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Everything posted by Moxie

  1. Pats, if I'm not mistaken Judd said he had to quit his job.
  2. Glad McCrae won HOH. I don't care who gets evicted at this point. However I think if either girl gets the veto he'll put Andy on the block.
  3. I'm happy to Judd back. He's good entertainment and that house could use some! They've been so boring over the past week so maybe he'll liven the place up.
  4. Actually, things are going well for McCrae. He is still liked by everybody in the house and some of them are even feeling sympathy for him with the Amanda situation so I think he's sitting pretty good right now.
  5. It would have to be a separate comp to guarantee one of them going back in the house.
  6. I dunno. If Judd gets back in the house he'll get an earful from everyone and I have no doubt Aaryn will tell him the truth because she hated what happened. She really liked Judd as did most of the house. After Helen gets evicted I can see the rest of the people in there finally turning on Amanda and getting her out. I think any of the returning hgs would love to join in THAT vote. lol
  7. like...like....like....like......like.......like........like.........like..........like This word is used entirely too much. When you start each sentence with "like" your using lazy speech. Or make a statement and immediately follow it up with LIKe. Ugh. Give me a break. I listen to the feeds a lot and it's ridiculous how much they use these same patterns over and over. I've also noticed how much they'll start speaking in a similar manner as another hg. And anything out of Spencer's mouth not related to the movies. His misogynist comments make me cringe.
  8. If production doesn't give some kind of protection for whoever comes back into the house for at least one week I fully expect them to walk right back out the door next week. The people in that house are so friggin' paranoid I just don't see them not continuing with the mob mentality of the house voting together. Hopefully they'll prove me wrong but I have my doubts.
  9. It said I don't have access to chat. I guess you're still working on it. So sad. I love chatting with my morty buds!
  10. Can't get into chat! It says I don't have access. WTH??

  11. 1. Judd 2. Don't care what the hg's say but I'd love for Julie to ask Helen an uncomfortable question. She's already on pins and needles and to see her squirm again would be funny! 3. Helen
  12. Jessie has caused Helen to appear so uncomfortable she looks like she wants to crawl out of her skin. I think a few of them realize she's been talking truth to power over the past couple of days and they've been stewing on it. I wouldn't be surprised to see her saved and Spencer sent out the door. As long as she's making waves she's keeping the focus off other hg's.
  13. IMO Elissa isn't better than anybody else in that house. I've heard her say some pretty whackadoodle stuff not to mention how she has the ability to completely degrade another person and walk off like nothing happened. She loves to whine as much as the others, too. She wants sympathy because she's a mother/wife away from her family. Well duh, you chose to go on the show so suck it up and get over it.
  14. If these people keep destroying the reputation of this show we may not see another season of Big Brother.
  15. There is NOTHING funny about pedophilia. Period. I don't care who is making a "joke" about it. When you know victims of this heinous crime you have a completely different perspective. I haven't like Spencer from day one. I hope he receives a whole lot of grief about this disgusting comment and many of the others which have puked out of his mouth. Ugh.
  16. The MVP twist would have been good if they had given us 16 strangers and none of them related to a previous HG. I have to agree with Echo that people get short-sighted and don't pay as much attention to the people who are playing the game full tilt. As long as they are playing the game, lying, back-stabbing and doing whatever they can to further their game, I'm for it. Granted, that can be done without racism, homophobic comments or misogyny. I always have to laugh at some people who get so angry because a HG is lying. It's part of the game and if you're good at it, you can get farther in the game. Everybody in that house lies. They always have. Deal with it. rofl
  17. 1. Which hg's will leave Candice the nastiest goodbye message? GM because being HOH this week has gone to her head. She's been barking orders to the house all week. 2. Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight.... Helen will suck up to Julie Chen. 3. Which hg's do you want to be the first hoh during the double evictions and who do you want evicted during double evictions? Don't care who gets HOH as long as they get rid of Spencer or Elissa. Take away Elissa and Helen becomes weaker. I'd love to see how she manipulates things in the house without Elissa there for support.
  18. I want her gone too. She gets on my nerves and sorry to say, I think she has a couple of screws loose. She says very inappropriate things at the strangest times. I will never vote for her to be MVP. It would suit me fine to see her on the block and voted out. Frankly I could care less who she's related to at this point. I was willing to give her a chance and judge her on her own merits. Now that I've seen her for myself I can't wait for her to leave the house.
  19. Absolutely. Howard and Spencer had a little pow-wow and decided to split their vote so they could blame it on Jessie. They all knew it was the end of the moving company so why not try to stir things up. Unfortunately, the others totally know what they did and it will backfire on them. I really like the fact Howard was trying to calm Candice down. He said he does have a temper and he's trying everything he can to not let it get the best of him. He will defend Candice from their racial slurs and if it gets out of hand he fears getting kicked out of the house. I think it's sad they have to deal with this crap in the BB house. You never know how ugly a person truly is until they drop their little act and show you who they really are. After that all bets are off.
  20. After watching these disgusting people tonight I have had it with Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin and Gina Marie. The scene I just saw in the bedroom makes me physically ill. I will be shocked if TPTB don't call a house meeting. The racist remarks and bullying crap is out of control. I sure hope the people who associate with these losers have their eyes opened after this, at least the people who would actually care one way or the other. I detest this kind of behavior.
  21. Just now McCrae, Amanda, Andy and Candice were in a discussion and Jeremy walks in and parks his carcass on the couch. The looks on his face were awesome! He wasn't saying a whole lot either which was something new for me. He's always running his mouth but now he stands a chance of leaving he's being all chill? No. Now that the others have left the room he's telling Judd that he needs to "talk up his side of the house" about keeping him in the house. What a tool.
  22. I totally expected her reaction tonight. She's a hot mess, no doubt.
  23. I'm going to enjoy watching him grovel. roflmao
  24. I'm happy Helen won! I yelled so loud I scared all my cats. rofl I'm sure Helen will not choose Jeremy for eviction because they wouldn't want to give him a chance to win the veto. Stick all those girls on the block and see how quick they turn on one another. Then backdoor Jeremy. His arrogance will get him evicted.
  25. I've reached my quota listening to him threaten other HG if they don't vote the way he wants them to this week. The bullying and arrogance are going to be his demise in this game. I can't wait to watch him walk out the door and hopefully it will be before jury members are formed. He needs to go back to Texas NOW.



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