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Penalty nominations?


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Quote Catwishes: I think some of you have to remember that the correct context is what is allowed in the BB house.

I agree entirely with Catwishes! Besides, almost every second thing on this board is speculation!

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You're right about Will. He is charming and for all his brattish behavior, you have to forgive him. I just have a problem with a 30 yr old doctor who acts like a spoiled child. I think he pushes the envelope a little too much, hence his punishment from BB by having to pay for all the things he's destroyed. Nevertheless, I have to admire his gameplay. :D

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I also think it's important to keep the rules of the game seperate from the rules of the house.

Slop is probably one area where it crosses - but in most cases I don't think breaking the rules regarding it should affect your position in the game (unless done repeatedly).

The best thing to do is to make the punishment fit the crime - and give them an extra week on the slop!

Or perhaps be even more cunning and punish them by putting everyone - but them - on slop, and wait for the HGs to turn on them!

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I only thought that ketchup, mustard and mayonnaise were condiments. Mayonnaise wouldn't be allowed on a non-dairy day because it has dairy in it.

Milk (half and half, skim, non-fat, 2%, 1%) are all dairy. So are eggs and cheeses.

Now my questions to anyone who wants to answer....Cremora - the non-dairy creamer that is kept on a shelf in case you need it, but usually gets thrown out because of expiration date ---is it a condiment? :)

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You people are all out of your minds. The only thing more ridiculous than giving anybody a penalty nomination for using half-and-half is actually responding to someone who suggests anybody should be given a penalty nomination for using half-and-half. With all the crap that Will and Boogie have pulled with breaking stuff, burning stuff, blabbing about DR sessions, not to mention most of the house forming pregame alliances, etc., you wait until you THINK the person who actually has some respect for the rules may have used a "forbidden condiment", whether it is or not, and then demand a penalty nomination????? :lol::lol::lol:

I'm going to a thread that makes sense, like the "what's up with George throwing poo" thread. :D

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