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How will the jury vote? Dan vs Danielle


If the F2 is Dan vs Danielle...  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Who votes for Dan?

    • Ashley
    • Britney
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane
  2. 2. Who votes for Danielle?

    • Ashley
    • Britney
    • Frank
    • Ian
    • Jenn
    • Joe
    • Shane

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Tell it like it is.

This is the toughest of them all, imo. Do they see Danielle as someone that was coached to the end and just Dan's puppet or not? And, just how bitter is Frank still going to be against Dan?

In the end...

I think Dan gets Ashely, Britney, Frank and Ian (But, if Frank still bitter Frank and Ashley go to Danielle and she wins.)

Danielle gets Jenn, Joe and Shane.

Dan wins 4-3

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Tell it like it is.

This is the toughest of them all, imo. Do they see Danielle as someone that was coached to the end and just Dan's puppet or not? And, just how bitter is Frank still going to be against Dan?

In the end...

I think Dan gets Ashely, Britney, Frank and Ian (But, if Frank still bitter Frank and Ashley go to Danielle and she wins.)

Danielle gets Jenn, Joe and Shane.

Dan wins 4-3

told ya he would get britney's vote vs danielle :animated_bouncy:

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if danielle had any shot of winning the game it went out the moment she saved dan with the veto

well it probably went out before that but that cemented it

even the most bitter of hg's would look like a fool voting for her :animated_bouncy:

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told ya he would get britney's vote vs danielle :animated_bouncy:

I didn't think he would until I saw the jury segment. You were right!

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As bitter and furious as Brit was when she was voted out at Dan, she has admitted in JH that he is playing a great game, but she is a gamer. The rest of JH are not gamers and are very bitter (except Ash but she is Franks puppet) and unless Brit can make them see that Dan has played the best game straegy and social they will vote bitterly and not give it to Dan. Plus don't forget the other reason....he has already won.....even tho IMO that is bunk......the Yankees have won before yet I still want them to win again, just sayin

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if danielle had any shot of winning the game it went out the moment she saved dan with the veto


I hadn't thought about how that would look to the jury... you're right again. That move probably sealed the win for Dan against either of them. (Dani or Ian)

Then again, he has already won $500,000 and it's possible this group just won't give it to him again.

Then again, most winner are decided by who the jury liked more rather than game play (sometimes they're the same person) and Dan is seriously disliked by just about the entire jury.

I keep going back and forth on whether Dan can win this or not. :lol:

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I am never good at guessing which jurors will vote for who. The person I want to win this crazy game usually never does, lol. I do think it will depend a lot on what questions they ask Dan and how much he is able to bring to light for them with his answers....and we all know Dan's powers of persuasion. I really do hope he wins it!

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If they actually showed the post eviction coversation to Shane, it gave Danielle an unfair advantage, although it probably would not have mattered. Shane will not blame himself, even 50%, for being dumb about letting Danielle put him up, which is human nature. Pawns can and do go home. It's a half a million dollars and Dan is playing to win it, not to give it away. Shane got played. It's happened how many times in BB? People get played. It's the game. Peeps in that house go back on their word all the time. Dan wasn't the first, he won't be the last. Most of them would have stepped over Dan in a heartbeat to get to the end.

I would love to see Dan win, but it is probably not going to happen due to bitterness and emotions. I would probably be bitter too if I realized I had been outplayed and blindsided, I just hope I would be bitter at myself also.

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Ian and Joe have talked at length about who to vote for to win the game and both have said no matter who is sitting next to Dan in the end neither will vote for Dan. I think that is true they both will not want to give the money to someone who has already won the money. With that said I think Danielle gets those votes. Shane is Danielle as well. Jenn to me is the toss up in this, I think she would vote for Danielle to win the money and I would not be surprised if it is 7-0 Danielle winning because of the fact that dan has won it before.

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The problem for Danielle is she will have to offer up her resume. Against Dan, her resume is really thin. She won some comps, but what did she do with her wins. Her biggest move will be to say I used my POV on Dan, so that Dan could pull the trigger on my shomance.

Dan will be able to talk alll night about the work he put in to win the game. Not only will Dan be viewed as the brains behind the operation, he will be viewed as the muscle, the blue collar worker, the guy that got up every morning and went to work. He was the guy that made the plans and then did the heavy lifting and got his hands bloody. And, in the end, I think Dan will be able to explain his every move. People may be mad, but they will give him respect and their vote.

Against Dan, Danielle will always be viewed as the student or follower. The one time she had the chance to lead, she passed it off to Dan. So unless she can find enough bitter votes and players voting for their friend and voting against Dan because he has won before, Dan wins. I would predict 6-1. Her only vote being Shane.

Frank and a number of the other people may be mad, but in the end they will vote for Dan. I look at it like a political election. The incumbent always loses against the unnamed generic opponent. But, when you actual put another candidate on the other side with all their flaws, the incumbent gets re-elected. So, while Frank and the others may hate Dan at the moment and feel like he doesn't deserve to win, they will eventually recognize that they like the other guy even less.

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If I was a HG is this season, I would not be able to get past the whole coaches getting to come into the game twist. I consider it a kick in the teeth to each one of the newbies that BB set them up to get to know and trust (to a certain extent) the reruns and then turned the coaches loose to steal the season from the newbies. If this had been All Stars and Dan had gotten to this point by playing them all, I'd have no problem with him winning (unless Jeff was there, then it would be all about Jeff) and taking home the title. I would hate to see Dani win but if it comes down to her or Dan, she'd have my vote.

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If I was a HG is this season, I would not be able to get past the whole coaches getting to come into the game twist. I consider it a kick in the teeth to each one of the newbies that BB set them up to get to know and trust (to a certain extent) the reruns and then turned the coaches loose to steal the season from the newbies. If this had been All Stars and Dan had gotten to this point by playing them all, I'd have no problem with him winning (unless Jeff was there, then it would be all about Jeff) and taking home the title. I would hate to see Dani win but if it comes down to her or Dan, she'd have my vote.

ITA......especially the part about WHO he's competing against/with.....in ANY game, when coaches BEAT players, it's expected but when players BEAT coaches, it's a WORTHY win.

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