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PB & J (Peanut Butter and Jelly)

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Is it just me or do others crave PB & J when the houseguest have to eat it..I dont know, call me crazy but everytime i see them eating the PB & J on toast i crave a sandwich myself..I think the last time i craved it was last year around this time..i dont even have any in my house we never eat it but once a year i have to go out and buy some..i dont know maybe it's just me...

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Guest ericfanny
Is it just me or do others crave PB & J when the houseguest have to eat it..I dont know, call me crazy but everytime i see them eating the PB & J on toast i crave a sandwich myself..I think the last time i craved it was last year around this time..i dont even have any in my house we never eat it but once a year i have to go out and buy some..i dont know maybe it's just me...

I just made me one. :P

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Is it just me or do others crave PB & J when the houseguest have to eat it..I dont know, call me crazy but everytime i see them eating the PB & J on toast i crave a sandwich myself..I think the last time i craved it was last year around this time..i dont even have any in my house we never eat it but once a year i have to go out and buy some..i dont know maybe it's just me...

LOL! It's not just you. I have been jonesing for a peanut butter sandwich with strawberry jelly all damn weekend!

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Guest livefeedwatcher

do you think they lose weight on those weeks when that's all they can eat? I would be a rail because I would get so sick of it, I probably would end up just having toast half the time...

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Same thing happened to me last year. I succumbed to it too.

Now while I am sitting at the computer doing work and they have dinner, seems for some strange reason it becomes dinner time for me too.

Funny :-)

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Guest BabiGirl
Still think only feeding them Kimshee & tuna would be funnier...*holds nose at aftermath* :mrgreen:

Ok that just sounds absolutely disgusting!! But I couldn't do PB&J for even more than a day without holding my nose or having a big tall glass of something to wash it down. I just can't do Peanut Butter (unless it is with chocolate) Maybe just a jelly sandwich?

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