Angelo Joe Posted July 26, 2009 Share Posted July 26, 2009 Please post ONLY "real time" Live Feed observations here ! If you are adding personal comments, please keep them to a minimum and use Parenthesis (*brackets*) around the text. If you post questions or start conversations with each other, it will be deleted. Thank you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZuZuMamou Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 9:24 PM BBT Camera two is showing images of the moon in the night sky. Russ and Chima all cozy on the patio couch. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 10:33 BBT Outside on couch Chima saying Russ is stubborn for not going to the DR for his head injury he got from smacking his head in the pool. Of course Ronnie who's had a"concussion" may think that's what Russell may have. They are saying if he sleeps as Russell did he can actually not wake up....Jesse wants to know what a "concussion is" and Ronnie tells them when the brain "spins inside your head and hits your skull" and Chima "that's what Liam Neeson's wife" got. Michele now contributing her head injury story "I almost split my skull open" at the age of 5 10:38 BBT Michele "that's the only time I've been to the hospital" while Ronnie goes through all his trips there... 10:40 BBT Jeff and Kevin playing pool as the game finishes up as Michele comes over to play...Jeff goes to over to Jordan 10:42 BBT Talking about "deep fried" foods on the couch as Chima says she wants chicken and Natalie said she requested it for her Bday and Chima says "not for my birthday that would have been to sterotypical" Ronnie says "i wish we had a deep fryer" while Natalie the know it all says "it would be too much of a liability" "KFC" "PopEyes" and "Church's" are the topic of conversation....Jesse says he tried to eat at Church's and "sat there for 15 mins' and didn't get served..while Chima says that place is "ghetto"..Natalie professing her love for "PoPeye's" chicken..Fast food talk ensues... 10:46 BBT Jeff and Jordan having laundry issues as Jeff scolds her "why would you put that in with your smelly shit" as it seems they are having problems getting rid of the odors from the POV comp.. Jeff and Jordan head to the hammock and Jordan laughs "look at Casey' and his banana suit...Jordan "Michele's so on their side" ... Jordan says "if we need her for a vote we can influence her" Jeff "she's always moaning and making wierd noises" Jeff says "she's wierd" and "lydia too"..Jeff says "she'll put me up" and Jeff says no she'll put him up.."she does what Jesse tells her" about Lydia and sumise that they have to win it.. 10:51 BBT They talk about who will put up who...Jeff tells Jordab how Casey called Russ out for being "a sheep" but Jeff says "right now he's still under Jesse's spell uintil things swing our way" Jeff Ronnies back in their work out club "what a dork" as Jordan laughs he uses the same weights as her.. Jordan says Michele wouldn't put her up Jeff says "she'll do whatever they say" and tell them "I'm sorry.mmmmm mmmm" 10:54 BBT talking about making Jury house together...Jeff says "I'm just putting people straight up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 10:55 BBT I think he wants to be like me" Jeff says about Russell and says he mimicks all the things he does "I'm creeped out".."what a wierdo"...He always asks about her "about boyfriends"...Jeff says "maybe he has ahrd on for you"....Jeff "he's a fucking wierdo"..Jordan says she asked "if you and Chima gonna hook up" and he told her "she's not my type" he prefers bolnds and told her "wished there were more blonds in here" Jeff saying they are stuck together for the trouble they cause or "no trouble" they caused...Jordan says Jesse told him if the time came "to let go of Natalie he would" and Jeff says "he's a selfish bastard"...Jordan says Russ is acting close to Ronnie ...Jordan thought this week was Ronnie and next week Casey and thought they would be good and jeff "me too"....Jordan says he should have taken HOH and Jeff said he wanted Jesse to waste the HOH on Ronnie as he didn't know they'd switch.. You are gonna win Jordan "don't worry" he tells her....they talk how Russell is "getting wierd"...Jordan says if her and Russell who would go...Jeff says he would go over everyone.."I would go over you" he tells Jordan....Jordan tells Jeff to "be nice to everyone" 11:02 BBT One of those brains can'r win" or othewise "we're good" "i f my team wins' I'll cut a deal with Jesse and Jeff "i'd go back on my word" Jeff says "we're fucked if one of those brains get it'' and Jordan says they'll backdoor them and Jeff about Ronnie "I want to back kick his face" 11:05 BBT J&J complaining about the dishes and said they only did their own dishes.. "we're gonna win this week..and enjoy the week..and tell someone to kiss my dick on the way out"..Jeff says "I'm going on a power trip" Jordan says "you're head of household I'm head of household"....jeff talks about how big a dick he's gonna be.."I gotta win" 11:07 BBT Jeff seems determined to win..and if you don't believe it "you can get away too" he tells Jodan saying he'll lock her out.....and talking again about HOH and they'll "sleep all day" "feel cool for once" "and everyone will kiss our ass"..and "make fake deals with everyone" and says "if we don't win we'll be the losers to make deals" and they laugh... 11:10 Ronnie bashing "I want to drown him" Jeff says " while Jordan "he's so fucking annoying" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 11:11 BBT Still Ronnie bashing and now Michele ""she makes me sick..I know she's a two face" Jeff says and complains why she "goes back and run" her mouth after she hears things.. Jordan wants PB&J and asks Jeff "is it fattening" and Jeff says "kinda" and Jeff wished he had "leftovers of what I cooked"... Jordan asks if her teeth look whtie he says "super white almost scary white" and tells her to not bleach em for a couple of days... jeff "you're gonna win it" "its gonna be me and you" and Jordan says "if its me and you" Jeff says he'll throw it to you...Jeff says 'you can't quite.."i have a feeling you're gonna prove yourself this week" and Jeff says "i talk good about you" and Jordan says "they don't ask me questions about you" and Jeff "they don't...maybe I'm getting played" Get BB warning 11:16 BBT "let's eat" Jordan says as they figure what to eat that's healthy....Jeff "i water that fucker everyday" about the garden and someone picked the stuff that was "too small" as Jeff tells her about the tomatoes that are "in there" 11:19 BBT They get up to eat and "go pee".."i can't believe they didn't give us any wine" Jeff says which would help him "go to sleep" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 11:20 BBT In the kitchen Ronnie and Natlie are looking for pickles actual "regular" as Natalie pulls out sweet and Bread and Butter and says "that sucks"...Ronnie and Natalie says "its early still"...Jordan making her salad..Natalie wonders if "they ate their stuff" as I guess the have nots can eat out of "the garden' Outside on couch...Chima "he needs to go in there" as she's worried about her man Russell as she thinks he has "a concussion"...Lydia playing with her hands being her normal wierd self... Russell called by BB to DR and Jesse told Ronnie to go wake him Chima says "he swings at people who try to wake him up..his dad included" Lydia talks about going out at 3-4 in the morning walking with her camera...and Chima says "that's not safe' especially in her area.. Inside Natalie "at least you're not going home" as she reassures Jordan she's staying...."keep your head up and you definitely got my vote" she tells Jordan.... 11:26 BBTWow the kichen is a disaster area as jordan finishes her late night salad....Nicer close up of "TIGERS" on her shorts. by the camera guy Jordan heads out to pool table with Jeff "where's your food..ya already ate?" and Jordan says "mm hmm" Jeff playing pool as Natalie plays Jeff... At the HotTub Jordan talks to Michele as they talk about the pitfalls of slop {we've heard it all so no use in typing it} 11:30 BBT Kevin is also at the hottub talking...Michele told to put her mic as she's can't be heard.. Lydia and Chima talking about friends drowned at Catalina and the "buffalo" at Cataling and you can take the scooter all around the entire island...Talking about shows with jesse and Chima said she could have seen "Conan" but her friend flakes..and says "LA is full of flakes" and Lydia and Chima talk about music... 11:34 BBT Lydia says she wants to go to "Coachella"{ a Music Festival near Plam Springs} as Lydia heard "Bowie" {david} will show up....Chima says she's never been but seems to be getting more "mainstream" 11:36 BBT Movie talk as Ronnie recites lines as Chima says she likes the movie "High Fidelity" as Ronnie tells her "they made a musical out of that" as Ronnie spouts all the musicals made from things including next year "Spider Man" the musical with music "by Bono".. 11:38 BBT Lydia talking about "Toms shoes" and how eco friendly and they give shoes to poor kids and Lydia says it hard to get her size ..but settled on a "white " pair Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 11:41 BBT At the Hottub jordan telling Michele "Iwant to win head od household this week..I want pictures" as Michele talks about her picture she would get..Michele no wearing her mic and her soft spoken nature makes her hard to hear with the jets ... Jordan tells her "i want a fat baby..I really want a chubby baby" and "Colic" Michele says she "had aniece" that had it and says she has a nephew..and its hard to see them when they are "far away"...she says theyy call her "aunti shell"...People calledher "Oz or Ozzy" when she had her maiden name.... jordan tells her about her "squats" and "Lunges" and talks about getting up "early tomorrow" Jordan leaves as casey talks how hard it is to get Michele wonders if there was music and Casey "there was music" 11:46 BBT Jesse who's asleep Lydia says "i'm gonna paint Jesse's toenails while he's sleeping"..Lydia giggling [she's on manic high} as she paints jeese's toenails a suitable shade of "hot pink"..Chima and Ronnie smile and giggle with delight.... kevin come over to observe as does Natalie.."i'm scared to do the other one" as its not hanging over the back of the couch..she does it anyway and now it matches the other.....she runs back to the BR to hide the evidence... "you don't say anything Natalie" as Lydia puts her stuff away..... 11:50 BBT Ronnnie hug her as if she pulled off the prank of the century...and Lydia warns her to keep the mouth shut as Natalie says "i'm not"....Lydia says tell him "laura had pink" and Natalie says "lets says "jeff did it" as Chima says "lets says Casey did it" as they giggle with delight... 11:52 BBT Lydia "my ass needs to be in the DR when he wakes up" as they continue to giggle... 11:53 BBT casey sawing some wood as he's out cold as Jordan laughs as Jeff comes in.."what?" jeff wonders as she says "nothing" 11:56 BBTPeople now scattering as they prepare for bed as Ronnie thanks Lydia for the fun she provided painting Jesse's toes.. as Natalie says he'll notice when "he looks down to put his shoes on" as her and Ronnie go "play pool" 11:57 BBT jordan in bed as Jeff prepares to get in bed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 12:01 BBT outside Natalie and Ronnie saying "I definitely want to get him out"..."him in the jury house" as next week will be the only time...If Chima won would she could try to get him out........about Russell..natlie says if Cliques end "i'm gonna put up "Lydia and jeff" and "backdoor Russell" and Ronnie says "at least Jeff and Jordan" will be impartial as Natalie points out that she told them that if ronie says anything she wnted then to know she hasn't spoken to him and it would be lies...Ronnie says when she told him "what are you looking at" he wanted to says "the bitch has a voice"..Natalie going on about Jordan and we get FoTH 12:05 BBT Natalie "she'll pawn herself all the way to the end"..Natalie hopes cliques end but Ronnie having more sense saying that won't happen but says "you never know stranger things have happened".. Ronnie saying he can't sleep as he slept too much today... 12:07 BBT They continue to Ronnie pool playing it summed up best about his own game "oh that was horrible"....they squabble over called shots.. 12:09 BBT Jordan and jeff whispering only to drowned out by loud snoring...{inaudible}..Jordan talking about Natalie telling her she has her vote and her telling her "keep your head up"...Jeff says "until you win and she goes up"..they continue to whisper "don't worry about what she said" he tells Jordan...Jeff says "if she wins she'll but like Lydia up" and says "i just want to win".. 12:13 BBT Jeff says "Jeff you are the new head of household...thank you Julie"...Jordan asks Jeff to "rub" her sore arms....he obliges.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 12:15 BBT "it just relaxes it" as she inquires what does the rubbing do......Jeff tells her "its all gonna'll see"..."fuck" as jeff loses his "chapstick" in the bed but "YES" as he finds it..."my dad's name is Jeff" Jordan says .."yeah I know" as Jordan wants to get to be early as they want to work "out in the morning before it gets to hot"..."No smoking ..I got outta control today" as they continue their positive thinking of getting HOH..Jordan wants to pee but doesn't want to get up as she rubs jeff's thigh..she gets up to go.. 12:18 BBT In the bathroom Michele, Kevin and Lydia on the couch..Lydia ask if she has pink nailpolish and Jordan says "just clear" as she gets up to go "wake the beast" Jesse.. She wakes him up at says "its past midnight" as she tells him "i'm thinking about a special way"...."now what " he he seems to go back to sllep and says "i'm gonna eat" when she prods him to "go upsatirs"..He asks about Chima and kevia and tells him they are contemplating "going to bed" 12:24 BBT Jesse asks if lydia 'are you hungry" and offers to make Jesse food "what'd you want"..."Pizza sounds good" and Jeese says "peanut butter and Jelly" sandwich as she fetches it for him 11:26 BBT Casey heads out in all his yellow glory to smoke.. as jesse falls back to sleep face first on the outside couch. Casey puffing away..finishes up without one word to anyone and heads back indoors Casey has a pot and a spoon {ala Dick BB8} and heads to DR..In the bathrrom Chima talking about "looking old way before men do" and says it probably all the chemicals they use to look young....they discuss wrinkles..Chima brand name dropping her "Lancome" face crap...foth 12:31 BBT They are talking about the pot Casy had when he went to DR....and say "don't go to bed anytime soon" Outside Jesse discovers his toes..Jesse 'who the fuck" painted my toes as natalie says "i have something more important to tell you"..Natalie tells him about Casey and his pot... "i'm gonna lock myself upstairs" 12:34 BBT They laugh at his he takes it off. "who did it" and ronnie says "who do you think" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 12:38 BBT Chima talks about the crap BB provides them and ask for thinks for their war wounds....Chima saying the shit from "whole food" and bitching why they can have certain "aerosols" but can't have "Lysol" and BB gives us a FOTH 12:40 BBT Casey comes out of DR and heads outside...and lights up again....Ronnie runs in as Jesse eats on the couch with Natalie...talking about The nail polish and "the pot" Casey put back.."maybe they told him no"..and Jesse says "he can do whatever he wants.." Natalie heads inside as Casey stands and smokes before heading in without saying anything to jesse.. 12:43 BBT The girls are in the bathroom talking as Ronnie talks about about what's gonna "make the show"..Ronnie says the dr probably told him "do you want Russell to kill you" Casey heads back in the pool room and jokes around with Jeff and Jordan..Jeff asks "what are the pots and pans for".."you'll see" he tells them...Jordan "tonight?" and we get foth.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 12:48 BBT "you'll be laughing about it for days" as Casey talks to Jeff and Jordan "tink tink tink..time to get up" Casey says and says if you do that on a day of a comp it Fucks with you..."I hate this place" Casey says.."they just love Ronnie" and its like "everything just went back"......Casey "we were on the short end of the stick...his lying had a purpose" he tells Jordan Casey trying to get through tomorrow..through wedenesday..I wish it was Thursday" and he talks about trying to convince Chima to keep me "come on dude" the all feeds switch to Lydia and jesse debating the pink toenails..{FU and BB} 12:53 BBT FOTH 12:54 BBT Jesse/Lydia talk on all 4 feeds Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 12:56 BBT Jesse beating down Lydia about the pink toenail joke and says "i'm sorry"...No because she did it because she "lied" when he asked her if she did it....and they continue to argue over the peetiest crap { they are sickening and its on all 4 feeds} 12:59 FotH 1:01 Lydia and Jessie talk about Caseys pots and pans saying "he's pissed off at the world".... Foth back and forth 1:03 BBT In the bathroom talking about Chima's first eviction speech...and Ronnie says Jenna from survivor said the cost of blurring and bleeping out the words is high so cuse every other wod if you don't want to make it to air according to Ronnie.. 1:05 BBT Foth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 1:09 BBT Feeds return to Natalie,Ronnie, Chima, and Michele talking..Ronnie saying her read his bible and slept a lor during his exile.. 1:11 In the pool room the lights on and Casey, Jeff & Jordan talking about their bed situations..talking about when they use to have everyone hang out in their room.. Jordan craving "cookie dough" as casey warns that her "30 minutes" on the treadmill and Jeff shocked "you did 30 minutes"...will be wasted if she eats cookie dough.. Casey talking about his puppy Jordan...talking about "one regret" he had from his BB experience is being nice...saying should have "been an asshole" if he knew he was going "third week" and laugh at Braden after Chima's speech....and when he said "thanks" and says he had to answer questions about calling "Julie Chen a whore" and trips another FOTH.. 1:15 BBt feeds return to the three laughing...FOTH...laughing......Casey says "I didn't get laid on my Prom night because I wouldn't tell the girl I loved her" back in 86 when he had morals "about that shit"..Talking about when they were born...casey in '68 and Jeff in "78... 1:17 BBT Casey laughing "everybody knew he was getting evicted but him" and J&J said "we didn't know"... "you're fucking week" as jordan laughs when she gets up to eat cookie dough and talk her into eating a peach..Laughing at Jordan saying Kevin said "have a nectarine" and Jordan says "what?" and "Have a nectarine"..."what?" and finally said "a peach" and she understood.. Jordan returns with fruit and M&Ms...Jordan says someone walk into the SR when she was in there and they turned around and left....Jeff "that guy has no personality" about jesse..Casey says 'wait till you hear my speech Thursday" and jeff is it gonna be like "chima's" and caset says it will not be "that vulgar" 1:23 BBT Michele comes in and out... Casey sings "eat a banana in bed..Jeff wishes he can get some" they all laugh..saying he has a million of em..Jeff talks about how funny Braden was..Jeff "he was always in a wierd good mood"..Casey says he was odd..... 1:25 BBT Jordan back in the kitchen and heads back to the pool room.. 1:26 BBT Jesse/Natalie playing pool... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StephenV Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 1:28 BBT Natalie upset she apologized to Lydia...Jesse says "he feels bad talking to her all the time"..natalie want to tell Lydia they are gunning for each other..and may 'the best person' do it first and says she told Lydia "she better pary I don't win HOH" Jesse "you don't understand" as Natalie says "there is no reason to talk to her"..Jesse "because" as the play with the pool balls....and Natalie says "lets see who can make the most in" and they play with the balls....Jesse is "doing it too hard" 1:32 BBT.."Jesse tells her "seriously I'm not use to" when he hits her with pool ball and jokes about not getting injured for hOH.. Natalie wants to "count rocks" and Jesse says "ooh yeah" and Natalie says "you're not doing anything"....Jesse says "that's probably not going to be a question" and Natalie says if they get it wrong if that's a question "you are going to owe me $500,000"..Jesse shakes and natalie.."its a binding contract" and we "shook on it" while Jesse backpedals as being under distress.. 1:35 BBT Natalie jumps when a moth lands on her.."its like a terradactyl" as the go in "to play chess" 1:37 BBT The brains having a meeting in the eco/green room and Michele tells Ronnie "you better not be talking about me"..But I think they are talking about Lydia and Kevin.....particularly Kevin.....Ronnie says he told them "those two" {russ and Casey} want to get "you out" 1:41 BBT..Chima "the problem is the brains are talking" and makes them nervous...Ronnie says "I really got under casey's skin" and that he was "crying" and none of them said they never saw him cry and corrects his lie and says whine...Worried about Casey "shout outs"....and Roonie says he'll say he'll say bye to "hypocrites and sore losers" 1:43 BBT Talking about seating arrangements for Thursday's show and FOTH... Talking about getting Jordan out because if she makes it to the end she will win.. 1;45 BBT Michele says smart people will realize she played like "cowboy"...Ronnie mking fun of "her boob job"...Chima says "it doesn't look bad" and Ronnie says he "saw them" before the nomination ceremony.. and his thought was "you paid for those" and Chima says she's "seen worse"...and make fum of Laura's.. 1:48 BBT Ronnie says his oodbye speech will be "looks like the manipulator rat had more moves" Chima says "I vote to evict banana"..Ronnie being delusional about casey being a bad teacher..and Chima "he does do good stuff for his kids"...Ronnie delusional..about Casey outside life and Michele disagrees.. 1:50 BBT "I've been true to myself" as he rags about Casey's being a bad role model and "5th grade teacher"..Chima says "just because you're a techer you don't have to be perfect" and Chima says aslong as your not a "Pedophile" or "abusive to children"... 1:52 BBT More Casey bashing... {i'm out be back tomorrow} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
King123 Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 [i'm heading to work 3:55 BBT, so I thought I would check the feeds quickly] 3:55BBT Jessie and Natalie are STILL playing chess. everybody else asleep. [GO TO BED!] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kywildcat Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 4:15 am bbt Jesse and Natalie discussing how to handle Lydia since they've been told by Michele that Lydia/Kevin have a secret alliance with Jeff/Jordan. Jesse wants to act as if nothing's changed. Natalie wants him to distance himself from Lydia. Natalie's advising him to talk to Ronnie or Chima, not Lydia, because he looks stupid talking to Lydia and pretending they're friends. He's still 'protecting' her because she's never betrayed him (or maybe because she services him). Natalie say's, "are you stupid or what?" She says Lydia is coming after him so why talk to her? She says, "why talk to Lydia when you can talk to Chima?" Jesse says, "natalie, you don't know what I have to go thru every single day." Natalie says, "there's 9 other people you can choose a friend from. Hang out with ME more." Jesse says, "you don't have any idea. Why can't you pick someone else I can't be friends with." (lololol) Natalie's telling Jesse the next time they get alcohol, she's going to hide it somewhere in the storage room. 4:30bbt Natalie's still ranting about Jesse talking to Lydia when she talks sh*t about both of them and is coming after them. He's still beating around the bush, saying "you don't even know." (he's right about that. lol) Nat says, "don't worry about her. she's a grown woman and can take care of herself." He says he's using logic after she tells him he's not being smart. She's REALLY pushing him to stop talking to Lydia altogether. They're fixing breakfast and Jesse is fixing all of the eggs so the rest of the house won't have any. (nice guy that he is and all.) 4:42bbt they're discussing cooking, nutrition, boring crap. Jesse is telling her he doesn't just cook for anybody (no kidding...I guess she should count herself blessed.) Whispers under his breath, "why the f*** am I doing this right now." Natalie's starts griping him out again about talking to Lydia. Jesse's not budging. He's going to continue to talk to her. He "empathizes" with Lydia. He says Lydia will not put them both up. (I think Jesse knows that Lydia just wants to get Natalie out with no intention of going after him.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kywildcat Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 5:00 am bbt Jesse and Natalie still cooking, bacon. (looks burnt) A few minutes ago, Nat loudly said that she was older than Jesse. (I so wish someone had overheard that.) Natalie starts again about keeping the conversation with Lydia to a minimum. (get a clue, natalie!) Natalie says Lydia usually cleans the kitchen every morning, but she's still a b*tch. Jesse says, "talking to you is like kicking myself in the balls." (happy to hear that.) They both silently pray before their meal. (don't know if this is new for natalie or not.) 5:22 bbt They finish their breakfast (you should see the pile of eggs and bacon that's left on nat's plate. guess they showed the rest of the hg's.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kywildcat Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 5:40 am bbt Jesse talking to Lydia in br about sticking up for people (missed the first part of convo). She gets mad and stomps out of the room. Now Natalie and Jesse are talking and Jesse says the cat's out of the bag. Apparently Lydia insinuated she overheard things being said. She said "sound travels." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 6:50 BBT Lydia and Jessie have been talking in the recycled room. Lydia's talking in her high pitched voice to Jessie. She's talked about Nat and how Lydia has tried to be nice and Nat doesn't try at all. She states she won't put the kid up and Jessie says Lydia has to do what she has to do. Talk turns to Kevin and how Kev doesn't feel as safe with Jess as Lydia does. She tells him that Kev thinks Jessie will pick Nat over anyone else in the end and Jess says he doesn't understand why people are thinking that far in advanced. Lydia then decides to tell Jess something Kevin has said, but she tells Jess she'll have to close her eyes while she tells Jess b/c she doesn't want to see his reaction. She proceeds to close and cover her eyes and tells him how Kevin thinks Jess only wants certain kind of girls and likes girls who are ride or die chicks. Jess is looking at the camera, smiling, nodding his head 'yes' and giving a thumbs up as Lydia still has her eyes closed. She finishes and looks at Jessie, who said something and Lydia says how he did it to Angie and Michelle last year. He's shocked to hear Angie's name, and goes on to tell her about his BB10 alliance. In short, he was with Angie, Michelle and Memphis, he was on the block with Angie. Keesha was HOH and had the mob mentality and what the HOH wanted, the HOH got. He says that CBS paid for the HGs to sing Happy Birthday, and aired it on TV, b/c their fight was so epic. 6:55 BBT Jess says something about his chest and Lydia scoots closer. Jess reveals he farted and Lydia is disgusted, but stays by his side. 7:00 BBT All other HGs are in bed, sleeping. Jess compliments Lydia's butt in the pants she's wearing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 Jess asks if Kev will put him up next week and Lydia says no, he won't b/c of her. Jess makes her pinky swear and asks who Kev would put up. She says Russ and maybe Nat and Jess ask what if someone comes of the block. She says that Kev might put one of them up against Ronnie. Jess asks if Kev dislikes Ronnie, and Lydia says yes, and Jess says that's right, he lied to him. 7:05 BBT Jess tells Lydia he wants to go to bed and she tells him to go then, but he stays. Jess says something about him being happy and Lydia says she's glad he was happy and if he's happy, she's happy (I think they're talking about their sexual activites.) Jess goes on to say he doesn't think there's any infared cameras in the HOH bathroom, just a regular camera like the one that's in the recycled room. This prompts FISH. Feeds come back and Jess is whispering something to Lydia as he puts a pillow above their faces. She laughs and Jess then takes off his microphone, covers them with the pillow and whispers again. We can hear Lydia says umm hmm and ok, cool. (Why didn't BB yell at Jess for no microphone?) Lydia says something about a level playing field and Jess says just the thought excites him and Lydia says stationary and Jess says okay and starts obstructing his microphone (Once again, nothing from BB.) 7:10 BBT Lydia says if she had bubblegum, she'd share it with someone she liked and Jess says he has bubblegum, what kind does she want. She says she knows and why does he have it if they're not allowed and he says he's just tempted. She says they could just eat it and Jess says he doesn't want to get in trouble. He states he has to go to the bathroom first, smacks her butt and leaves. She's now alone in the recycled room. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 7:18 BBT Lydia gets tired of waiting, gets up, fixes her hair and goes into the hallway. Jess comes out and asks if he can talk to her tomorrow. She says okay, they hug and she goes to bed in the pool room and Jess heads upstairs. 7:20 BBT All HGs in bed and all lights are off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
joyami Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 8:05 BBT Jordan just got up to use the restroom. 8:07 - good morning HG's - time to get up for the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 8:30 BBT Lydia, Jeff and Jordan in the bathroom area. Nat is laying in bed next to Jessie in HOH. Nat says he and Lydia sisn't go to bed until 7L20, so what were they talking about. Jess is obviously very tired, but telling Nat what Lydia was saying. Jess says how Lydia told him Kev thinks Jess and Nat are playing 3 moves ahead b/c of how good they are at chess and Kev wants to do a 4th move and bring all the pawns together to get Jess/Nat out and how Jordan has said she'll be the super pawn, always going up and making it far. Jess tells Nat that Lydia said she wouldn't put Nat up, but Lydia could be lying to him. Nat says she's going to ask Kevin some questions and Jess says why and Nat says she'll ask him about his plan to break up the athletes and Jess tells her he'll deny it, then freak out to Lydia and inturn, Lydia will freak out on Jess. Jess says that he's not trying to defend Lydia, but Lydia is not going after him. He says that Casey wasn't going after Jess, but was going after Nat. Jess tells Nat that at least with Lydia, you know where she stands, but with Kevin, he'll lie to your face. Nat says that's why she's going to call him a liar. 8:40 BBT Michele, Lydia and Jeff in bathroom area, talking about a possible LD. Chima goes upstairs in the HOH room. Nat tells Chima that Kevin's the calprit-sp of it all and Chima asks how she knows and Jess says it's b/c he stayed up all night talking to Lydia. Nat says she believes this stuff about Kevin, b/c Kevin knows chess analogies and Lydia doesn't know chess pieces. Jess then explains to Chima all this chess talk Kevin has said about them. Chima says she hears what Kevin is saying, but believes it's Lydia that's behind it all. Jess says that Lydia was pissed this morning, b/c supposedly, Nat woke her up by talking in the kitchen this morning when Nat and Jess were making breakfast. Chima asks if this changes their plans, and Nat says no, she'll still put both Kevin and Lydia up, but Nat is going to somewhat call Kevin out. Jess and Chima try to tell Nat that if she keeps her cards close, then she has more power over the situation and trying to convice Nat to not confront Kevin. 8:45 BBT Jeff and Jordan are outside. Nat says she lost the HOH key and tried looking for it, but can't find it. Jess then repeats to Chima that Casey wasn't coming after him, but through comments Casey has made about Jess to Kevin, it made it seem like Casey was coming after him, when he really wasn't. Jess says this is what Kevin is doing, trying to make everyone else go after Jess and Nat. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 9:15 BBT All feeds on Kevin in the shower. Feeds switch to HOH with Nat in bed and Chima on the round couch. Nat talking about confronting Kevin and how he swore on his life and his bf's life that he was going after Russ and Jeff in the athletes and not Nat and Jess. Chima says she thinks Lydia's behind the whole thing and Nat agrees, but says the stuff Kev said about the chess pieces has to be true b/c Lydia doesn't know anything about chess. Nat said she tried to get Kevin to say something about his chess piece analogies but he didn't say anything about it. 9:20 BBT Casey is called to the DR. Talk about Kevin is still in full effect upstairs. Jess comes inside and Nat tells him about her talk with Kevin. Nat says she didn't say too much and Jess tried to defend Lydia, telling Nat to tell Kevin she came up with the conclusion that Kev is targeting her from her and Jess discussing it by the hot tub, b/c if Kevin finds out that it was Lydia, Lydia will come back to Jess and yell at him. Jess is not happy with the timing Nat did with going to Kevin and asking him. 9:25 BBT Jess uses the bathroom and comes back out, saying Nat openned a can of worms that didn't need to happen and Nat says she doesn't think so. Nat tells him that they're not going to see this situation eye to eye. Jess joins Nat in bed and Chima says to sit on the info and wait. She uses the example that if you hear your boyfriend is cheating on you, don't go ask him, b/c he'll start covering his tracks. She says you have to wait until he reveals it himself or you get more information. Nat says why don't they pull a Ronnie and see who is lying and if it was Lydia and Jess says NO that people are waiting for something big to happen and Nat is about ready to give it to them. Nat is not happy, saying she's tired of people not confronting others. She storms out the HOH and Jess tries to get her to stay and Chima says it's b/c Nat is 18. Jess says he acted that way last year and Nat will make for good tv. 9:30 BBT Nat heads downstairs to the bathroom and asks Kevin some more, lying that she heard this info the other night when she was outside. Kevin says it's BS and someone is starting shit. Kevin says he wants to find out who is saying this stuff. Russ comes in and Nat says he snores. Upstairs, Jess is saying stuff about about how Laura promised Chima her vote twice the first week and how they found out that info themselves w/o Jess having to tell them. Russ goes back to his bed in the red room. Nat rejoins Kevin in the bathroom. Kevin says how he caught Russ and Ronnie whispering the the SR the other day and later asked Ronnie if he's talked to Russ in awhile, and Ronnie lied to Kevin, saying he hadn't talked to Russ in over a week. Kevin says why would he lie unless there's another alliance going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
laladoopiedu Posted July 28, 2009 Share Posted July 28, 2009 9:40 BBT Kevin doesn't understand why someone on his team would lie to him. Nat proceeds to lie to Kevin, saying she heard this two nights ago in the HT. Nat says that she's been waiting to ask Kevin for awhile now, everytime they play pool or chess, she's just let it go and how she woke up this morning and said f*ck it and asked Kevin about it. Kevin says the damage is done, that someone has damaged him and has put mistrust in Nat's head. Kevin says he's not saying it's Ronnie that's starting shit and Nat says it's not that she trusts Ronnie, but she trusts him more than Casey. Upstairs, Jess is telling Chima how Nat was telling him that he needs to cook for the guys and that's how he can gain Kevin's trust and Chima think's that weird. 9:50 BBT Kevin asks point blank is Nat would tell him if there was inside stuff going on within the NBK and Nat lies that she doesn't know anything herself and how she'd confront whoever if she did. Kevin asks Nat if she's sure she heard his name and asks her to paraphrase exactly what was said in the HT that led her to believe Kevin wants her out. Kevin then says he thinks it's Russ who lied and Nat doesn't deny it. Kev says he's limited with who he talks with and Nat agrees with him about herself. Kevin continues to plead with Nat that he's looking out for her and Jess b/c he committed to him. They move into the kitchen. 10:00 BBT Chima says Russ was grumpy this morning b/c of his head. Jess says the HOH TV only has one channel on, which is the upstairs and tells Chima how hot Nat is. She comes in and says she's been talking to Kevin this whole time. Nat tells them how she lied to Kevin about how she heard this info a couple days ago in the HT. Jess says that after Casey leaves, they'll pin this on Casey, or can even do it now and Chima laughs. Chima asks them if they think Michele was lying and Jess says f*ck no, b/c Michele is scared and has no one and thinks the thing between her and Jess' group is legit. Jess then says that it looks like one of the fish is dead and the others are trying to eat him. Nat goes over to feed them and Jess says it looks like the fish is struggling to stay alive and the other fish are trying to eat him. Jess repeats they should pin it all on Casey, b/c Casey talks like that anyways. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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