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Joe, Week 8 (Replacement Nominee) DE-Evicted 9/6


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He knew he was out of there as soon as Dan won HoH... unless he won PoV. I think he was fine with a 6th place finish. Sure he wanted to win the $500,000 but, what he really wanted was exposure for his cooking. And, he got that... good or bad... only time will tell.


the chef that doesnt wash his hands after using the bathroom

good luck with that :animated_bouncy:


why the quote :animated_bouncy:


if joe wasnt so wishy wash he would have been the perfect person to dragged to final three

absolutely sucks at comps, poor relationship with majority of other hg's

what is up with these older hg's the last few season that just suck at everything

what happen to the dick's of the world that could win things :animated_bouncy:


Dan won a POV and HoH :o

dan is not older hg's ;):animated_bouncy:


Joe was a horrible player. Never won anything and he actually thought America would reward the first one to fall off in the swing comp.....idiot! He had some class when he left.....Lot more than Booger or Frank!


Joe was a horrible player. Never won anything and he actually thought America would reward the first one to fall off in the swing comp.....idiot! He had some class when he left.....Lot more than Booger or Frank!

Joe is far from an idiot and he did not think he was going to get a reward he was almost hanging upside down in the first few seconds of the hoh and so he dropped the other dropped with in ten minutes of him. As far as him talking loud they are asked to do so in the DR and when you are a person who talks louder than most it sounds very loud. think about Rachel she did the same thing and said that they asked her to sound exicted and louder than normal so all your words are picked up.

So today on Jeff's interview with Joe Jeff talked about the story Joe told about the dog that ate the shovel and said no way it was true. You can go to his offical fan page and see the photos along with other photos of what Joe has said that is the truth. Joe does not tell lies about his life sorry to dissappoint people.



As I've said before, Joe might not wash his hands in the bathroom, but I have seen him wash his hands at the kitchen sink. I've seen him do it before, durning and after cooking. Just because people don't like him, it's not right to mess with his livelyhood. Do you think prissy little Britney and Dani would keep eating his food like starving people if they didn't see him wash his hands before cooking. They would call it out quickly. He should wash his hands in the bathroom so everyone can see. For all you know,he goes straight to the kitchen sink and washes them there. Chefs feel comfortable in the kitchen and that's why he is in there all the time, but I've seen people on here bash him for that. Give the guy a break. He may float from HOH to HOH but everyone in that house does it too. They just rag on Joe for it. I think he gives it his best in competitions, he really wants a letter from home. He always looks so sad when other people are reading their letters. Most of the people in there have a final 2 deal with several people. So they kiss the HOH ass in advance, then as soon as they can they run to the HOH and remind them about their final 2 deal. They want to make sure nothing has changed and they are still good. At least Joe has been loyal to Shane longer than the stupid Pack has been loyal to each other. I guess some people enjoy being mean.

Joe washed his hands in the kitchen because the girls had stuff all around the bathroom sink. Your right when ppl don't like someone they find anything to dislike.

Posting this on the Joe thread:

I have always thought that the only reason Joe is on BB is to promote his cooking website and to drum up business.

He really has not put any effort into the game other then run to each HOH to try to stay in the game longer.

The longer he is in the game the more promotion he can put out there. Like talking to the feeders all the time.

I would rather have someone in the Big Brother house that was there to PLAY the game. Joe is a waste.

That being said I am sure he has a nice wife and family.

Glad your a Dan fan so am I but, dan does his fair share of promotion on the show as well. I agree Joe did not do well at the game but, you never know until you try.


I'm so mad he's gone. They picked on him over the dumbest things. Things they were guilty of doing too. He played hard, not in comps but surely socially, and the game was won in season 2 by the best that way. There were times when he couldn't keep a secret, but does anyone? I've seen Britney, Shane, Dani and now Dan go from one person who reveals something, and tell it to somene else. They just picked on Joe, because he was older and in their minds older means slow. The big dummies don't understand that there are a lot of 40 years olds out here who would mop the course with them. Joe had a knee problem and couldn't move fast or stand for long periods. He tried though, but when the body gives out, there's nothing we can do. I had a knee injury, and it sucked because you can't move as well as you would normally, and it is extremely painful. Joe said he couldn't hold on during the last endurance comp because of his knee. I get it, and agree that he wouldnt have won at all, so he didn't fall to win a prize. He, Janelle, and Frank were the life of the BB house this season, so that place is dead as a door knob now. I usually watch the feeds until the end, but this time I was done when he walked out.


Im not mad. He was loud and never did a thing but cook. its like he went there to cook and yell.


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