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Wow...even Maggie is racist

Ruby Tuesday

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Either way, she listens to it, laughs at it and eggs everybody else on for saying those things, so to me, she is racist.

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I knew she was in an "I tolerate it in others, and sit in the presence of it smiling" way...we all saw that.

But she just referred to mike from BB5 as "that guido"


I hate Maggie because I think she and the rest of the nerd herd are a bunch of hypocrites but let's get real. Everyone in the existence of the world has made a racist remark at some point in their lives. The only difference in Big Brother is that thousands of people hear everything the houseguests say.

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I don't! Call me a freak, but I have never referred to someone as a sand nigger, a Polack, or a guido. I have managed to get this far in my life without doing so. And I'm certain that I could refrain for at least 3 months.

Do you all really talk like that at home?

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As a minority myself (I'm Latin) I wish we (as well as some of the HGs) would stop accusing people of being racist just because they use someone's race as a negative adjective, when they refer to a HG.

A racist is someone that hates another because of their race. Every time someone has been called a "guido" or "mexican this" ...etc. by the HGs, it has been used in the same context as when they say that "fat..." ot that "silicone..." just as a handy putdown.

I'd call Ivette a racist had she spat on Kaysar's face over his race...and I'll call anyone else left there a racist, when they burn a cross in the backyard in beau and Ivette's name, or refuse to share bathrooms and room space with them because of their race and color...that's true racism...They (as well as us) may be guilty of disparaging each other, but not of racism.

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on this message board calling someone a racist is the same as eric accusing michael of being a sexual predator. its the meanest thing people can think of to call someone they dont care for. its like calling howie a pedophile for liking 17 year old girls. or janelle fat. or maggie or ivette bitches or ho's. etc etc etc. its name calling. period.

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Guest Witness

Ok then, I'll bend a bit on this topic. Ivette is a proven bigot and not a proven racist. She is intolerable of others who don't agree with her as she sees things. She is a hypocrit with her actions speak louder than words and done nothing but talk. Her talk about most people outside her little group is down right hateful, even bringing ones own beliefs into an attack against their character and personality assasination. Unfortunately for her, she does not even have the defence that the game made her this way, since she has been doing it since day one.

As far as Maggie and the rest go, it is hard to say for sure if they are racists, biggots, or just intimidated by Ivette. What I do know is that a group of adults who could sit there time after time and allow a person to gone on like Ivette does without so much as suggesting how wrong such negative racial filled statements, are escentially agreeing with them, or simply do not have the moralistic backbone to challenge such hate. I have yet to see any of them stand up and walk out during such statements, so IMO they can be held as responsible by encouraging such behavior as the hatefilled individual who said them.

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Remember that incident when Beau or someone started talking about Kaysar smelling like curry? They ALL laughed (Jennifer was HOH), and no matter how friendly they were, someone should have at least pointed out that Arabs arent Indian...or at least chastised the speaker for saying something so...low...

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Here's one of the funniest lines I've heard in a long time: Sarah Silverman (whom James' Sarah resembles a little) was being interviewed on a late night TV show. The host said "Some people have said that your humor is racist." (SHe does do a lot of racial/religious material but it's clear that she's VERY far left.)

Sarah replied:

"I'm RACIST? My boyfriend is half-black and I love him madly - and I just know he's going to break my heart.

"No, I'm being too pessimistic - I should say he's half-white."

A VERY well constructed joke!

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I don't!  Call me a freak, but I have never referred to someone as a sand nigger, a Polack, or a guido.  I have managed to get this far in my life without doing so.  And I'm certain that I could refrain for at least 3 months.

Do you all really talk like that at home?

you are not in a house with strangers, you are not under the stresses these ppl are under, you can simply turn off feeds or tv they can't. Easy to sit back and point fingers

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I realize that many women like Janelle since few people dislike her - What I mean is - Of those who dislike her - pretty much all are females.  99% of the males love Janelle whereas with women about 80 or 90% like her.  Just trying to clarify my post and thank you for the response.  Go Janie!

you are not in a house with strangers, you are not under the stresses these ppl are under, you can simply turn off feeds or tv they can't. Easy to sit back and point fingers

Stress makes people shout out inappropriate names? Is it like stress induced turrets?

And Ivette started in week 3, so she has no excuse...

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