how rotten the season was. Oh well, I'll check in again next year to see if they can do better with the casting. I will say I was happy that CBS allowed the first 5 to be evicted to have some say in how they were treated.

  12. 3 hours ago, WOC said:

    But getting rid of Michie would be a smart move so don't hold your breath.


    Haha... yes, if she was smart she would take Nicole over Michie, but even then Nicole might win over her.

    It's more likely that Michie would win over Holly.

    Smart move is to ditch Michie to avoid that possibility, but I'm not holding my breath.

  13. Disagree that she deserves to win. She's flying by the seat of her pants at this point. And all it takes is a veto win this week, and poof! there goes Cliff.  Should have locked in Tommy for final three (hard), and broken the showmance up.  If I'm on the jury, I'm handing it to Holly or what's his name, not b/c I believe they played a better game (they didn't; abuse and cheating deserve no respect), but b/c of the level of stupidity of Cliff and Nicole.

  14. Hahaha!  I've never seen two people more chicken shit than Cliff and Nicole.  Truly pathetic.  I don't even care if they go on to win. Just the fact that they allowed a showmance to run to the end tells me how shameful they are.

    Can't stand the showmance couple (Holly and what's his abuser name), but if they have the ability to stupidize the others, then more power to them.



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