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Wednesday, September 19th - Live Feed & FINALE' Night


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If Dan doesn't win it will be because the others are bitter. He will however own the title of best BB player of all time....he'll make money from that.

They are bitter because he played a dirty game. But he is def an All-Star BB player, if not, the best all-time. Still rather see Ian win though.

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dan knows he lost


final vote tally 5-2 ian :animated_bouncy:

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shane show now :o:animated_bouncy:

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So I gotta say, this might be the best finale ever.


i just wished the votes werent so obvious

each of them pretty much gave away who they voted for :animated_bouncy:

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i just wished the votes werent so obvious

each of them pretty much gave away who they voted for :animated_bouncy:

Big Brother needs to take notes from Survivor and hold a reunion that's longer. There's so much shit that went down this season that I want them to hear what their thoughts are about it.

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wow jenn for ian surprises me :animated_bouncy:

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dani saved dan from getting 7-0

travesty that the votes were so one sided imo :animated_bouncy:

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no way frank won that :animated_bouncy:

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