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Joe, Week 8 (Replacement Nominee) DE-Evicted 9/6


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On the feeds last night when Joe is in bed and he thinks that it's Shane coming in the room (it was really Dan) and he says that Dan just chased him in here and wanted to talk game, was priceless....when Dan revealed it was "Dan not Shane", Joe was at a loss for words.....and when Shane did come in, Dan said "Joe, this is who you wanted to talk to" I about fell over. Joe is such an idiot. :bash:

What a surpise that when he retold the story to others he said that Dan claimed he was Shane and was trying to impersonate Shane to learn all Joe's secrets.

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So if Dan wins the next or after that HOH will Joe be his best friend and want a final 2 with him? :giggle:


He was alright by me too. Didn't hate him or love him, thought he was funny, felt a little sorry for him at times. But his latest lie crossed the line. Telling Frank that Janelle told the live feeders on BBAD to start hate threads on Frank?!! WTF?! Was this to discourage viewers from voting for her as HG fav? Bad move Joe. If you even had a shot at the $25K, you just blew it. We Janelle fans are, if nothing else, unwaveringly loyal.

I'm not a Joe fan but I have to defend him on this one.

I saw that one of the live feed updaters editorialized and said Joe is lying about this but he isn't. I was watching live feeds one night and heard Janelle give a shout out, asking someone at Sucks to put up this feed about Frank - she specified exactly what it should say and someone started it shortly after she asked for it:


Here is another one from the same night:



I had posted this on another msg board but I think it's more appropriate here.

I have no doubt, despite the way things appear, that Joe could be out on Thursday. Dan convinces Shane and Danielle to split their vote so that "the blood will be on Ian's hands". Dan, Jenn vote Joe out and he's gone. I'm convinced that Dan wants to take Frank to final two and beat him based on his game play.

I they save Frankie they are idiots and really lucked out with him not winning POV. ;)


I always tend to root for the more "mature" people in the house but not this year. I'm just so over Chef Joe. And dude, seriously, quit yelling at us!


As a friend of Joe and his family and a long time person here at mortys I don't care if you don't like the way this man plays the game but stop calling him a liar about things you don't know if are true or not. His stories although are puffed to be a better story are true. Remember this man has children that could read what you say about their father.

You call him a flip flopper but, the biggest one in the house is IAN he did it the whole game and so has Dan it did it with boogie and frank. Its all the same unless you like the person then they are a floater. He tells people what they want to hear and THEY ALL DO THAT. He does not dog other people or say mean hateful things and JANI did indeed say start a hate thread. I would think the loyal Jani fan that posted above would then know she did say that but, instead its too easy to get on the band wagon and just call Joe a liar. EVEN jani has tweeted she wants Joe to win the game.

For those that do care for joe please go to https://www.facebook.com/MadLoveCooking and like the page so we can get it up too 5000 likes. He will be selling his cookbook from there and it will include slop to try.

Hate on, but I still love Joe and will vote to give him the 25k, because I think he's really the only one who deserves it.

His family Thanks you. https://www.facebook.com/MadLoveCooking


As a friend of Joe and his family and a long time person here at mortys I don't care if you don't like the way this man plays the game but stop calling him a liar about things you don't know if are true or not. His stories although are puffed to be a better story are true. Remember this man has children that could read what you say about their father.

You call him a flip flopper but, the biggest one in the house is IAN he did it the whole game and so has Dan it did it with boogie and frank. Its all the same unless you like the person then they are a floater. He tells people what they want to hear and THEY ALL DO THAT. He does not dog other people or say mean hateful things and JANI did indeed say start a hate thread. I would think the loyal Jani fan that posted above would then know she did say that but, instead its too easy to get on the band wagon and just call Joe a liar. EVEN jani has tweeted she wants Joe to win the game.

For those that do care for joe please go to https://www.facebook.../MadLoveCooking and like the page so we can get it up too 5000 likes. He will be selling his cookbook from there and it will include slop to try.

he should remember he has children who watch and read what he is doing ......clean up his act and I am not talking about lying


I think outside the house I would like Joe, but after seeing time after time not wash his hands after taking a leak I couldn't/wouldn't ever eat at a place he cooks at. For anyone who handles food, keeping your hands clean is a MUST!!

I agree with Marty in another thread that promoting his book and more important than playing the game. I don't think he's a flipper, he is a floater.. Float to the current HOH and smooch some butt!! Some people, that is the way they play the game. But good god, tell the man to WASH HIS HANDS AFTER TAKING A LEAK!!!


Posting this on the Joe thread:

I have always thought that the only reason Joe is on BB is to promote his cooking website and to drum up business.

He really has not put any effort into the game other then run to each HOH to try to stay in the game longer.

The longer he is in the game the more promotion he can put out there. Like talking to the feeders all the time.

I would rather have someone in the Big Brother house that was there to PLAY the game. Joe is a waste.

That being said I am sure he has a nice wife and family.


Joe is not trying to win anything. It is obvious. Except when he thought the first to fall would get a prize LOL.

He has no alliance because he goes back and forth with the new HOH.

I loved it when he thought Dan was Shane. :P


Joe is not trying to win anything. It is obvious. Except when he thought the first to fall would get a prize LOL.

He has no alliance because he goes back and forth with the new HOH.

I loved it when he thought Dan was Shane. :P

I loved that too and Dan said he should have played along to see what Joe would have said, wish he had too. It cracked me up!


I stand corrected. Still a Jani fan, but am happy to hear that Joe didn't actually lie on the one real friend he had in the house. Thanks for setting the record straight. I don't have a problem with him telling on Janelle if it was true and I had developed a soft spot for Frank. Especially after seeing his fam on the show. Still wonder what his notice was? But with the convos in the house, maybe it was just general chit chat, dunno.


As a friend of Joe and his family and a long time person here at mortys I don't care if you don't like the way this man plays the game but stop calling him a liar about things you don't know if are true or not. His stories although are puffed to be a better story are true. Remember this man has children that could read what you say about their father.

He should have thought about that before he went on national television. He put himself under very direct scrutiny from the viewers by his actions. Watch the chef shows on television and you will see hygenic practices in place. Not washing your hands after using the facilities is just not acceptable for someone that is going to handle food.

Joe is a blowhard, exaggerating stories so he can get attention. Whether or not his stories have any validity is not for me to judge and I never called him a liar. He has done nothing in game except cook, snoop and kiss ass.

For the record, most red and rust Doberman Pinchers have "gold eyes" so it's not that unusual.


Kind of hoping that Joe is gone this week and Ian next week. What can I say? Not fond of either one of them. LOL Its weird because I USED to like Ian but when he was more interested in protecting Britney than he was in protecting Dan when it was Dan who took all the heat for him... No longer a fan. And Joe is just a vote at this point.

Your not a fan of Joe which I understand, I think the guy is entertaining thats for sure, but I don't care for his game play. As for Ian you don't seem to have a good reason not to like Ian. What was Ian supposed to do, "hey everyone I was the mole, leave Dan alone in this game and take out me" Ian wants to win the money too, Dan is not the only one to want to win this game, so frankly give me a break that Ian should have stood behind Dan. In fact Ian did stand behind Dan, after Dan was done ratting everyone out to get the target off of himself, Ian went and offered to bring the quackpack back together. If that is not loyalty I don't know what is. Boogie and Frank was never on Ian's side, they were going to take Ian out eventually, they never had the inkling to let him stay in the game.


As I've said before, Joe might not wash his hands in the bathroom, but I have seen him wash his hands at the kitchen sink. I've seen him do it before, durning and after cooking. Just because people don't like him, it's not right to mess with his livelyhood. Do you think prissy little Britney and Dani would keep eating his food like starving people if they didn't see him wash his hands before cooking. They would call it out quickly. He should wash his hands in the bathroom so everyone can see. For all you know,he goes straight to the kitchen sink and washes them there. Chefs feel comfortable in the kitchen and that's why he is in there all the time, but I've seen people on here bash him for that. Give the guy a break. He may float from HOH to HOH but everyone in that house does it too. They just rag on Joe for it. I think he gives it his best in competitions, he really wants a letter from home. He always looks so sad when other people are reading their letters. Most of the people in there have a final 2 deal with several people. So they kiss the HOH ass in advance, then as soon as they can they run to the HOH and remind them about their final 2 deal. They want to make sure nothing has changed and they are still good. At least Joe has been loyal to Shane longer than the stupid Pack has been loyal to each other. I guess some people enjoy being mean.


Joe is consistently delusional. No appeal ..No personality. Would never eat or drink in an establishment Joe was employed. Hygiene is horrifying.


Sorry to any Joe fans out here, but he doesn't even qualify as comic-relief...

Like many others before him, he's on the show to try for his 15 minutes of fame.. and that may be all he gets and IMO much more than he earned....


Sorry to anyone that posted in the Week 9 Joe thread... I was trying to merge it to this one and I accidently deleted it. my bad :(


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