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Posts posted by carmen

  1. I think it would be a total crapshoot on who would win in final 2. Normally it's somewhat predictable who will vote for who, but I'm not sure what guides the decision making process for these houseguests lol


    I think John or Steve will fare better with the jury than the others.  Austin may be a weak third after John and Steve.  I think the house is going to

    generally direct anger and dislike towards Vanessa the most, followed closely by the twins.

  2. My only pleasure if Vanessa makes it to final two is seeing her reaction to NOT winning and getting only second place.

    I will be laughing for days if that happens.


    An added bonus:  watching the jury rip into her and tearing her to shreds.  She already gets highly defensive over the least

    insinuation of criticism (or what she perceives as criticism of her game play) -- imagine how she'll react when the jury has

    their say.


    Steve already waited too late to get Vanessa out of the game.  Even in weeks when he wasn't HOH, he coulda, shoulda,

    woulda have tried to rally votes to get her out. 

  3. I honestly think that if Vanessa makes it to the final two, the only one she can win against is Julia.  She doesn't deserve to win for reasons I've stated before

    (attaching herself to a couple and a threesome -- just didn't make any sense while she was stabbing all other chances away in the meantime).  Being reduced

    to working with Steve (yes, I know she marked him out early in the season as her sitting duck) -- that doesn't bode well either.  Vanessa is one of the dumber

    players I've seen.  Doesn't mean she won't ultimately prevail, but she will do so despite her own best efforts to consistently destroy her game.

  4. Cry those tears, girl.  You can keep shedding 'em all week long, too, to make up for all the pain you have inflicted on the audience all summer.

    You and your sister both need to keep on crying (as if you weren't enough of a brat alone, we were "blessed" this season with TWO).  Hope when

    the two of you hit the jury house, the other jurors will quick make you realize just how despised you were by the rest of the house.

  5. Steve, John, Vanessa, Meg and James have only themselves to blame for what's happened or about to happen. Who in their right mind let's a power trio get that far into the game. You really have nothing to lose by going after them, even early on. The longer you wait the harder it gets. 


    The way it stands now I hope John goes next, then Steve and then Vanessa. I hope Liz wins the final HoH for nothing other than watching her stress over having to send either her sister or her boy toy to the jury house. At least that would give me some entertainment.

    Actually, Steve, John, Meg, and James (plus Jackie and Becky as well) -- really had no choice but to group together.  Everyone's fate was sealed in that house once Austwins, Clelli, + Vanessa

    wed themselves together extremely early on in the game.  When a group locks in that hard and has a task master driving them at every turn (Vanessa), there really isn't much the rest of the house

    can do, especially when the rest of the house did not know that those six people were cemented.


    It's good for the six (although Clelli got kicked to the curb -- thanks to James, by the way -- ), but it makes terrible tv and a BORING season for the rest of us.

    I'm chalking this year up to one of the worst.

  6. Okay, Austin is creep-o-rama all the way.  He lost his balls when he hooked up with Liz almost from the start of the game but he has ridden that Summer Camp Express like the pseudo-pedophile that he is, and I'm officially declaring my hope that he now wins -- now that James is gone.  Keep in mind he is the least of the evils that remain.


    To make matters worse, I hope it gets down to Austwins for final three, and Austin evicts Julia (somehow, some way -- I know.  It's nothing but fantasy at this point).

    My only pleasure is to see Vanessa, Steve, and John evicted from here on out in that order.

  7. Jokers has always had a group that likes the same and hates the same people. There is no differing of opinions there. Hasn't been for years. I like that here at Morty's we all have different opinions and we share our different opinions. 


    Actually there was a lock on Dick Donato a few years ago here at Morty's.  I almost got run off the board because I didn't drink the Dick kool-aid that year.  Every time I expressed a

    differing opinion, I would be barked into a corner (and told I had "sour grapes").

  8. John is a complete empty shell.  It has never once occurred to him to play his own game.  I don't even really know why he's on the show.  He has to be the definition

    of a puppet.  And to think that Steve is also a puppet.  What are the odds that the house would be blessed with TWO puppets?


    I wonder if Vanessa bribed someone in production to get these two puppets on the show so they could play HER game.

  9. Steve runs and hides in a corner after the live episode, looking all sketched out. Vanessa better write him a big fat thank you check after she wins because he just handed her the game tonight,

    What a wuss.


    Steve knows better (unlike the totally blank-in-the-brain John).  But he did indeed just hand someone else in that house a big fat check.  Don't yet know if it's

    Vanessa, though.  It could end up being Austin.

  10. IF he votes out Julia tonight (and that is a big IF) he should stay in the game (IMO).  If he doesn't (and that is the easy way out - and the probable vote) hope he goes in the DE.


    ITA.  If Steve's there only to play Vanessa's game (and doesn't vote out Julia), then he needs to go almost immediately which would be tonight's double eviction.

  11. Well, if they pull it off and blame steve for the vote, that will be all vanessa needs. She would be all over steve for going against her and nothing will change her mind once she has decided that steve lied to her. 


    And this would definitely be the brilliant part of the plan -- you get the bonus of ridding the house of Julia, PLUS you get Vanessa pissed at Steve and thus a wedge is

    driven between those two.  Love it!

  12. Yes but Julia is OTB so take the chance and vote her out! I love that James came up with the idea to get Austin to vote out Julia and blame it on Steve. Steve would be s$&tting bricks if that's what they accuse him of. He would be off his game for the DE trying to figure out what happened. Now Van is telling Austin that Steve needs to go, perfect timing for a stray vote!


    Now see...this is SMART by James.  I love it.  And it would be perfect timing for just about everyone in that house.  It's really a win-win-win-win-win etc. all the way around.

    Well, except for Julia.  And oh, that twin of hers, Liz.  :laugh4:

  13. I'm done trying to figure out why Vanessa does the things she does.  She is starting to come off as the biggest blowhard ever to play this game.  She keeps saying she needs to do what's best for her game.  Maybe she should have realized that what was best for her game was not letting Julia come into the house.  That was best for Liz's game.


    You are so right.  Vanessa doesn't seem to get being third (with Shelli and Clay) and fourth (with Austwins) doesn't really get you to the finals.

    Not sure what she hoped would happen but it's risking her game at such a high level she has to be missing a few brain cells.

    My understanding is that Vanessa intends to work with JMac and Steve but they need to get rid of Meg and then bring James into their alliance ... James would know he's on the outside of the Austwins so he would gravitate to her side (of course they would have to win HoH to lure him in).  Vanessa feels confident someone from her side can beat any of the Austwins in a comp.


    The only issue I see with this is that I think James is going to want to target Vanessa first.  You would also think that John and Steve would want to evict Julia this week as that would

    immediately set them up nicely in the game (Steve / JMac + Vanessa is greater than James / Meg and Austin / Liz, and is at least equal to Austin / Liz / Vanessa -- with Vanessa not being able

    to compete for HOH this week).  It seems like a no brainer -- but we aren't talking standard Big Brother strategists here.  None of them seem to be very smart.

  14. I was hoping that James would try to get back in the game and really put forth an effort to win, but he admits he gave up on the competition early.  I think he realizes that he would have to win either the Veto or HOH  from now until the end of the season to avoid eviction.  He knows that Vanessa and Austwins will have to target him because he is the biggest threat in the house standing between them and the win.  He probably has resigned himself to going to jury. Let us see what he will do in the veto competition.


    I think the veto comp is stacked against James.  It sounds like Austwins and Vanessa have a solid strategy to insure James loses.  It's not looking good.


    The only "big move" Vanessa is making this week is possibly on the HOH toilet. 


    What a bunch of wimps.



    Wow.  She really needs to learn how to put on her big girl panties and quit taking everything so personally. 


    No kidding.  Everything Vanessa faults Meg for -- she does a hundred times worse but lacks enough self awareness to realize how crazy she appears.



    I've never understood why Liz was not a major target once Julia entered the game. That would have broken up two pairs (Liz and Julia, Liz and Austin) and what has turned out to be a power trio now. They're idiots but numbers count.... Especially since Vanessa controls all three. Austin is the biggest moron because he doesn't recognize that if he and the twins are the final three, they'll say "buh-bye Austin". This season has had me shaking my head more than any other. Go James!



    ITA -- it is beyond absurd how the cast has allowed Austin + twits set up summer camp in the BB house.  It demeans the entire premise of the show to allow such ridiculousness to reign.


    Having said that, there is even more absurdity beyond that one, and it is Austin as you point out.  If they are the final three, neither twin will take Austin since they at least have one bulb

    burning as far as neither can win up against ANYONE in that house.  They win only by taking each other.  If Austin is the decider, he will then be the evil force that breaks the twins up.


    The biggest absurdity of all, though, is VANESSA.  She hitched her wagon first to Clay and Shelli (how dumb is that if they make it to the end???).  She also hitched her wagon to

    a man with twins.  She comes in last in every scenario.  You talk about gambling your fate in that house, no one has done it better than Vanessa.  If she somehow slides into the final two

    (which I agree her days are severely numbered at this point so it isn't likely to happen) -- but IF she makes it that far, there is no way I would vote for her to win if I were on the jury simply

    because of how stupid she was to join forces with couples and triples + stab everyone else in the back along the way.  She is not a smart player AT ALL.

  17. The twins are twidiots. Why should they hate Jmac?


    He may have looked at them funny, got mustard on his shirt, or mispronounced a word.  Who knows?  The twins either "hate" or "love" the other players for seemingly random

    and illogical reasons, depending on their ever changing moods.  We're dealing here with twentysomething twins who, sadly, have mentalities of twelve year olds.

  18. Steve should never have been allowed to be on BB.  He suffers from such social anxieties that it's just torture to watch him.  Plus, he apparently just doesn't have a clue

    about ANYTHING.  I used to think it might be an act but it isn't.


    I'm sure the houseguests have to sit and wonder how they were strapped with twins, a professional wrestler, AND Steve.  If I were in that cast, I would feel totally screwed.



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