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Friday, April 10 2015 BBCAN3 Live Feed Updates

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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, and Big Brother After Dark observations here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Canada Time is East Coast Standard Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  http://mortystv.com/...houseguests.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Vault Room (VR)

Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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11:20pm BBT  Feeds are back on.

11:24pm  BBT  Cheesecake time!!  General Chit Chat as they serve it. 

11:36pm BBT  Willow, Brittnee and Sarah are in the BY.  BB tells Willow to fix her mic.  Willow is very tired and sore. The feeds go out and come back on.  Not much talking.  Back in the KT Godfrey is cooking chicken feet.  Bobby is making slop cookies. 

11:49pm BBT  Zach and Johnny in the SR putting some food in the freezer.  Jordan joins them.  Sounds like Johnny was nominated.  His pitch to stay will be he will continue to be the target.  Sounds like Sarah is the other nominee.

12:00am  BBT  The boys in the SR are talking about how bad Graig’s game was.    In the BY Jordan, Brittnee, Sarah and Willow they are talking past players and now they are starting to speculate on veto.  They go and check the rain outside. 

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#BBCAN3 12:00am Sarah, Brittnee, Bruno and Willow were

out in the BY. Willow was sleeping and she is a have not, Sarah went into the DR to tell them and the feed went to the foth. Johnny and Zach  are in the storage room talking Johnny has been put on the block it sounds like. but it has not been confimed that he is on the block. Now they are talking about Ashielgh, and Pilar. JP and Brittnee are now talking about BBCAN1. Sarah is just standing there now talking about Ginamarie. Oh and JP got a stop that so now onto whats the veto going to be. I dont know They are going to check to see if its still raining in the HT area. Its raining.


#BBCAN3 12:10am Johnny, Zack and Kevin are still in the storage room talking, they now walk out. and its still raining in the HT area so the HGs are now in the KT area Sarah and Bobby go out to the HT even tho its raining. They are getting in the tub. Willow is there in the tub and shes 

Like Im sorry for breaking the rules by sleeping. Ashliegh and Pilar are in the tub too.


#BBCAN3 12:20am Johnny Kevin and Zach are in the BR talking. they are talking about Willow and see where her head is at. Zach says that Bruno has his people that he can string along like you me and Bobby. Johnny is saying that Pilar and Ashliegh are a package they gotogether. Now asking why he is the target when He didnt put them on the block Brittnee did. Shes a very good player. they just go round and round with that. 


#BBCAN3 12:25am and Bobby gets naked in the tub and the girls are screaming. and you can hear thunder in the background. Feeds cut to the foth.


#BBCAN3 1:20am Due to the thunder storm in the BB house the feeds may be off for the rest of the nite while BB makes some repairs to the House. We will continue updating in the morning, Goodnight.

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1:30am BBT Feeds are back with what sounds like general discussion with Zach and Bruno are in chairs, Godfrey and one of the girls off camera. They appear to be sitting around the pool telling stories.

 1:35am BBT They are talking about celebrity sightings with Godfrey offering advice on how to force a celeb into posing for a picture. Talk turns to celebrities Sindy claimed to have seen (Justin Bieber, Barak Obama).  Zach tells of seeing Jeremy Shaw.  They all met Arisa Cox before.  When they came into the BB House.

1:45am BBT It looks like the rest of the HG may be asleep.  We're going to let the remaining HG tell stories of their brushes with greatness and pick things up in the morning.

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Catch up from last night: Between 2:00-3:00 AM Kevin and JP were talking and Kevin knows that if Johnny wins the veto that Kevin is going on the block. JP said that they will figure out a way to keep him and they need to figure out a way to get Bobby out of the house.

8:51 am BBT Houseguests are up already. Sarah is called to the DR. Kevin is lying in his bed holding his head and Britt asks him what is wrong. Kevin does not have his mic on when he said something to her, but Britt responded to his answer by saying that BB is not the house to get sleep in.

8:55 am BBT in the WA Pilar is putting on her makeup, Bobby said that Sarah told him that she would pick him for POV even though Bobby told Sarah he would keep noms the same. Willow said it is because she is not the target.  

8:58 am BBT Bruno, JP Kevin and Sarah in LR. Sarah is putting new bandages on her knees.  POV competition today is on the screen. JP said they have not heard too many loud noises so they are not building something very big.

9:00 am BBT The LR group is discussing how they don’t have to worry about money in the BB house.

9:04 am BBT In the WA Ashleigh is putting on her makeup. She said that she is so sad they don’t have a hammock and it is partially her fault.  She and Johnny bent the shit out of the S hook. Pilar told Willow that she needs to eat breakfast because it is the most important meal of the day. Willow, Bobby and Ashleigh are discussing who is in good shape and who is not. Bobby has not jogged since high school.

9:11 am BBT Bruno and JP were just sitting on the LR couch when the feeds went to FOTH.

9:30 am BBT there is time to grab a cup of coffee while the feeds are still down.

10:43 am BBT Feeds are back up, Britt is talking about how she has a good dentist. It looks as if they are locked in the HOH room with most HG’s sleeping. BB just told them to wake up because nap time is over.

10:47 am BBT BB is telling them again to please wake up because nap time is over.

10:48 am BBT Bobby walked out of the HOH bathroom and asked who shit on his chip from the veto ceremony. No one answered him and the HG’s are still just lying around. Sarah asked Bruno if he got a nap in the DR too and Bruno responded “oh yea”

10:52 am BBT Britt, Sarah and Willow are just talking about different stores they like to shop at. Willow chooses not to wear a bra and Sarah said when you have big boobs you should wear one. More discussion about wearing a bra and the size of boobs between the girls while the guys are just lying there listening.

10:56 am BBT Ashleigh is the only one standing and she is scared if she sits down she will fall asleep, but she sits down anyway. The discussion about bra sizes is still going on between the girls.

10:58 am BB just announced to the HG’s that the HOH room is now open and to please wake up because nap time is over.

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 11:02am BBT: Hg are starting to leave the HOh rm as they talk about the veto comp should be later tonight.

 11:04am BBT: Ashleigh and Zack are in the bathroom talking about her putting make up on. She tells him you should let me do your make up. he says he doesn't like it. Ashleigh says all you guys should let us girls do your make up.

11:09am BBT: Brittnee and Sarah in the bedroom talking. Sarah says that all them girls are with Bruno and Bobby. She says these people need to get their crap together. Sarah says that Pilar looks at her like why are you annoyed and i don't get it i was nice to her when she was on the block.

  Brittney says you have to stay positive and Sarah says ok i know it is just hard.

11:12am BBT: Brittnee says i don't know that Kevin will use the pov cause it will put a target on his back. But will he use it on Johnny like Johnny used it on Kevin. So makes you wonder how much do they have each others back.

11:17am BBT: Willow, Bruno and Bobby in hoh talking about the remote always being broken. Bruno says he is glad that Kevin got picked for veto. Kevin says i wont use it you know that i will keep it the same. Bruno says i just hope i can play with my thumb.

11:22am BBT: Kevin leaves the HOh rm and says we will win. Willow and Bobby leave the HOh rm to go to the KT to make tea.

11:24am BBT: Brittnee, Sarah and Jordan and Kevin in t he bedroom talking. brittnee tells Sarah that she will not shave her head for her but will do anything else. Jordan and Kevin leave and hugs the girls and says we got this we will work it out.

 11:28am BBT:In the bathroom Pilar comes in and says the coffee. Johnny says live feeders Kevin brittnee and Bobby are playing  the veto today.

11:30am BBT: Johnny tells brittnee that he will shave his head he will go the rest of the time on slop or do anything. Even if there was no prize money at the end i would still do it all just for the experience. Brittney says i will not shave my head at all for anyone.

11:33am BBT: In the Kt Ashleigh, Pilar Bobby, Godfrey and Bruno are talking about what the veto comp might be and Ashleigh says it will be a timed one or a  how bad do you want it comp. They say that Johnny will do anything to win.

11:35am BBT: Pilar and  Ashleigh ask Bobby if he will shave his head to win the veto and pilar says it is half shaved already. They then ask Bobby if he will go on slop for 2 weeks and Bobby says i aint trying to win this and hell no i wont go on slop for  any time.

11:41am BBT: Ashleigh and Bobby in the STR trading hats. Bobby says i can not rock a cap. Ashleigh tells him to turn it backwards then she burps real loud and Bobby says that was a good one. She says it was ok. They leave the STR and go back to the KT. Bobby says ok i am going to try to make chips if i can.

11:44am BBT: Brittnee is eating slop with maple syrup and she starts gagging and then Bobby starts gagging and says B. She says sorry sorry. 

 11:50BBT: Bobby is making Pilar slop chips and she tells him Thank You  and that he is keeping her alive. Godfrey and Jordan are working out in the Living rm as Pilar, Willow and ashleigh are sitting on the couches just watching them telling them good job.

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12:00pm BBT: We now have FOTH.

 12:11pm BBT: Most Hg are sitting in the LVR and the screen says POV Competition Today. Zack is jogging  up and down the stairs. Just general talk going on about drinking.

12:14pm BBT: Jordan comes in and says i am sorry guys and everyone tells him its ok dude. Don't worry about it. Bruno says it is all good buddy. Bobby is ion the bedroom getting a shirt on then heads to the  KT to check on the slop chips  he is making for Pilar.

12:19pm BBT: Sarah goes to the bedroom to look for Jordan and ask Godfrey if he is ok. Godfrey says  yeah he is ok. Sarah then says it was all of us and we should all own up to what we do. They leave the bedroom and go to the LVR where all the other Hg are just lounging around.

12:21pm BBT: Sarah goes to the STR to get the medical kit and Kevin goes in and tells her she is good and not to worry. He then leaves her  to get her bandages.

12:25pm BBT: Pilar is in the bedroom, Kevin comes in and ask her if she is ok. She says yeah i am just changing clothes cause i am cold. he tells her to come lay with him and chill and talk about life.She gets in the bed covers up and they start kissing. 

12:35pm BBT: Sarah talking to Jordan about what happened earlier. Sarah says you was not being malicious it was your since of humor and we all curse sometimes. Jordan says yeah but not at  them.

12:41pm BBT: Johnny is now helping Sarah doctor her knees as brittnee is telling about how bad the texture of the slop cakes  were earlier and she just couldn't eat them.

12:46pm BBT: Kevin and Pilar are still in bed  kissing and snuggling. In the HOh rm Zack is giving Willow a back rub.

12:52pm BBT: Zack still rubbing Willows back as Bruno comes in and ask Willow how she is today. Willow says i am stiff today and just  sore.

12:58pm BBT: Bobby calls Pilar to try his slop chips with salsa. She says it is really good and they get brittnee to try it. brittnee says i like the salsa. Pilar says this is so freaking good bobby.
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1:00pm - 2:00pm BBT: Godfrey get told to wake up that nap time is over. Zack and Jordan talk in the STr about Bobby saying they need to get Kevin out. Jordan says if Johnny wins this pov we are screwed.Jordan tells zack he is going for it and next week Bobby needs to go. zack agrees and tells him he thinks he can get  Bobby to throw HOH next week. Ashleigh comes in and tells them Bobby said he didn't give a shit about winning the veto cause he will not take slop or any punishments. Pialr comes in and they tell her that Kevin needs to win.  In the bedroom Zack tells Sarah he has to win HOH next week  and go after Bobby but tell Bobby we are going after Kevin.
2:09pm BBT: Feeds go to FOTH.

 3:18pm BBT: We are still on FOTH as Hg might be playing for the POV.

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9:50 PM BBT Bruno and Johnny chatting in the HOH, Bruno is telling Johnny not to give up but he is not going to use the Veto on him (SURPRISE. . . NOT - DRG) Ashleigh Kevin, Willow and Zach in the hot tub. Bruno says he does not know where Willow stands. Johnny says he has heard her say she does not want super fans to go home, but at the same time he also heard that she was going to nominate him if she was HOH. Bruno saying he would be a huge target next week if he were to use the veto and Johnny says he knows. They think another twist is coming and both think it will be a double eviction. 


Pili has joined the hot tub crew and they are engaging in general chatter about events back in the real world. 


Upstairs the guys are counting heads and continuing to speculate about possible twists like someone possibly coming back. They are sure that post jury no one will come back, but they note that they are still pre-jury and all the evictees could be sitting in sequester.  They say that Naeha had a lot of cheers when she went out, but maybe it was her friends and family in the studio audience. Bruno compliments Johnny about how he has done so far. Johnny replies that he loves this game and would have given up everything including all the money to stay in the house if that had been part of the Veto comp. 


JP and Sarah are outside too on the chairs as talk of events back in reality is ongoing.

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10:00PM BBT Guys in the HOH talking about who is working with whom. Bruno says he thought Johnny and Kevin were super close and Johnny says me too.  They agree that he is a good guy, but Johhny says he does not speak a lot of game. Bruno thought that Kevin Pili and johnny were super close and working together. He goes on to say that all the strong players are getting kicked out while the floaters sit back. They debate the merits of playing a long game vs. playing day to day and come to the conclusion you have to strike a balance. Bruno says he knew he needed to win HOH or he would have been on the block. He keeps telling Johnny that he does not want him to give up. Johnny is doubtful that there is much he can do to garner enough votes to stay. Bruno says he thinks Canada will love Johnny. 


Bobbi now outside where general chatter is just audible over the hum of the tub and/or feedback from someone's mic. 


Bruno is again saying that if he were to change the noms he would fuck his game up so much. Johnny knows that a bunch of people were throwing out his name and Bruno says that when he and Sarah voted together it showed the house they were working together and they were both close with Naeha. Bruno does not know if the couples are working together or if there is another alliance going on. Johnny does not know either and wished he did so he could blow it up and use it to his advantage. Bruno says he thought it would be easy to talk game in the house but it is actually hard to get folks to talk and harder to find a spot to talk and not get talk. They agree that indiscretion was Graig's fault and his downfall in the game. 

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10:11PM BBT Boys continue talking about Graig and his misteps in the house and how he separated himself the last two or three days. 


Hot tub crew now engaging in random shout outs to folks back home and that brings us FOTH.


Bruno and Johnny reviewing what others have done in the house this season that did not gain them favor either inside or outside of the house. Bruno says that Graig always told him that he was the villain. They both think he is a super guy back home, but the game just got to him. He was an emotional guy. Johnny wonders why he chose to expose his baseball career and does not think it was a good idea. Johnny for one did not question the whole Costco story. Bruno speculates that being competitive with Zach and being jealous about Zach being able to talk about his sport got to Graig. 


Outside group talking about the Amish community and their time away from the community at 16 and we get FOTH as they speculate about them dealing drugs etc. 


Upstairs convo is interupted when Bruno is called to the DR. Johnny heads to the bathroom where he finds Britt.


The gals leave the hot tub to go get ready for bed not looking forward to the cold showers. Ashleigh and Zach are in the showers and are complaining about the temp as well as the lack of water pressure. Pili and Ashleigh wonder how they will wash their hair tomorrow. Willow enters and announces that it is 11:30. 


Bruno and Willow and Kevin talking about TV show with Russell Hantz.


Showers over now. Pili is teaching a Spanish phrase to Zach. Extranos a mis amigos y familia. I miss my friends and family. Willow sitting with them as talk turns to food.  Willow gets up and examines her sore butt in the mirror and complains about the bruise turning purple now. She leaves to go put on her PJs. Pili wants to put her onesie in the wash. Willow wants to go to be early and Pili agrees.


Willow now showing her butt to Ashleigh and Zach in the bedroom. She says that Kevin is so anxious these days. She can't believe that he is going for Johnny. 


Feeds one and two switch to kitchen with Bobbi Jordan and Johnny talking about food.  Outside Kevin and Sarah are talking game now with Sarah complaining about hearing "what the whole house wants." She feels bad for Kevin who says Johnny knew he was done as soon as he saw the POV comp. 


General chatter happening in the kitchen.


Sarah talking about the POV comp and how her only hope would have been to get a few Bruno's off, but Bruno was threatening her that if Johnny came off them she would be gone. They think that Bobbi will try this HOH, but in this game she finds him so so frustrating.  Sarah remarks about his speech when he said that winning HOH was very detrimental to him. 


Ashleigh has joined the guys in the kitchen where they are talking about last season. 


Sarah continues talking about Bobbi. She says she loves him so much and thank you for your support. It is nice to have one other person in the house who does not think she is a total weirdo. She thinks she and Scott are a typical average couple but it is important to include other people in life. 


In the bedroom Willow and Zach are whispering and he asks her how she is with Bobbi. She says she is ok with him. They both say that his game play is really bad and he follows her and Ashleigh around all the time. They agree it is too soon to take him out as it reduces their numbers. Zach is not sure what he will do as the numbers dwindle. Zach complains about Bobbi throwing HOH comps and Willow's response is to let the other side take him out. 


Sarah now talking about Amish people in one of her typical semi-political rants and the feeds cut out.

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10:42PM BBT Willow now saying that Kevin has to go as he turned on Johnny so fast and then they will have Pili even more on their side.  Zach does not know if Bobbi is a bigger threat. Willow says he is on Zach's side right now, but he is worried about what he will do in a few weeks as the numbers decline.  Zach says that if he is the next HOH it will be a backdoor of whoever he trusts least between the two. 


Outside pair is now closing up the hot tub as the feeds return and then head inside across the backyard. They all think it is about an hour later than the actual time. 


Most of the house other than Zach and Willow in the kitchen sitting around the counter having a late night nosh. They wonder why it is called a Doobie and settle on the answer, just because. They all talk about going to bed early then wander off to try and find Godfrey. 


Zach and Willow are joined by Ashleigh and Johnny in the HOH and say that all the others are coming so they can surprise Bruno when he gets out of the DR. The others start trickling in and Godfrey has been roused and joins them. They say that there will be no show this time, but they will go and get him a beer for his birthday. They are smelling some hair product and can't believe how expensive it is. Ashleigh and Sarah looking over the bannister with Johnny they talk a little game then head back into the HOH.

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10:36 PM BBT
Sarah and Kevin are bashing Bobby right now being ridiculous and lying about everything game related. Kevin says he is so grateful that Sarah is in the house. Sarah says she feels the same way and knows that Kevin gets her and relates to her. They think they are the most normal people in the house. They can't believe how unbelievable Godfrey is with his stories. Sarah dislikes how people are labeled and judged based on who they sleep with. Sarah doesn't believe in discounting people based on who they like or want to be with. Sarah and Kevin are disgusted with the conversations Godfrey has had about the types of girls he likes and they think it's disgusting how they talk about sex and how shallow they are. Sarah says her mom tells her, "never say something out loud if you wouldn't say it to someone's face."


10:40 PM BBT
Sarah is very upset right now about something Willow said to Godfrey about the size of men's genitalia and what she believe made a real man and what didn't. She is upset that someone would discount someone as a man or as a person based on how they were created. Sarah says she feels like she was brought up and raised to be respectful of all people. Sarah and Kevin both say that conversation was beyond messed up and disgusting. Sarah left the conversation to go cry because she felt so bad for people who might watch that on the feeds and feel bad about themselves.


10:45 PM BBT
In the HoH room, Zach and Willow are discussing game. Zach tries to bring up backdooring Bobby next week and she is against it completely. She says she doesn't understand why he wouldn't want Kevin out. Zach says he doesn't trust Bobby and Willow says she doesn't trust Kevin. She wants Kevin gone so they can control Pilar's votes and actions in the house. Zach says that if he wins HoH he'll backdoor whatever one he's feeling less trusting of when it comes to the ceremony. Willow is not happy with this response but then says she doesn't trust Godfrey either. She then asks Zach to discuss his feelings with her. Zach says it takes a LOT of time for him to admit feelings for girls. Willow is urging him to admit his feelings for Ashleigh. Ashleigh interrupts them by telling them all the houseguests are going to the HoH room to wish Bruno a happy birthday at midnight.


10:59 PM BBT
Houseguests are hiding in the HoH bathroom to surprise Bruno for his birthday when he gets out of the DR.

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10:56PM BBT Mutliple general convos occuring in the HOH. Sarah asks BB to dim the lights in the HOH then turn them on when Bruno enters the room and BB tells them to please stop talking about production. Now they scramble to find hiding spots as they think they hear him coming. Godfrey behind the chair, Britt under the covers and the rest standing in the bathroom. They talk about hiding strategy then the gals talk about how much their boobs are hurting. Ashleigh goes out to the landing to look over the railing and Jordan goes downstairs to peek in the hallway leading to the DR. Willow asks the group if they want to see a bruise and Pilar responds, "Holey Moley." Willow's talking about her injury turns gross. Outside Ashleigh and Jordan are talking about the other HGs and their strengths and weaknesses and what they should do next week. Jordan says that Bobbi wants him to go after Kevin if he is HOH next week. Ashleigh thinks they are in a good spot right now. She feels Pili will be down for whatever and that she has a really good relationship with them right now. Jordan wants to keep the five of them safe and then they will be able to crush the others. They now debate how Bruno would take getting evicted prior to jury vs. after jury starts but agree that they can't let him stay in till the end. Ashleigh says she does not know what she will do when he leaves and how he got in. Jordan says they could get screwed this week with some type of secret veto, and if Johnny comes off then Kevin will go up. They say that Zach has been calling themselves the diaper alliance and they should just go with that name. 

11:13PM BBT Ash now sitting down and talking about her injuries. She shows a bruised knee and says it was from her dancing and doing the splits not from a comp. Jordan wants Bruno to hurry up as he wants to go to bed. Ashleigh waves high to the cam then they both start with shout outs to friends and family at home in whispers. They hear someone coming and scamper back into the HOH.


Bruno in the store room then heads upstairs. He opens the door and they all run out shouting happy birthday. Bruno says that they are awesome. The number 32 is heard above the din. Britt now coming out of the have not room where she must have been sleeping and slowly climbs the stairs apparently without waking up.

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11:20PM BBT Bruno thanks them and claims they surprised him. Talk turns to food for tomorrow and various Italian pasta dishes. Johnny is called to the DR and after a few more minutes the group breaks up.


Jorday Kevin and Zach in the store room talking game. Jordan tells Kevin he made the right move and Pili interupts them as they start talking about next week. They talk about how to get Willow to come over to their side. They want to backdoor Bobbi and put up Sarah and someone else.


Upstairs Godfrey Bobbi and Bruno now talking strategy too and say that everyone knows that Johnny is first and then they will see what happens. 


Downstairs they are weighing the outcomes based on possible HOH winners for next week. (Maybe you should get through this week first fellas??? - DRG) Kevin says he wants to tell Johnny he is good cause they don't want him to sell them out. Zach says Bobbi thinks that he is 100 percent with them. They say they need to start studying for the HOH comps and Pili interupts them again. She would love to eat just one chocolate covered almonds that they guys have been munching on. 


Upstairs Bruno is in his bed reading his letter again.


Pili departs and the brain trust resume talk until Sarah comes in. She grabs some chocolate covered almonds and Godfrey comes in as well looking for some cookies. He does not understand how Jordan can eat so many almonds in one day he eats a few and he is done, but he could eat 10 cookies. 


Bobbi and Ashleigh are on the red couch where he is eating cereal. 


In the store room Sarah and Zach find "hair stuff" a trimmer and plan haircuts for tomorrow.


Jordan and Kevin outside by the washer talking and planning how to talk to Johnny to make him feel safe. He is a beast in comps but they have to votes to save him and send Sarah home this week. 


Bobbi and Ashleigh talking about pool competitions then darts. Ashleigh knows nothing about either one really. 


Jordan still coaching Kevin how to deal with Johnny. Then talk turns to next week and how Zach might get Bobbi to throw the comp to him next week and the rest of the house would be good with Bobbi going out. Jordan talkikng about how Bobbi is an idiot and they can get him out anytime, but Bruno is in good with everyone and knows a lot more about this game than he lets on.  Jordan will want Bruno out next. He wants the noms to stay the same this week. (No chance with Canada's Veto. DRG) Ashleigh joins them and Jordan says they were just talking about the vote. 


Inside Pili giving Bobbi a mini Spanish lesson.  Willow comes through and says she wants to go to bed Pili does too but needs to check on the laundry. She joins the guys and Ashleigh out by the machines and they talk about when the Veto Ceremony will be and how Johnny is a good talker but they don't see what he can do. They all agree that Bruno would not change his own noms, but then they talk about a secret veto and DING DING DING Jordan mentions the chance of Canada's veto and that Canada loves Johnny. 


Zach Willow and Sarah in the bathroom doing ADLS.  Zach asks Willow if she wanted a showmance and she replies no that would end with the show and she wants a romance. She envisioned a kiss about day 33 and then maybe a snuggle in bed around day 38 where she would pretend to be asleep but would be smiling the whole time. Zach points out that she has a really slow pace in mind. 


Outside crew still talking about when the Veto Ceremony will be as the gals are folding laundry and Pili is climbing into her onesie. Zach wanders out and joins them. Jordan wants to lock down the name, "The Diaper Alliance" for the young kids. Pili says it is key that they have five votes locked down as that is now half the house.  Pili still sticking with the notion they need to see what happens at the Veto ceremony. Then the classic BB strategem, "We gotta win HOH next week." (Wish I had thought of that. - DRG) 

11:55PM BBT Now they talk about who can be seen together, but all five can never be together at one time.


Upstairs the ADLS continue with Sarah, Bobbi and Willow in the bathroom.


Now Willow joins the outside crew with the question, "Is this an alliance?" She says they will call it the virgins some virgins experienced and very experienced. Jordan reiterates that the plan is for Johnny to go but no one should tell him. Willow says she will tell Sarah to keep her mouth shut and then she walks up. Jordan now walking Sarah through the next few days and how to talk to Johnny. 

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11:10pm BBT  Ashleigh and Jordan are on the balcony talking about backdooring Bobby next week.  They are looking Bruno to come. 

11:20pm  BBT The houseguests storm out of the bathroom in the HOH as Bruno walks in.  They scream Happy  Birthday.  Bruno is pretty happy.  Johnny gets called to the DR. 

11:35pm BBT  Zach, Jordan and Kevin in the SR.  Talking about who to put up, they go through numerous HGs as they decide why or why not.  Jordan did some damage control with Johnny earlier for Kevin.

11:45pm BBT  Kevin and Jordan are now in the BY talking about what Kevin should say to Johnny so he’s not mad. Now Ash and pili have joined them.  Jordan asks if Willow has talked final 2 with either of the girls.  They say no. 

11:57pm BBT  Zach joins them in the BY.  They lock in their alliance.  The Diaper Alliance.  (the young ones)  

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