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July 26th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest cdmon

howie is looking at the pics on the wall, then walks over to the fish tank.

he grabs a few coasters and starts tossing them on the table.

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Guest cdmon

1:42am bbt

howie goes into the bathroom and puts some chapstick on and spray some deodrant

april is up using the bathroom

howie is now putting lotion on

april is washing her hands and went to the kitchen to get her glass of water and gets in the bed

howie is in the kitchen getting some water to drink

howie goes in the gr and james looks up and laid his head back down

howie takes his mic off and gets in the bed w/ jan

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Guest cdmon

cam 1--hg bedroom

cam2-- kaysar asleep w/ the light on

cam 3--jan and howie asleep in the gr

cam 4--jan and howie asleep

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F1 -main bdrm

F2 - looks like kayser fell asleep watching the spyscreen - light on, remote by his outstretched hand - in robe laying on bed , fully clothed under the robe and on top of covers

F3 - H& Jan in bed - scratching...shuffling

F4 - sleeping James & Sarah (?)

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Kaysar then plops himself back down on his bed and finishes eating his food. ( hes soooo cute ! )

Drinks some water to wash it all down. then proceeds to the HOH washroom.

He takes off his robe, and uses the toilet.

Feeds then all change to the sleeping HG's downstairs.

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3:35am BBT

Cam 1: Overhead shot of big bedroom. Everyone sleeping

Cam 2: Kaysar sleeping in HOH. It looks like he is sleeping with his knees up in the air....

Cam 3: Janelle and Howie sleeping in same bed in GR. Howie keeps fidgeting

Cam 4: James and Sarah sleeping in GR

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Looks as if Kaysar is getting ready for morning prayers. He is in the bathroom washing his hands, face, feet and head

He gets dressed, grabs his prayer rug and what looks like a book and leaves HOH room. He heads outside

Oh I guess the book was the Quran. He lays out the rug and lays the book on top and begins his prayers. This is the first time that I have ever been able to audibly hear him pray.

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Cam 4 turns to look at the sky. Looks like the sun is begining to come up

5:33am BBT

Prayers are now over. Official praying time = 22 minutes

Kaysar is now sitting on his rug in the backyard reading his Quran. He is also quietly reading or chanting something out loud.

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