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Everything posted by ImIn

  1. respect!?...that exists in the BB world? I noticed it too and it had me chuckling.
  2. I like Aryan less too, but for game sake I believe Kaitlin is a bigger threat and it would be wise to evict her...from the Helen/McManda/Judd/etc., side of the house. Sure, Aryan won a physical HoH comp, with Germy,...but so far that's all I've seen from her. Nobody in the house likes her and there is little hope that anyone is willing to trust her on either side...they only want to use her for a vote and perhaps try to sit opposite her at F2. Kaitlin is a bigger threat because she had an impressive win in that veto comp, she came close to winning 2 HoHs, and she has a better social game. If Kaitlin were to stay, she'd likely work with Spencer/Howard/GM/Candy side, they'd suddenly become a force to be reckoned with. Candy & Howie would have a difficult time working with Aryan, with all the negative comments she's made.
  3. Did Judd get a bottle of whiskey in his hoh basket?! he's getting bold!
  4. 3:15 7/23 cam2 Elissa puts Howard down about him using religion in the game, then goes off on Andy & McCrae about her religious views...blows it out of proportion. she mistook something they said/did...continues to the bathroom...and into the chair bedroom... She cuckoo!
  5. I'd have quoted you if I was responding directly to you.
  6. It's not "backdooring" when the intended target gets put up on the block initially and gets to play for pov. "Backdooring" is when the intended target has no chance of winning or saving himself...he is not put up initially and gets placed on the block after the pov comp and ceremony
  7. ^^ Amanda winning works for me! I'm calling BS tho, however I'll give Hailey Jones credit for creating this little tidbit that will surely convince some that it's authentic insider info.
  8. In fairness to GM, it was not her idea...Aryan brought it up and then went around coaxing others to do it. GM managed to do it too, where the others couldn't. 2:49 am cam 4, then later switch to cam 1.
  9. It should. That post above that NYRose quoted from Hawknose is referring to Spencer since it also includes Marilyn in it....seems the "he" in it was mistook for McPizza boy tho. I'm guessing Spencer is stinky this week because he doesn't like cold showers. He probably figures if he has to suffer through being a have=not, he'll make the rest of the house suffer right along with him. I'm sure he got a good laugh afterwards that his odor bothered Amanda.
  10. Yes, it can damage the lungs. more of that story here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/22/cinnamon-challenge-warning_n_3131899.html
  11. Just read in the live feed updates that they (Judd, Aaryn, Jessie, & GM) were all doing the cinnamon challenge...which is known to be dangerous.
  12. I'm also amazed that it's GM as America's pick and not Amanda....seems fishy to me. She's obnoxious and all, but seems such a non-entity in the game that I'd have thought someone playing harder (like Amanda) would've been the choice. GM is obviously safe. On the live feed chat it was overwhelmingly Amanda as the choice. I'm glad she is safe, she's my current fav, but I was really looking forward to seeing the drama if she went on the block this week. I really thought that there could be a flip or at least a lot of attempts to backdoor her.
  13. Which is it? For me (currently): AmandaJuddMcPizzaI also like Jessie, Kaitlin, Spencer, Andy, Helen, GM & Candice too. This is the first season that I've actually liked most of them (excluding a lot of the nasty things that've been said.) I think it's lower expectations due to past seasons.
  14. I've seen the full frontal pic of Howard...that comment is not a lie as far as the BBD part of it is concerned. I'm on the fence about this comment tho...seems like it can initially be taken as racial and stereotypical, but conversely...if anyone in the house made a comment about Amanda being after McPizza's little white dick, would anyone have thought that to be racist? I doubt it. It would have been taken a crude joke.
  15. ummm....Amanda wants to be looked at. What makes Spencer any different watching her than all the live feed viewers?
  16. As well, Howard had been targeting Amanda...one of the main reasons why McPizza wanted out of the MC alliance.
  17. He may be slow in his speech pattern, but I don't think he is mentally. He's got more of a game going on than people give him credit for. You kind of have to watch him closely...he just keeps a lot to himself and only says things, game-wise, that need to be said. Plus, he has the trust of a lot of the hgs, people tell him a lot, and is on nobody's radar..he's kind of stealth. ( ) I think the house is going to flip this week, and Judd is going to come out of it unscathed.
  18. why? ---------- I have to admit, I'm surprised that Spencer and Andy seem to have a friendship; they often seen laying in the hammock or on the couch just talking, etc. I prejudged Spencer...thinking he'd be the type that wouldn't befriend a gay man. I've heard some insensitive remarks from him about Andy, but by his actions...he is cool with Andy. Maybe it's strategy on Spencer's part, but I don't think so. The Howard/Candice showmance...what are they thinking? Have they not noticed that the showmances are doomed this season? Aryan/David, GM/Nick, Kaitlin/Germy. Howard and Candice are now trying to rally the troops to evict Amanda....which seems likely to me that she will be evicted this Thursday. That will leave Howard/Candice as the sole showmance in the house...and a big target. (well...not counting Jessie and her cigarettes, nor Andy/Spencer... )
  19. Her over-zealousness in trying to backdoor Howard is going to get her ass backdoored. Geesh Amanda...chill!
  20. I hope they don't know for sure, but late night Kaitlin was talking to the group in the Hoh (2:45 am cam 1&2) and she said that Elissa told her that she thought the twist was that America got to pick the nom. I couldn't tell if Kaitlin believed her or if she thought that Elissa was lying. Yeah!!!!!! Now all I have to hope is that none of the noms win pov and that nobody takes any of them off! What are the chances of that? Aryan or Elissa could go home and I'd be fine with it! But, the backdoor Amanda plan is still a real possibility. Hope McCrae or Amanda are picked for pov and win!!!!
  21. ^ I think you're right! Judd is either enamored with Aryan or he is more calculating than I think. He wants her and GM to stay in the house. I've seen him sniffing around her a lot. It also seems like he has something brewing with Spencer and Howard...who are known to want Amanda out.
  22. In the past, production called Elissa to the DR after the nomination ceremony...the night before the POV game. I've seen it on the feeds when Elissa came and told Helen the night before. The next day, the announcement to the house was via the tv screen...all of the house guests are gathered on the couch and watch the monitor. Then they pick the 3 additional players that are going to participate in the pov game. In that entire process, production has never made it known to the house guests who America picked as the MVP....only who the MVP chose as a nom.
  23. Not keep the nomination a secret, but keep it a secret who put the nom on the block. They need to know the nom in order to play for pov. Production has never revealed who the mvp was before to the house guests...I don't see why they would do it now.
  24. I agree Brekkie. I doubt production will tell them that we had the 3rd nom...they never revealed who in the house was the MVP, the MVP did. It was always intended to be a secret, and they want the drama that will come about due to it. If they do reveal the twist, it will be on Thursday by Julie...but even then I don't think they will. If it is Amanda that is the nom, I can totally see her being evicted. I hope not tho, but there has been a lot of chatter in the house in the past about wanting to get her out...mostly by the now defunct MC alliance tho....now Spencer & Howard. If Aryan or Kaitlin win pov, depending upon who Judd would put up as a replacement, I could see numbers going against her.



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