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Everything posted by ImIn

  1. The mere fact that Brenchel has a fan base blows my mind. I don't usually buy into the conspiracy theories, but when many of the other hgs see suspicious behavior from her, with regards to the storage room, it seems likely she's got something going on. Why there instead of via the DR tho? As for her wanting Howard up now instead of backdooring him last week...she wanted Jeremy out more. Revenge for wiping his butt on her hat, and all the verbal abuse he and his crew spewed on her. Now she wants Howard out because he was the vote against her when Nick left...plus all the pressure from Helen & Amanda. Howard ain't being backdoored this week tho...wish Elissa was tho. At least I can enjoy seeing her stress out, and I hope nobody tells her/them that we got to nom the 3rd. The confusion will be enjoyable...as well the fallout/blame on Elissa for whomever it is that goes up.
  2. I think the have nots are spencer, candy, jessie and andy
  3. I heard him talking about it...don't recall when it was. It didn't seem like any big deal to me...just like he knew about the subject, and not at all like he participated in it.
  4. Helen wanted Howard put up...tried to convince Elissa, but she wouldn't budge. Howard is just boring...I'm over gawking at him. He can go sooner than later as far as I'm concerned. saucy...I agree she has control over McCrea, but she does listen to him too. They're a good team. And...what's wrong with wanting to get the strong players out of the house? Good game play afaic. My only concern about her game is that she comes on too strong.
  5. ^ I totally agree BBUpdater! That's why I wanted Germy to stay in the house, not because I like him (because I don't) but because he was a stronger player and made the house/feeds interesting.
  6. ^ yup...There should just be a McManda thread...save space on the forums.
  7. I've a feeling he won't nom a guy either, and can't see any of the guys being America's choice to go on the block. Seems likely a girl will go this week, but the balance of power is still in their favor. I'm not seeing an active all girl alliance tho or a deliberate attempt to get all the guys out...well except that Helen and Elissa have talked about it, and now Helen is getting chummy with Kaitlin...with GM & Aaryn by default. It seems that Amanda's desire to get out Howard would make it seem like she'd want the guys out too, but I don't see her going against McCrae, Andy and Judd anytime soon.
  8. ^ I won't be surprised if she does go up by America vote. Between her goof alliance as well the larger good side alliance with Helen, Elissa, etc...I think they'll keep her safe. I could see Howard and Spencer working to evict her tho...that is if she goes up.
  9. yes! Her DR's are funny, and I like her sarcasm. I really like her, but man she is overbearing in the house. I wish she tone it down, but that's not in her nature. McCrae is a good influence on her because he's calm and does try to keep her in line. The way she hounded Judd right away about nom'ing Howard tho...too much! Her abrasiveness is going to land her on the block sooner than later.
  10. I was on the live feeds chat last night and was privately laughing at all the people that came on confused about the mvp vote....saying they voted for who they wanted to be mvp, not who they wanted on the block. It is kind of confusing because we previously had to vote for who we wanted as mvp...then BB switches it up for who we want nom'd without really making the page layout any different, except the instructions did clearly say it. A lot of people don't read the instructions. The confusion as well not knowing who is going up on the block could make for a surprise nom. I did see a lot of people campaigning for Amanda to go on the block. I don't want her on...I like her. She's one of the few interesting players in the house.
  11. i voted elissa to go on the block. she'd be so confused being mvp by amercia and then be on the block by us too. (i know it won't happen tho )
  12. Nastiest goodbye - Helen Predict something - Jeremy's speech prior to the votes will use the word "I" ten times. Who for Hoh - Amanda
  13. the missing question is: Who would be crowned the Lord of Laziness because they are most likely to go straight from living in the Big Brother house to living in their parents' basement? I said Judd...i think i remember hearing him say he had his mom call in sick for him while he was on the show...
  14. ^ and i thought all of the questions had obvious answers
  15. 7/16 2:29 am cam 2 (you may have to switch cams during) GM discovers her Nick "shrine" is gone... . (not the practical joke I referenced in post above, and pay attention early on...Howard in towel flashes )
  16. 7/16 1:16 am - 1:32 am cam2 Aaryn & Kaitlin have a laugh in the storage room....then Judd gets involved, and they play a practical joke. funny! ( don't know when the recipient of the joke found out about it)
  17. Maybe she'll follow thru on her self evict threats now without Nick there to talk her out of it...
  18. actually things are changing quickly in the house this afternoon and now it seems that Helen has convinced Spencer to evict Nick. Spencer was talking to Howard about it too. Who the f knows what is going to be the outcome now!
  19. It's fun to see action and game being played. I like Nick and want him to stay...disliking Spencer right now, but won't fault him for playing. Elissa had her chance to play and blew it. I just hope Howard and Spencer haven't overplayed...Helen and Candy are on to them. Last I saw, the boys were throwing up road blocks...not allowing Helen, Candy and Andy to talk with Amanda and McCrae...and who know how McCrae is actually gonna vote! Also, Spencer is planning on telling Jessie that the house has flipped and is evicting Elissa...at the last minute. It'll be an interesting vote tonight!
  20. odd number of voters tonight, so the only way there will be a tie is if someone throws a wonky vote for Helen. Last I saw Howard and Spencer were acting like they were going to save Nick, but when talking with Helen and Andy, Howard was playing up that he heard Amanda and McCrae were going to flip....which I don't think is true. I think he was laying the groundwork for blaming of the 2 votes to save Nick, to be blamed on Amanda and McCrae, as well hopefully plant the seed to not trust Amanda and get her evicted next.
  21. 1. Elissa 2. Helen will call out Spencer and Howard on their lies. 3. Andy
  22. I'm on the Nick bandwagon. I'm hoping that the wagon doesn't crash tonight tho....I can't figure out who is lying to who anymore! I think Nick is going to survive tonight, and I think there will be a lot of drama to follow because Howard has been playing both sides and has been throwing Amanda under the bus about her flipping, when I think he and Spencer are the ones lying to Helen, Andy and Candy. Gotta get the & ready!
  23. Jeremy knew that the plan was to evict David and was on board with it. I may be wrong on this, but I thought MC inc. knew they had the votes to evict David, so Jeremy's vote wasn't necessary, and that he didn't need to evict his friend. Also, it was my understanding that they wanted an odd vote count so that it wouldn't be immediately obvious who voted for who so that nobody would know there were definite sides...hence why Nick, Amanda, and Spencer kept the ruse going, as well why Spencer led Candy to believe he was voting with her for Elissa to go.



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