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Posts posted by carmen

  1. 17 minutes ago, joystiick said:

    Her true ride or die has always been Paul


    Which makes me wonder if they knew each other coming into the house and had a pre-set plan.  I don't recall ever seeing Paul build any type of "friendship"

    with Xmas so it boggles the mind as to why they are so incredibly devoted to each other.  Are they in business together?  Do they have business plans once

    the season ends?  We have no way of knowing, but the connection / bond they have over-rides everything, and it makes sense for Paul to want to take Xmas

    since she's done absolutely nothing the entire season (except to insure Paul wins), but why Xmas is so devoted to him makes far less sense since she has

    to know she can't win.  If you know you're playing for 2nd, what difference does it make that you have to be with Paul?  At least with Kevin, maybe there'd

    be a toss up chance.


    It's all hinky.

  2. 29 minutes ago, WOC said:

    Josh's only chance is to spill the beans to Alex and get Xmas and Paul to split the votes.


    There is no way Paul and Xmas will put that much trust in Josh at this point.  They've already expressed concern that he went "rogue" on the Kevin vote, so

    it's already over and done with.  Josh is next, and I think he will likely take it harder than Alex.

  3. 1 minute ago, JessicaRocks said:

    When the jury questions why he should get their votes, I simply can't imagine what he can say that won't sound absolutely laughable, and I mean that literally - I'm pretty sure that any answer he gives WILL result in some substantial laughter from the jury members.


    Most of the houseguests (maybe even all?) have acknowledged that Kevin has played a superb social game.  In some cases, they have made that statement in terms

    of why he should not be allowed to go to the final two as everyone knows what a great social game he has executed.  Some of them have expressed the same idea

    by saying that he is too well liked by the jury.  It may be laughable, but Kevin is not by any means empty-handed, not nearly as much as Xmas is, which is why I think

    Paul will choose Xmas over Kevin in a heartbeat.

  4. 5 hours ago, joystiick said:

    No matter how you slice it or how much you hate Paul, the others haven't done anything to earn a single vote. 


    Herding sheep is not some massive accomplishment.  Plus, the three weeks of safety at the start insured the dynamic that was created after Cody attempted to get him out.

    Once they saw the fallout of that attempt, Paul was a shoe-in.  There's nothing impressive about that, nor is there any gamesmanship in that.  Sorry, but his "winning" this season of BB

    is not saying much at all, seeing as how it was given to him.  The additional bullying and fear tactics are not what I consider game playing strategies.


    I feel the same way about Dick Donato. 

  5. It'll be Xmas without question.  Although I would LOVE it if Paul chose Kevin over Xmas, for several reasons.  Xmas thinks she has it in the bag with Paul (which, I'm pretty sure she does).

    So it would be great to see Paul give her the axe (would love to see the look on her face).  With Xmas, there is no way Paul won't win with the jury as most of the jury can't stand her.  If he were to take Kevin, it just might be a miscalculation on his part.  The jury could be very bitter, and since Kevin is so liked by most of them, I can see a shocker / upset win for Kevin.  Which would be absolutely great in a season that went bust.


    The jury has no choice, really, but to vote on who they like / dislike the most of the two sitting before them, as this year there was no gamesmanship.  Who played the best game is a moot question so they will have to rely on something else.

  6. 1 minute ago, HeleneL said:

    So Kevin has  to win veto  and hope for a tie if there's any chance to send Paul to Jury.  Remains to be seen if he has the balls to do it.


    Or Josh could win veto.  As much as there needs to be an upset, Xmas will totally control Josh's decisions so, no, he will not have the guts to

    do follow his instincts or do what he wants.

  7. 1 minute ago, joystiick said:

    And, one of those sentences would say I did whatever Paul told me.


    Or whatever production told me.  If Paul really does end up the "winner," it will absolutely be b/c that was the script from the start of the season, and these people in the house are simply following what production tells them to do.  There is no "reality" about it -- this will have become a full-blown drama series with low-paid amateur "actors" who are just excited to be on national television. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Tiger87 said:

    Christmas was the one who should have stepped in and say, "wait a minute - you were in on this too". If she had any gameplay or intelligence or even loyalty to Josh.


    Another of the many inconsistencies about Christmas that make you go, hmmmmm...


    Xmas is absolutely playing for 2nd behind Paul.  She has no intention of Josh making it to the finals, ever.  He's too strong of a player.


    Xmas will cost Josh his game if things go her way.  She thinks she owns him (and he acts like she does), so it's really his game to lose as a result of not getting away from Xmas.

    She is, IMO, the worst thing that has happened to Josh in this game.


  9. 2 hours ago, stevea11 said:


    I doubt that will happen. Once your in the jury house and you have time to decompress you look at the game differently than you did when you first arrived, all pissed off. You have to give props where props are due. All the jurors will figure out they got played by the puppet master Paul and have no one really to blame except themselves. IF Paul makes it to the final two he will run away with the votes.


    Just my 2.5 cents worth.



    I agree with all of this, except in this case if I were on the jury and had time to decompress and think more clearly, I would also start to realize that Paul had two major advantages:  3 weeks of safety from the get-go, and he was the only returning veteran with experience under his belt.  Taking such major advantages into account, I would then discount everything else he did and conclude that whoever he is sitting next to should be crowned the winner.  Just out of fairness.

  10. 27 minutes ago, joystiick said:

    It would have been possible with Josh and Kevin voting, but, the only way that could work was if Josh had enough time to explain it to Alex and talk with Kevin. I just don't think there was enough time. 


    I agree time was very limited to un-do the brainwashing with Alex, maybe near impossible.  With Kevin, though, it wouldn't have taken a split second to get him on board

    with backdooring Paul.  He's not as dumb as he pretends to be.

  11. 18 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    he thinks Alex turned on him.  I think she did because her hoh noms reflected  that.  


    I think Jason hooked up with the wrong person this season.  He would have fared better with someone like Josh, Mark, or even Cody.

    Together the brawns could probably have eliminated Paul immediately.  Oh, wait.  Paul was given safety the first three weeks.  There

    should be a BB law against stacking the deck so high in one player's favor.  And allowing someone to vote from outside the house.



  12. 8 minutes ago, Lamasquerade said:

    I remember it too. It was a conversation with Paul and he approached the subject. I don't remember her arguing it and it looked.like to me she was okay with it.  It was in the blue velvet sofa owl room.


    Even better, then, when she is the next to go.  She did say she expected to be the next to go in her goodbye message to Jason if he were the one evicted tonight.


    So, all I can say is she came to kiss her chance at the money good-bye and just hang out for the summer.  If this is what she enjoys doing, then so be it.  But she

    can't entertain the idea that she's smart.  In fact, it puts her about on the same level as Raven.  Just in it for a good time.

  13. 2 minutes ago, gishy333tx said:

    With Josh having soo many doubts about paul, he should have taken down one of the non-entities and forced alex to put up paul. Damn!


    No kidding.  You talk about a missed opportunity, I've never seen anything like it.

    Alex SHOULD have wanted to seek revenge for losing her ride or die (it sounded like Josh was popping off about Paul being the mastermind

    behind Jason's eviction immediately after...but it was difficult to make everything out -- I do know Paul was getting upset with Josh).

    Then, once Josh used the veto to take Kevin down, he and Kevin could be the two votes to evict Paul -- they didn't even need Xmas's vote which they

    wouldn't have been able to get anyway, she's so far up Paul's butt.


    HOWEVER, and this is huge.  Xmas would have absolutely mind-controlled Josh into not using the veto as Paul is her ticket to the end.

    Xmas will cost Josh the game, and sadly he doesn't see that.

  14. 29 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

    But since it's a double next they will likely have to do a mental comp for 2nd eviction.


    He'll be up against Paul, though, on that mental stuff and it might be that Paul is good at trivia / dates, etc. (I don't recall how good he is at those).

    I'm wondering if it would be better if it were one of those crap shoot games where you roll a ball up a slide, or putt a ball down a runway, something

    like that.  Kevin might prevail in one of those.  The only other one they've had this season like that Kevin absolutely threw it since he knew he didn't

    have to win, so we haven't really seen how good he might be at one of those.



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