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BB8 Reloader


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As many of us already know, the BB8 Reloader program is a wonderful way to assist in the capturing of live feeds. Screen shots and audio/video recaps are made easy even for new folks. It costs (just a little) money but you can also figure out how to get it for free.

I need two of them -- one at home and we don't mention the work stations. Since I'm doing Real Player 3-Month thru Morty's banner so he'll get the kickback, I plan to buy two BB Reloaders outright (using two different email addresses.)

This year Reloader is creating a giant screencap web for automatic uploading to its own library. This could be a good thing if you don't want to keep archival material on your own website for years. (Mea culpa -- I forgot about the archives and deleted my offerings from '05 and '06.)

My question to the mods, Morty, and anyone else is this: Does using the Reloader website help to reduce bandwidth here? Is it better that we use our own sites for storage? Since we link to our video uploads on YouTube all the time, I'm thinking it would be the same with Reloader.

What say y'all?

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Katy girl always thinking. How thoughtful to check. I loved reloader. I am on the reminder list for reloader and will get it again this year.

I got the Real Player Super pass through Morty's already.

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It keeps you logged in all the time. No more timer and having to log back in Real Player.

You can get just click and take snapshot anytime you see something good. I had it set up where I just clicked and it saved the pic into an album I had named BB.

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I also had a response to a question in here that disappeared because they were posted just before the server shift.

Someone asked if you can watch all for cameras at once.

The answer is yes, but beware that you also get the sound of all four cameras. But there are ways around that, too.

You can open as many "screens" as you want. And many times there are only two events/rooms being covered by four cameras, thus the audio is only from two sources. So for those who are multi-watchers, the best route might be to open two screens, each on a separate feed. Then you can mute the volume on one and concentrate on the other, or listen to them both until you find a good conversation.

The Reloader can also be put on full screen. That's one of my favorite options when it's time to watch from bed and fall asleep to hamster chatter.

Note that no matter how many screens you have open, you can only record video from one at a time. Since screen capture is much faster, it can be done from all feeds rather quickly -- or you can do it from one screen with all four feeds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those of us who bought the SuperPass at Morty's, the BBReloader will go on sale tomorrow.

Don't forget you must buy a program for each computer you plan to use (using different emails).

Click here for purchase page

Does anyone think that sales might be limited, depending on how many packages already went on line?

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4.95 not bad.

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Guest TheBlackRose

i remeber last year they had the program available to capture vids or pics or sumthing form the live feeds, does any one know if it is available this year, how much, and where to download it

otherwise is there another way to capture feeds?


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I have my reloader going right now. Working good. I even set up my folder for screenshots.

I like the way you can make have the screens separated with the reloader.

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Is anyone having issues recording the live feeds with reloader?

Haven't tried recording yet but the quality of the pics that I've posted so far suck. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed this? My posts last year were a lot clearer.

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I had the same corrupt file problem. Tech support sent the following and it worked prefectly...

"If you are getting the error: "setup files are corrupt", this indicates that there was a faulty download. What you can do is delete your current download file and in IE, try downloading from our backup mirror: http://www.bbreloader.com/downloads/bb8r-v1.exe

BUT, when you save the file to your computer, save it to a new location on your hard drive."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I checked the help section but no mention of rewind so I am thinking it won't do it. It's odd because if you miss something or are trying to catch exactly what someone says you would absolutely need a rewind function. I bought reloader Sunday but was unable to use it because in order to cover the feeds well I need to be able to rewind big time :grin2:

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