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POV - Week 7 (Part 2) Comp. & Ceremony


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I wish they would get the show on the road to. I don't know who I want to win though. I do know I don't want Jani to win because I want to see if CT will actually vote her out or not this week. I think they are going to have to either tip their hand to Dani and James or they are going to have to boot Jani and have a couple of enemies on jury.

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Maybe if that happens Dani and James will get a clue and gather up George and Erika and go after CT. If you get one of them out(Will) you can get Boogie later. I think Erika would go for it because Boogie wants to keep Jani and she can't stand Jani.

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Nah, I'm just messing with you all. I don't know who won the PoV yet :D

Let's just wait and see.

P.S. Hope it's Janelle

Wow, it's taking a while for the flames to stop. Could be an indicator that it's an endurance PoV. Only time will tell.

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that was mean that guy!!! I hope it's janelle too!! i don't remember there ever being a endurance pov comp... I'm hoping for the morph thing because janie kicks but in that but frankly i dont care what type of comp it is just as long as she wins!!! Even though Will and Boogie are wanting to keep her I still dont trust them and would prefer she save herself than rely on THEM!!

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That Guy, you really FREAKED me out.

I have high blood pressure, don't do that! :D

I sure hope Janie pulls through.

I am not even sure why I like her.... I guess she has always seemed like the underdog.

I have been wondering about the BB time........ what time zone is it and how many zones are in the states? It is 1:23am here and I really want to know who won POV before I go to bed..... this show is making me very tired out! :lol:

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i wonder if the reason it is taking so long is because it's another endurance comp (??).

i do not think dani will be all that pissed if james goes, as long as it's not her. she's already told ct several times that she doesn't care if james goes. she's using james. they're all using each other.

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I think it's more a case of them feeling the need to kiss Janelle's butt although they'll still slit her throat as soon as the occasion arises . . . the primary fear of EVERYBODY in that house is that they will not ever be able to get her out if she keeps winning HOH or POV every week. The secondary fear is that she will get them first before they get her . . . hence, the chapstick (?)

Erika is also an ally of Boogie though . . .

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whooooooooop whooooooooooo is the baddest bitch in town.........JANIE!!!!

I think they want James out, apparently James is really pissed right now...havent seen him on the feeds since they have been back up... He's supposedly mad at Janie for ummm winning?? GAWD i hate that guy!!!!!

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