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Monday, April 21

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I think that it is cool that Sheila never made a deal with Ryan for F2 and she never tried to throw Adam under the bus. I give her creds for that.

Sharon is going to be shocked!

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I think he definately will not take sharon down, and adam will vote Sharon out, that is what he wanted to do all along, but he had to sort of half assed get Ryan to agree so he would not be mad at him, we will prolly not know till tomorrow either way.

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me too Joy, but with Trivia up now it has prolly started and we are not gonna get to know a damn thing I bet, when they did this a few yrs back everyone was sooo pissed, I pray we get to see the live feeds but I am thinking not, especially since they taped the after dark earlier so we will be seein earlier today not late tonight after the comps.

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Knew Ryans loser arse would change his mind!! Why of Why BB Gods did you let this happen! Sheilas suppose to go not Sharon! And you're telling me Adam and Sheila aren't a couple?? Why in the world would he fight to keep her? I just bought a laptop because my husband was tired of me using his PC for my BB addiction and I sign on to this????????????????? Back to Best Buy #&!$#*$^#*^$@*^$*@

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Knew Ryans loser arse would change his mind!! Why of Why BB Gods did you let this happen! Sheilas suppose to go not Sharon! And you're telling me Adam and Sheila aren't a couple?? Why in the world would he fight to keep her? I just bought a laptop because my husband was tired of me using his PC for my BB addiction and I sign on to this????????????????? Back to Best Buy #&!$#*$^#*^$@*^$*@

From one BB junkie to another Swat

Take a deep breath, that's right, breath in and out. Repeat after me...BB9 is almost over and then there will be BB10 with a whole new group of HGs to watch!!! (*I might be telling you to do this more for my benefit than yours*)

Breath in and out...BB10 is coming soon! BB10 is coming soon!

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yeah, but King, they taped the After dark show earlier today so what we are going to see tonight is what was taped earlier today, not what happens after the comp, I have this suspicion that they are gonna block the feeds, like they did before, I hope not, but I have his feelin.

and Swatcopswife, I am happy you got a new laptop, sorry you tuned in for your worst happening, do not take your lap top back,lolol, you are one of us now,lololol I am stoaked myself

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during season 5 they blocked the feeds out for 2 days and everyone went ballistic, there was no after dark back then, because today they taped the after dark earlier in the day and will be showing that , what they taped, I am afraid they will block the feeds, I pray not, but is seems fishy with them taping the after dark. they did not do hat last year, we saw all that stuff, the long comp on BAD, and the rest on the next show

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because he think it is the bros to the end when in fact if Adam wins final hoh he will take Sheila with him, that was their pact, Adam and Sheila. Adam is afraid of Ryan in a way and was afraid Ryan would not take him but Sharon so he also did not want Ryan to be pissed if he just up and kept Sheila so he sweet talked him, and that will be Ryans last fall, and I will be laughing my butt off, even if Adam wins the big prize and I think he will over Sheila at least that Big oaf Ryan did not win, I jus cannot stand him

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BigMD, i'm tryin! I just don't want Ryan or Adam to get anything. I know everyone had their favs mine are all gone but at least there was Sharon to root for and now she's a goner :dontgetit: I don't get why Adam would fight so hard to keep Sheila I really do think theyre connected in some way. When I was watching BBAD lastnight I had to turn it off because Sharon was so nervous and the guys keptpt ignoring her big time when she kept asking them to tell her a story and they wouldn't. I felt for her. This sites great so glad I found it and so are you fellow posters. Always a friendly environment even when some of us (me) get a little snappy at times when we don't mean to but dayam, BB it's addicting specially when you're rooting for people who aren't even in the house anymore LOL!

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hey swat, I have only one time in the history of BB had someone I was rooting for actually win or even get to the end, I sooo know how you feel, I think Adam is my lessor of the 2 evils of the bro alliance, as far as Sharon, I wasn't upset with her but the only way she was going to F2 was if Ryan took her, and I just cannot stomach him, Sharon hooked her star to the wrong wagon, and sad to say she will now pay.

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