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Pbj? Slop?? Other Suggestions


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I think BBUSA should take on the idea of the Rich-Poor divide where the house is literally divided into two - a rich half complete with all the luxuries such as the pool, spa, gym etc. - and a poor house, stripped not only of luxuries but also of those basic home comforts. Simple beds and a shower and toilet at the end of the garden is what they get, plus a simple food diet, cooked on a stove in the garden.

The food competition is then replaced with a weekly comp to determine who lives where. The house is divided by bars so the HGs can communicate with each other, but just can't cross to the other side. The HoH suite would be on the rich side with the HoH automatically earning a place on the rich side.

I also think this would add a brilliant twist to the game as from week to week established alliances are broken up by the divide, and the opportunities are there for new alliances to be made with people in your half of the house. Just imagine how paranoids some would get when they see an ally talking with a rival and sneaking off into a room, with you unable to follow them in do discover what they're up to!

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they need to do away with slop because it doesnt effect game like in beginning season of pb and j

in those days hg were really vengeful to put on pb and j

and had anger towards hg who put them on pb and j

just end food restriction all together

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like i said in my previous post in past hg had resentment for being place on pb&j not anymore

these new hg are wuzz they are even afraid to take prizes

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Any food restriction=The suck

I think they should compete all together every week to win what foods they want, like they sometimes do.

I don't feel like having energy deprived houseguests because that god awful idea they call slop.

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i like food restrictions when hg have envy for those eating

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idk about that pj

the whole amber thing got me thinking bb really dont check hg out :lol:

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