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Posts posted by carmen

  1. 1 hour ago, WOC said:

    As much as I detest the remaining HGs, anyone capable of getting rid of Paul will deserve to win. IMO 


    ITA, even if it is one of the "ding dongs" this late in the game.

    I'm not sure why Xmas is so invested in Paul.  Did they know each other on the outside?  I just haven't seen enough "friendship" between them that would explain her intense loyalty.

    Granted, they're all star struck (apparently), but with Xmas it's like it's a whole other thing.

  2. 1 minute ago, PAULISABUNION said:

    Hopefully not. I've been praying with my Rosary for Alex to be voted out.


    Alex was removed from the block -- Paul used the veto to take her down and now Kevin is in her place.  The plan is to make everyone think Kevin will be voted out

    but in reality Jason is getting backdoored.


    However, there has been some discussion of Josh being onto Paul's whole schtick, and I'm wondering if this might be enough to sway power in the other

    direction and keep Jason in and Kevin be evicted, just to blindside Paul (if that's possible).  Josh and Alex would have to convince Raven to swing with them,

    leaving Paul the only vote to evict Jason.

  3. So is Alex really as stupid as it appears she is??  At what point will she "get" that she has been played?  When Jason is voted out on Thursday??

    If Josh is onto Paul, is it possible he will try to swing the votes to evict Kevin so that Jason stays after all?

    It just occurred to me that if Josh and Alex convince Raven to vote to evict Kevin, then Paul would be the only vote to evict Jason.

    Any chance of this happening?

  4. I don't have live feeds and am wondering if Alex and Jason are aware (yet) that 1) Paul will not be using the veto, or 2) that they plan to blindside whichever one remains on the block?  Because once Jason and Alex realize they've been played, then the cat is out of the bag for good and there's no going back.  At that point, every single person in that house should realize that they have all been playing for the benefit of Paul.


    I'm just curious if Alex and Jason have this figured out yet.

  5. 22 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Something must be wrong with me because I didn't know everyone else viewed it negatively. I don't view it that way.


    Nor do I, nor anyone else I've been around.  In fact, there are a number of stay at home dads that are popular in entertainment, etc. which doesn't necessarily mean it applies to real life, but it does show a cultural shift in the general population, even if some people still see it as negative.

  6. The producers should allow Alex to shit in Kevin's bed and not edit it out for the CBS viewing audience (obviously blurring what needs to be blurred on the screen).

    You want to make a fool of yourself on national tv?  Go right on ahead.  Be our guests.  And then we'll watch Alex's future going forward, including employment prospects.

  7. 1 hour ago, Roli said:

    Edit:  I'll just add that if BB doesn't expel him, they'll just be setting a precedent that nobody has to follow any rules ever.  They'll look very foolish.


    They already look foolish for allowing a houseguest to vote from outside the house. 

    And they have now set the precedent that if someone gets injured and cannot compete, they can still stay in the game.

  8. Still give Jason props for not backdooring Kevin this week but holy yikes! This from the updates page:


    "Jason says if Kevin puts him and Alex up he will call him every name in the book. Jason jokes that he will F his wife and tie up all his daughters and make them watch. Jason jokes where is the line. Paul says the line is gone. Jason jokes he was thinking of the worse thing he could. Paul says he found it."


    It's a sad day when it appears Paul shows a shred of moral fiber and Jason grows more despicable by the day.


  9. 16 minutes ago, kindofabbfan said:

    3) sure Kevin has been lying low and not winning anything but he also hasn't totally been under the spell of King Paul.


    I love this one.  If Kevin wasn't drowning in Minion City (aka All Hail Paul), I think we might see a very different style of play.

    I suspect Kevin has more ability (in any number of areas) but due to the nature of what he's up against, he's dealing the best he can.

    Winning something would end up just working against him since he would have to show his hand and that's the last thing he needs to do.


    The real take away message is that he absolutely isn't under Paul's spell in the way the others are, but he's doing a fairly good job of

    not making it too obvious.  

  10. 40 minutes ago, Roli said:

    I don't think we'll get the chance to find out, because Jason is unlikely to make the move of putting Paul on the block.


    Sadly, I agree.  However, I look forward to seeing his reaction when he becomes the target very very soon.  Hindsight will then be 20/20.

    If Paul has proven one thing, it's that he's several steps ahead of everyone else.  There is no way he is going to want to be up against Jason at the end.

    He also isn't going to want to be the one to do the dirty work, so he'll have someone like Christmas or Josh take out Jason.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Roli said:

    I wouldn't mind seeing Jason win the big prize, and I still think it's a good possibility.  I think he's playing a good game, and nobody is really realizing it.  


    Actually, Paul now knows how committed Jason & Alex are to each other (b/c Jason said so on live tv, that no one comes between me and her) and also sees (now) how powerful Jason is in comps.  If Jason lets Paul slide another week, it could very well be his demise, as Paul will get him and / or Alex out as soon as possible.


    17 minutes ago, Roli said:

    Jason is probably afraid to even broach the subject with anyone because  it got exposed that he and Mark were discussing it and, as a result, it put a target on Jason.  


    Jason is the one who exposed that he and Mark were discussing it -- of course to disassociate himself from it, but it still had to have gotten Paul's attention.  I think Jason is much more on the radar now than ever before, and esp. on Paul's radar.  He'd better use this opportunity very, very wisely.  If anyone other than Alex wins the next HOH, Paul's going to be floating a Jason nom big time and like the good minions they are, they'll go for it, esp. Xmas.

  12. 32 minutes ago, joystiick said:

    How weak is your game if the house feels a guy who hasn't won anything is more of a threat than you are as a couple. That is sad. 


    Indeed it is.

    And in fact, the more typical -- and strategic -- scenario is to bust up the couples, yet this season not just one but several couples apparently posed no threat at all.

    It almost seems like everything is in reverse or opposite.  All the couples had to do was join forces and they could have steamrolled through the house.

  13. 59 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Like Xmas and her business. She's a weak minded follower. 


    And she's very mean, sadistic even.  I don't like her one bit, and she is so illegitimate due to having such extreme privileges (voting from a hospital bed? are you f--- kidding me??!!  NEVER been done in BB history, not to mention the opportunity for influence on that vote, totally tainted). 


    Here's hoping her "business" or whatever it is suffers as a result of such favoritism.  She needs to crawl in a hole and go away.



  14. Hahahaha  Matt and Raven???  So lame.

    I can't wait to see this stupid man kicked to the curb (probably by Paul).

    He just doesn't get it, nor apparently does Alex.


    Paul already indicated that Alex was too big of a threat to take to the end.  Either Jason or Alex will be

    going sooner than later.  This week was a big opportunity to take out Paul, Christmas, or even Josh.

    Instead, they keep the target low AGAIN.

  15. 2 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    Jason won HOH.  Wonder if that will change the dynamics in this house.  Probably not.  He'll put up Raven and Matt.  Doubt very much he'd consider a back door for Paul.



    No, but he should consider backdooring Paul BIG TIME b/c Paul will see to it that Jason / Alex will not get anywhere near the finals.  If he doesn't strike now, it will be too late.

  16. 1 hour ago, joystiick said:

    I don't have the feeds, I get all my info from the forums and the folks who do updates. But, I was wondering, has any of the couples gotten together with another couple and even discussed making a move as a foursome? 



    1 hour ago, stevea11 said:



    I'm not sure but that's a great idea. It probably won't happen because these lab rats are too enamored with Paul. Step right up folks. Who wants to be Paul's minion?


    Ditto what Stevea11 said.  That move would be too strategic for these folks.  It might mean that it would mess Paul up.

  17. 17 minutes ago, NYROSE said:

    It is all such a twilight zone that I would love to see Paul in final 2 against anyone and lose to them. ANYONE...jsut to let the producers know that they can not win.


    I feel that way too.  But then I start to look at it from a different angle -- the sheer stupidity of the houseguests who have enabled Paul all season.  I think I want their stupidity to go unrewarded more than I want the producers to be sent a message.  I do not think Paul has played a strong game.  He just happens to be in the house with an entire roster of stupids.   It will also be painful to see Paul win at the end, but again, it will be more unacceptable (to me at least) to see stupidity rewarded.

  18. 1 hour ago, WOC said:

    I read somewhere else that Paul and Alex were trying to get Josh to start bullying Kevin to make it easier to get hum out. Alex wanted Josh to go after Kevin for his weight and age. Josh said he wouldn't do it because he respected Kevin. Paul told him it was ok because Kevin doesn't respect him (Josh). But Josh held his ground and said no. Anyone else hear this?


    No, hadn't heard it and also don't have feeds.  However, if it's true it really says a lot about how low and pathetic the cast is when Josh, arguably the one who suffers from the deepest insecurities, is able to muster enough strength to stand his ground against Paul (and Alex) on the issue of refraining from bullying, an activity he normally would not hesitate to do when NO ONE ELSE IN THAT HOUSE dares to go against the wishes of Paul.



  19. 56 minutes ago, WOC said:


    We all see how Paul is paranoid. I'd tell him on the side that he may not know it but I just saved him with my "save a friend" thing because there was talk of backdooring him. But I would have been starting crap for a while. Paul isn't the only sneaky bitch around, he's just the only one in the house. 


    Brilliant.  This is exactly what should be done and I think it would actually create a crack in Paul b/c he is actually paranoid, more paranoid than what he wants everyone to see, but it's definitely there.  Why else does he keep such tight reigns on everyone?  And even if it didn't actually work to save Mark, it would still cause enough second thoughts and doubting that it would still be worth it.  If Paul's gonna win, then make him sweat some bullets at least.



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