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July 26th Live Feed Updates

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Kaysar and Rachel talking in the HoH room.

Kaysar: (talking about Jennifer) She really doesn't have a safety net. She's like "listen, I'm at the point where I've given up. You guys have something going on, these guys really haven't fit me into their plan." Listen, vote against Eric. If you're going to sit here and lie to me know that I'm going to be watching you like a hawk. And the second you make a bad move we're coming after you. We know you're smart. We know you're smarter than that.

Rachel: She is.

Kaysar: ...you're a smart girl. Don't make mistakes.

Rachel: She is a smart girl. I like jennifer. I always have. but you know..

Kaysar: We're taking a gamble

Rachel: Yep

Kaysar: At this point what can we do..

Rachel: Well, Jennifer wants to be here and she's going to do whatever she has to do to be here.

Kaysar: I know that. I said to her "You want to be here but April is acting as if she's going home tomorrow"

Rachel: She (April) already said she wants to offer herself up. She doesn't even want to make it to the sequester house.

Kaysar: She's cracking under pressure. She's going to crack. The thing is, even if she could be someone I trusted now. She's going to crack eventually. The pressure's too much for her she's gonna eventually break down and do something stupid. Jennifer on the other won't do that. She's too composed. Sarah was right. She tried out over and over again and she's not going to give up. She's like "I'm telling you the truth. I feel like I'm being screwed over right now. I'm telling Apri, who is supposed to be my partner, the same things you told her. She's not listening. She's always having doubts and second thoughts. I'm losing her."

Rachel: We'll find out on the voting day

Kaysar: I'm like just because you vote against Eric that's good but it's not over. You need to prove yourself. Make the right choices. April's not safe.

Rachel: Jen's a smart girl. She knows if she has to cut her loose. She'll cut her loose.

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Apparently.. last night Kaysar took his meat out to make sandwiches... he put them back into the fridge.. and James saw the meat in the fridge at midnight.

But this morning. Rachel saw the meat out on the counter spoiled.. now BB is reviewing the tapes to see who did that.

And they were just talking about a few days ago, after the veto comp, someone took a shit in kaysar's bathroom and didn't flush it.....

James saids it was probably a guy because no girl can hold a load that big...

(*someone either really hates kaysar, or they just want to piss him off*)

Kaysar said BB hasn't mentioned consequences yet till they review the tapes and it cut to fish....

Guest Cassie

Drama in the kitchen...Kaysar had apparently made three meat sandwiches and one or more is missing. As he's talking about it, the feeds cut to fish.

This convo followed directly after the mystery dump convo


Feeds 1, 2 and 3 are back.

1 and 2 show empty tables.

3 shows Jennifer painting Ivette's fingers.. and they are talking about stuff.

Feed 4 is still on Fish.


Sarah, James, Beau, April, Rachel in the kitchen

Sarah: Why would somebody take a sh*t in his (kaysar) toilet and not flush

Beau: That's disgusting

James: You didn't see it? He told me his toilet was clogged up. So I went up there after nominations or whatever, I went to take a piss. I told him your toilet is still clogged up. And he said no it's not, they fixed it for me. I told him, well somebody took a huge sh*t in your toilet and just left it there.

Rachel: That's gross

April: and he doesn't know who went up there?

James: Well, definitely a guys sh*t because I don't think any of you girls can hold that much.



Feed 1


James is getting a manicure at the large round dinner table.

Kinda.. Jennifer is doing something to James' nails!

Kaysar sitting at the large round dinner table watching James and Jennifer, April just walking around in the kitchen and just said she has really pretty feet.


Feed 2 is on the empty coasters table.

3&4 are still on fish.


Feed 1: Kaysar lying on the big round dinner table, Jennifer still doing something with James' nails.. April sits and watches.

BB: Beau Please go to the diary room.

Feed 2: Empty coaster table

Feeds 3 & 4: FoTH

Guest Cassie

fish on 3 and 4 and on 1, Eric is splayed out on the dining table like Jesus on the cross...Can't hear what they are saying, it's like the cieling mic thing

ETA: I think it's James on the table. It's hard to tell.


Kaysar is actually on the table. Jenn still cleaning James' nails.

James: (When asked about his background) German, Polish, a little bit of French and American/Indian

Jenn: Howie you stink. Go away.


Feeds 1 & 4 showing the same thing:

James still getting his nails done. Kaysar walking around. RAchel is sitting there watching. Jennifer saids she wants fish and James saids me too.

Feed 2 is showing the empty coaster table.

Feed 3 is showing James' head looking around.


^are you sure that was april? I'm pretty sure they called Beau, april is sitting at the large round dinner table.

Feeds jumped to fish.


Feeds were back for a few seconds..

Feed 1 & 2 showed...

James was in the kitchen along with Sarah, Kaysar, and some others.


Someone in the background said.. you could hear them clearly. but no visual

Man: Did you really feel like you didn't belong in this place?

Women: Yeah.

Man: When?

Women: The second I walked through the door.. -- feed 3 on fish..

then all on fish

Guest Triples

Fish for almost an hour. :(


Feeds are back!!!

*outside in the BY*

Feed 1 shows Howie talking to someone sitting down.

Feed 2 shows Ivette doing the laundry.

Feed 3 shows Beau, April, Eric sitting down together chatting.

Feed 4 still showing FoTH

--- Feeds are cutting to fish every few secs and now are back on fish


NO SIGNAL on feeds 1, 2, and 3.

Fish 4 frozen on fish cam.

-- 2 minutes later

fish on all 4 feeds.. but no "BB6 Be Right Back" just fish.



Eric, Ivette, Beau, Maggie is sitting at one side of the backyard chatting..

April and Rachel are sitting at the smoking table talking.


Feeds 1 & 2

Eric, Jennifer, Beau, Ivette, Maggie..

Sitting outside in the backyard talking about having sex. Ivette sharing how when she has sex.. she has sex with her girlfriend and talk.. then have sex.. they don't even watch tv....

Feed 3

Showing April feeding the fishes and Rachel is watching her.

Feed 4

Empty big round table....


Feeds 1 & 2 is showing outside backyard with the same people.

Feeds 3 & 4 showing April, Rachel, and Jennifer looking at fishes.

We can hear all 4 feeds AND the Fish water sound loud in the mix.

---- April, Rachel, and Jennifer finish looking at fishes.

Jennifer is washing some dishes.

Feed 3 now on kitchen.. feed 4 on big round table.

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