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and playing like that in bb is a dumb hence why he is a dumb bb player

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Damn personal feelings.


You're right. I have a hard time saying Kaysar is at fault, because I genuinely like the guy. I think his personality and Big Brother didn't mix too well.

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Damn personal feelings.

You're right. I have a hard time saying Kaysar is at fault, because I genuinely like the guy. I think his personality and Big Brother didn't mix too well.

i know its hard to let go sometime. james was one of my favs in 6 but when i allstar started i realize he wasnt cut out for it

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lol :animated_rotfl:

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Maggie was a true manipulator and she showed her skills once more convincing Kaysar to let go of the button and then getting him evicted.

Wasn't it Jennifer who convinced Kaysar to let go of the button? She was the one that became HOH as a result of that comp and then put Kaysar up after promising him safety.

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if she didnt have eric become a leader and make beau jen april and ivette followers (weak minded people anyway) she wouldn't have gone anywhere. It was ALL luck for her. Where Will it was all him in both seasons he was in.

My top list of players are







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I do think Maggie was a good player, but she was too dense to realize it. In her mind, she was telling Ivette the truth and they were truly playing for Cappy. Maggie was just lucky James never came into power because if he did her and April would have gone on the block and chances are Maggie wold have gone (esp. if Jennifer, Howie, or Janelle were still in the house). Maggie did stumble her way through the game only facing eviction once (until the final 3), but it was just because other people imploded before she could even be considered as a threat.

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Maggie got lucky she was put into a house with a bunch of people who would follow her because of Cappy. Cappy leaving was the best thing to happen to her because ever since he left they were all about Cappy. I couldn't stand them that's why my old name out here was Crappy Cappy.

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still my best bb player ever

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Maggie was a true manipulator and she showed her skills once more convincing Kaysar to let go of the button and then getting him evicted.

Maggie didn't get Kayser to let go of the button that was Aprils partner Jennifer.

And Will was by far the best, he told everyone from the start not to trust him that he lies and would do whatever it takes to win and they still gave it to him. He should have won Allstars with Jani in 2nd place.

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