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Thursday, 8/26 Show


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Was it on Sunday night? A lot of times golf will run over into 60 minutes, which runs over into BB. But, they still show both 60 minutes and BB in their entirety - just after their normal time.

I was looking forward to seeing Kathy enter the jury house tonight and watching Rachel's reaction to the DVD. I'm thinking they won't show that tonight since they're going to have an eviction, HOH Comp, POV Comp, another eviction, and the start of another HOH comp in one hour. Glad to see the DE though!! :animated_bouncy:

Sometimes the Thursday episode is delayed (until stupid late night times) by football. I love football, but NOT during BB.

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i always love fast pace action of double elimination

hg have to be quick on their feet :animated_bouncy:

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i always love fast pace action of double elimination

hg have to be quick on their feet :animated_bouncy:

Me too! I love the action pack of it all. 1:12 count down. I wish also that they would show the JH but I think they will wait until Sunday and show all of them entering one by one. I also think the second HOH will be endurance.

Prediction: Matt first to go, then Brendon or Hayden. (if I were a brig. member, I would want all of the brig. out but me, and F2 w/Brit or Ragen. That would be at least 3 votes for me)

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I just don't see Hayden or Enzo voting out Brendon over Ragan or Britney. They have treated him like he truly was in their alliance and it would be an epic backstab. I know they want him out but I just don't why they would, he is much more useful to them than Ragan or Britney, Brendon would take them to final 3 I truly believe.

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DR has told them to pack because they're doing a DE tonight. Wonder what else they're telling them that has Lane confused and distraught? :animated_scratchchin:

48 minutes to go :animated_bouncy:

Seriously??? Hasnt it always been a surprise? The other houseguests had to pack for the person that left?

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A little bit ago Matt asked Hayden if he was packing in case it's DE and Hayden said, "no." Matt said... that should be fine because everyone knows where your clothes are at. So, I don't think they know it's DE.

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Yep, DR told them. I wish they hadn't, the element of surprise is way better on DE episodes.

3:40PM BBT: The feeds returned to show the HGs getting dressed for tonight's show. The HGs know there will be a double eviction and are packing in case they get voted out.

3:50PM BBT: Lane to Enzo: "I don't even know what they mean when in the DR they said..." WBRB Feeds returned in a few seconds. Lane seems distraught, and said a few minutes earlier that what they were saying was "Weird" in the DR

3 mintues to go :animated_bouncy:

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showtime :animated_bouncy:

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Yep, DR told them. I wish they hadn't, the element of surprise is way better on DE episodes.

3:40PM BBT: The feeds returned to show the HGs getting dressed for tonight's show. The HGs know there will be a double eviction and are packing in case they get voted out.

3:50PM BBT: Lane to Enzo: "I don't even know what they mean when in the DR they said..." WBRB Feeds returned in a few seconds. Lane seems distraught, and said a few minutes earlier that what they were saying was "Weird" in the DR

3 mintues to go :animated_bouncy:

I read on another site that Matt asked Hayden if he was gonna pack in case of a DE and he said no. That was at 4:14pm BBT.

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