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Posts posted by carmen

  1. I haven't seen Nicole do anything except hang out with Corey and suck up to the Paulie ego.  She may not have been on the block

    but that isn't due to any brilliance on her part (she slipped through, it happens sometimes).


    It's actually more pro-woman to not feel like you have to vote for someone just b/c they are a woman. 

    The argument that the other women on the jury have said they want to see a woman win BB does not mean they

    should cast a vote for a female just b/c she is female.  That, to me, is just sad.  Maybe pathetic.  (The flip of this is

    that it's equally unfair for the women to refuse to credit a woman based just on gender, jealousy, or whatever).


    If Nicole makes it to final two (and she stacked the deck big time against herself by choosing to "work" with Paul and Victor

    over Natalie and James) and actually wins BB I will likely see that as the women on the jury giving it to her just on the basis

    of gender rather than on true merit.  To be fair, if James wins against Victor or Paul, I will say the same thing -- only for him

    it will be b/c the jury just likes him more and not b/c he deserves it (and I LIKE James).  James played a much better game

    the first time around.



  2. 5 hours ago, Newby said:

    I am a new poster and have a question.  It looks like the HGs can post on their Twitter accounts.  I was just reading some of Nicole's and they are dated during the summer months while they are in the house.  I don't really know anything about Twitter but I thought the HGs couldn't have any contact with the outside world.  Thanks.

    Is it possible someone (family? friends?) have access to her account and are posting for her??

    B/c I, too, thought they had no ability to communicate with anyone out of the house -- let alone have access to a cell phone.

  3. 3 hours ago, Moonpetal said:

    Wow Paul and Vic really have bitter block syndrome.

    Haha yes they probably do.

    But do you know who would have it even more?  Corey & Nicole. 

    My only reason for continuing to watch this train wreck of a season is

    to see those two lose before final three OR lose to whoever one of them is sitting next to

    in the final two. Corey I can't stand, but if he's sitting next to Nicole he's probably going to win.

    I also don't like Paul but if he makes it to final two next to Nicole OR Corey, I think he should win

    since he clearly played a better game than either of them.

    Victor trumps everyone.

    James will beat everyone but Victor -- but I admit it might not be b/c he played a better game but b/c

    he's more "likeable" by the jury and that will cloud their judgment.

    Corey beats only Nicole.

    Paul beats Nicole or Corey.

    And Nicole beats no one.  Unless the jury transforms more than any other jury in the history of BB.

  4. 8 hours ago, Moonpetal said:


    More than once Nicole has asked Corey he would get mad if she didn't take him to the final 2. She told him she can't win against him.


    But her odds of winning against anyone remaining are NOT GOOD.

    Most everyone on the jury hates her.  She stayed hidden under the covers with Corey most of the season.

    And the smug factor hasn't won her any points.

    As far as I can see Nicole can only jockey for 2nd place at this point.

    Which isn't a bad strategy for being the "goat" everyone wants to take to the final 2.

    Only I don't think anyone in the house has this figured out yet.

  5. Nicole absolutely wants James to remain b/c she thinks she can count on him to not stab her in the back.


    Nicole has become the biggest biatch of the season.  Can't stand her -- and I didn't feel this way when she was on

    before.  But something about her changed this year that I cannot tolerate in her.


    And if she thinks Corey is going to remain with her outside of the house, she's a fool.

  6. I hope Frank somehow gets a ticket back into the house assuming he's evicted tonight.  I would love to see the looks on all their faces.

    I think Frank might go after some of the guys after he's seen how horrible they've been to him this week.  And yes I like Paulie but he has

    gotten way too full of himself.

  7. James is playing a very disappointing game.  The breaking of his word might not be so bad if it was to truly help him further in the game -- but sadly the house wanted James to be the one to do the Frank / Bridgette dirty work -- and I think James will eventually pay for his actions.


    Also, Frank was never coming after James so James truly is blowing an HOH opportunity to truly further his game.  Getting Frank or Bridgette out might help other people's games but not James's.

  8. I agree that Frank isn't going to be nearly as upset as they think he's going to be.  In fact, getting Bronte out of the house is something Frank will interpret as a positive for his game.  However, I do think Frank will attempt to get someone back as a result -- not b/c he's upset but b/c he sees they are trying to take a shot at him.


    I think tonight would be a good time for Frank to win an HOH as it will truly re-scramble the configuration in the house. 


    I also agree with Somerandomguy that Paulie & Corey are totally self-absorbed and cocky as all get out.

  9. After those answers, I think Julia doesn't want to vote for Liz. 3 questions and she gave basically the same answer. Sweet merciful death get here.

    Sweet merciful death, no kidding.  It was torture watching Liz respond to the jury questions.  If anything, it confirmed what most of them already

    knew -- she and her sister never had any business being on this show to begin with.


    And yet, Vanessa cast her vote for Liz to win.  Wow, for someone who claims to have such respect for the game she sure didn't show it by refusing

    to acknowledge Steve as the better player. 

  10. Oh! Something just occurred to me.... 

    Perhaps Vanessa will throw to Steve.  

    She wants those 3 Austwin votes and as such, needs Steve to be the one to cut Liz.

    If she won and took liz, that would be 3 votes she doesn't get. If she cut Liz, she may lose them too.

    However, the chances are good that the Austwins will vote for her over Steve regardless of how it goes down.

    She actually does want to be in F2 w/ Steve (maybe??) and she wants Steve to be the one to evict Liz.


    It's quite a gamble, all in, so to speak, but she just might actually throw it to Steve!!!

    Let's hope Vanessa does throw it to Steve so he can have the pleasure of evicting her sorry ass.

    Vanessa is in such a bad spot -- three Austwin votes on the line for her.  On the other hand, she wants to be able to trust Steve to take her which is

    TOO funny.  This is exactly what I mean when I say Vanessa did not play a good game.  She is supposedly a master strategist, but if this is all she's

    got, she's in pretty sorry shape.  Painting yourself into such a tight corner is BAD game strategy.  That's not to say she won't somehow pull out a win

    in the end, but it will be against odds that most players wouldn't want to be up against, especially one who plays poker professionally.

  11. No credit due as far as I'm concerned.  Odds of Vanessa winning at this point are not good.  I agree that the makeup of the other players is what has allowed her to get as far as she has this season.  James was the only one left who seemed to have the ability to recognize she needed to go.  Ironically, I think James would have actually been Vanessa's best ally going forward once Meg was gone (he basically had no other option -- if Vanessa was that good of a strategist she would have recognized that and grabbed it while she could).


    John feels no allegiance to her.  Steve distrusts her as well.  Austwins will take only each other to the final.  Where does that leave Vanessa?

    If she gets rid of Austin this week, Liz will be exactly in the same position that James would have been in, so that might be a guarantee for Vanessa

    to make it to final two -- however, going to the finals with Liz disadvantages Vanessa big time as Liz will automatically have two jury votes waiting for her. 

    I don't see how this makes Vanessa a good strategist, let alone a "great" player.

  12. Vanessa has Austin's WORD that he'll be loyal to her and take her with him to F2 if it's in his power.  He gave his WORD.  We should all know by now that the only person in the game smart enough to lie and backstab is Vanessa.  Cuz she's really really smart.  :smilielol:

    :animated_rotfl:  That is too funny Roli.  I'm wondering if Vanessa is just now having that light bulb moment where she starts to realize what a corner she's painted herself into.

    She does indeed run the risk of losing THREE jury votes if she backstabs them at this point and sends Austin and Liz to jury.  Getting Austin out this week, of course, would be the linchpin in making that happen, so it would be all on Vanessa's shoulders. 

  13. I would rather Austin win than any of the others at this point.  No, I don't think he's played a great game -- he had the potential to do MUCH better.

    But of what's left, I feel he's played better than the others.


    I would love to see Austin evict Vanessa at final three (and take Liz -- duh, a no brainer -- or even John) over her. 

    Vanessa's ego needs that kind of re-alignment.

    I would love to see Austin beat Vanessa IF they were sitting at final two.  Again, her ego needs that reality check.


    If Austin or Liz make it to final two without the other, they will automatically have two votes from the jury -- something the rest of the house

    should have been thinking of for a very long time.  But it's one of those seasons where you don't have a lot of brain power going on, so it

    is what it is.  How Vanessa plans to overcome being at final three with Austin & Liz, I still don't get.  For someone who is praised on here for

    her hard-core strategizing, the strategizing must have stopped at final three and making it to that point in the game apparently is her final goal.

    Either that, or she is 100% certain she is going to beat them to become the final HOH. 



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