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HOH - Week 10


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The only way CT does not go to F3 is if one of the females wins HoH and the other one wins PoV. But that could easily happen. If it does, the CT member whose "gf" wins HoH will be evicted.

IF they were all evenly matched in comps, that would give CT 5 chances out of 6 of making it to F3.

But they're NOT (thank goodness)! :P

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Tarman - you've missed the possibility where it DID matter what Janelle did: IF she had put up E. and MB (as she first told Will she wanted to, then immediately agreed to do as he told her and put up G. instead, after which he kept her in the room until Julie called them, to keep anyone else from talking to her) THEN even if E. won PoV J. could put up W. (IF she had been playing to win rather than to become a "doctor's [trophy] wife" - as if...).

And I suspect that E. would have voted to evict Will (but I've overestimated her before) and J. could have evicted him. If HER side of the showmance was just "playing Will" that's what she would have done, so now we know that she's for real.

And that means that she's being played.

But that's the scenario in which it could have mattered - if the two women had thought with their brains instead of their ho-mones.

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Tarman - you've missed the possibility where it DID matter what Janelle did: IF she had put up E. and MB (as she first told Will she wanted to, then immediately agreed to do as he told her and put up G. instead, after which he kept her in the room until Julie called them, to keep anyone else from talking to her) THEN even if E. won PoV J. could put up W. (IF she had been playing to win rather than to become a "doctor's [trophy] wife" - as if...).

And I suspect that E. would have voted to evict Will (but I've overestimated her before) and J. could have evicted him. If HER side of the showmance was just "playing Will" that's what she would have done, so now we know that she's for real.

And that means that she's being played.

GREAT point Samg!

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BTW Erika would NOT have evicted Will. It wouldn't hav ehappened. CG was gone no matter what since Erika won POV

Well Janelle WAS working to win POV to keep her nominations the same- she didn't win, erika did. EVERYONE was trying to win that Veto...except maybe Boogie felt really safe. Janie & Will worked their butts off but erika beat them.

No matter what janie did CG was going home.

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Guest StarBaby

HOH does matter this week because they are safe. BUT, POV matters more, because the POV holder controls who is evicted. For example, if Erika wins HOH and puts up Will and Janelle, Janie wins POV, she takes herself off, Boogie is the only one left to replace her, and JANIE is the only voter. Hmmmm, wonder who she would evict -- LOL. The real interesting scenario would be if the ONE person who is not nominated wins POV, then takes off one of the nominees, the other would automatically go HOME. So, IMO, POV holds a crapload of power this week.

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