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POV - Week 7 (Part 2) Comp. & Ceremony


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I am so happy!!!!!! Go Janie!

Thanks to all of you that have the live feeds and reported this so quickly.

You guys are so dedicated.

Who thinks that Janelle should align with Dani & Erika? I think that she should keep a secret aliance with CG.

James goes then Will, then Boogie and let the rest battle it out!

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This was the last week for backdooring so from now on everyone will be playing in the POV which is a great thing because no one can take Janie out like a whimp! I think she has a decent shot at going to at least the final three right now... And if she makes it to the end I would think she SHOULD win now whether or not she will is another story...

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James and Boogie are the only ones not on camera right now - if they're strategizing I'm dying to know what they're saying!!!!!

Edit: Okay Janelle just went up to Boogie's HOH and he was alone . . . she ran up to him and gave him a hug of jubilation as if he actually shares in her joy :huh:

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I know Sam!!! They showed someone (either james or boogie) in the Weight room but only for a few seconds... I wanna know if James is really mad at Janelle for winning...what a creep!

I dont want to even hear about this comp being rigged!! It had something to do with putting evictions and other things in order... Janie studies that stuff all the time, i dont think ive ever read or seen where any of the other hg's study as much as she does!! She won fair and square!!

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Okay, James is contesting the results because of some fight over a 'Howie' doll (?) But it sounds like Janelle out wrestled him for it and won it fair and square - lol :P

PS I try not to cry 'rigged' unless nobody had a realistic chance of winning like with the Chicken George POV . . . comps that are biased in favor of a certain houseguest I can live with (not happy about it working to the detriment of my favorites, but I won't complain - I may point out the inequity, but I won't use the 'r' word) :)

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Anyone hungry..........James goose is cooked. He is the kind of guy that you can hate but at the same time he has this "guy next door - all american" vibe. He has tried to justify his actions toward the other sov by blaming them for breaking the alliance. What is he thinking.......... he sold them out last year and he did it again in a heartbeat this year.

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I'm hoping Janelle makes it to the final 3 or even 2 this year. Since she made that deal with CT, I doubt she'll go against that unless they turn on her first. I can't see her aligning with CG for what he did to Howie. And no way I could see her aligning with Erika or even Danielle.

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Guest StarBaby

Sam, I assume you mean that James is going home, because he is already "up". I think it's because CT has been waiting for their opportunity to unload James. They don't trust him and realize his loyalty is first to Danielle, and I think they also want to make sure he doesn't cross back over to align with Janelle again. Just my opinion though.

And Ivettesux, just because Janelle won, there is no reason to call her a fat cow. She is not fat. Yes, maybe she has put on a few pounds, but she is still a gorgeous woman with a great body. Would you rather look at Erika's skin and bones body? As to the "why", well it could be because she is damn good at comps, and maybe she had a little help from CT this time too (sounds like maybe Will threw it a little in her favor, something about not finding the doll fast enough?)

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I don't believe you know what fat is.............. none of the houseguest are overweight except for CG.

Why do people call others fat just because they don't like them. Say you hate her but don't call her names that aren't true.

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Sam, I assume you mean that James is going home, because he is already "up". I think it's because CT has been waiting for their opportunity to unload James. They don't trust him and realize his loyalty is first to Danielle, and I think they also want to make sure he doesn't cross back over to align with Janelle again. Just my opinion though.

Yes, what would I do without you Starbaby . . . I sound like George confusing nominations with evictions :lol::huh::lol:

Okay, I guess that explains the difference . . . I got the impression LOD is pretty tight at least until Janelle leaves if they ever do succeed in getting her out which is seeming less and less likely as the weaks go by . . .

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Wouldn't it be interesting if the next HOH was Janelle or CG and they put up Dani and Will or Dani and Boogie. Wouldn't that bring to life the truth of who is aligned with whom.

James is gone this week

Janelle HOH - only vote to break tie

Boogie and Dani up for Eviction

that leaves CG, Erika, and Will to vote

Who would go?

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Will just told Janelle that he hopes to win HOH next week so he can put Janelle up on the block as a 'pawn' to get rid of Danielle . . . just where exactly does this guy's loyalties lie?

PS I heard Danielle and Erika saying they have to get rid of James over Chicken George, but I think James MAY have the power to reassure them of his commitment and sell them on the idea that they need him to get rid of Janelle . . . eh, who knows maybe Booger'll decide to put up Erika :P

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