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Favorite quotes by BBAS


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The one that stuck out for me early on was the way allison was sitting all cocky and confident and seductively perched on the couch in the diary room saying, "I'm not leavin' pretty."

a family member of mine yelled out at the tv, "Honey, you never entered the house pretty. Don't stress".

anything said from will to howie or howie to will is funny too.

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This cracked me up!!

George." I'm on my way."

Man." George come to the Dr."

George." I'm on my way, yeah I'm here.'

Jase."what's he looking for?"

James."The DR"

George."It's upstairs right?"

James."No, it's over here."

Jase." CG he like doesn't know where he's at. He's upstairs looking for the Dr, he's like outside looking for hte toilet, at one point he's in the refidgerator looking for the golden power of veto, I don't even know what he's doing."

James."Right here"

George."A few detours aong the way but, I am here, yes.

Mike."When I won HOH I got a bag of peanuts and a comfortor."

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Will to Howie (around 2:20 BBT today): "If I was gay, which I'm not, and there was a nuclear holocaust and you were the only man left alive, I'd swim to China on the rumor that George Michael survived the blast."

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Will to Howie (around 2:20 BBT today): "If I was gay, which I'm not, and there was a nuclear holocaust and you were the only man left alive, I'd swim to China on the rumor that George Michael survived the blast."



I cannot wait to hear Will vocalize that on Sunday ...that is flucking hilarious!!! :lol:

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Here's another great exchange. (From around 4pm BBT today)

James: Erika, does Howie really have any chance to bang you? Even the slightest chance?

(Howie says he does. )

Erika pauses, then says: Howie is a nice jewish boy from Chicago, we'd actually be a good match.

Howie: I converted to Jedi.

Then Howie says he's "really Jewish" and says they should go to temple today, but then has to ask if he's pronouncing "Shalom" correctly and starts singing some Jewish prayer that he doesn't know all the words to.

James tells him to stop singing. He says he heard the only song you can sing on BB is Amazing Grace.

Howie: You can sing the song to The Amazing Race?

James: Yes Howie you can sing the song to The Amazing Race.

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Howie to Marcellas: "you cant be the most stupidest player TWICE"

they were talking about winning the veto and if marcellas is on the block and wins veto he better use it on himself.

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My favorite moment of last nights show was when Howie was eating the slop, and made hilarious faces and said.."This is disgusting! Oooh ooh".I laughed so hard at that, the faces he made when he said it was just so funny

Loved the quote by Will too...

"If me and Howie had a battle of wits it wouldn't even be fair, cause he's unarmed." lol

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Got thesse quotes from another board and thought I would put them here.. :D Since I want Morty's to have all the quotes... :P

Will to Diane-"How do u like your eggs in the morning scrambled or fertilized?"

That one does calculus." James on the tarantulas

Will "What's up with Cowboy's teeth? It looks like they are arguing with each other"

Jainie: where's Erika?

James: getting pretty before she helps me cook, it might be a while

Howie: "What's your favorite color, Nakomis? My Pink, Yellow, rainbow colored tattoo on my a$$."

Howie: We came in on a Monday...today is our seventh day here.

Janelle: Today is Monday?

Howie: NO, it's SUNDAY...our 7th day here!

Will (to Howie): "Why are you always worrying about my genetalia?"

Howie: I slept with a 30 yr old when I was 20.

Will: Ya after you tazered her in the Target parking lot.

Chicken George: DO I look like a man that counts the calories?

Howie: OOOHHHH...UNNNNHHHH... (doing his sex moans, as usual)

Will: You know, you do that as if you have actually had s-x.

Dani: "we really need nicole so she can just go crazy in here" (doing dishes)

James: "We need nicole cuz i wanna see her and howie fight"

Howie: "I'll break my foot off in her big fat a$$"

Will: Dude, look at how much sweat is on you. Do you have malaria? What's wrong with you.

Howie 'remember fellas, it's not the pu$$y's fault the face is ugly'

Kaysar: What type of blood do you have?

James: Red.

Marcellas: They never put two gay guys in here.

Janelle: They should have put Will Wikle in here for you.

Marcellas: Well he has a boyfriend. I should have tried to tap that a$$ at the wrap party in a portapotty.

Howie: Lose one more pound and I can use you as a light saber.

Will: Gain one more pound and I can use you as Jabba the Hut.

Howie: (to Will) Did you take your 'Shut Your A$$ Up' pills today?

Will to Howie: Don't fall in love with me, I'll break your heart!

Big Brother: "HEY, I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!"

Boogie: "Krista used to go into the Diary Room with herpes on"

Janelle: Ill write g for girl on my bottle

James: Dont write it on the label, that can come off

Janelle: not if you dont peel it off

James: im going to peel it off...and it eat it

Janelle: I just did a bunch of shout outs. I said hi to Beau-Beau doll.

James: Can he read?

Jase: "Oh yeah. James. You got six fingered just like I did."

Will - God, you have a lot of wrinkles. Oh my god. I've never seen so many. It's like your forehead is trying to leave the rest of your face. It's almost.. it's trying to crawl it's way out. Jesus Christ, no wonder those ants are in here they want to crawl along those lines. It's like they're laying a railroad on your head. Are those wrinkles or a slip 'n slide for fleas?

Will on BB for taking his clothes until he wins HOH.. Will - Just give me my clothes back. That's stealing. I'm going to call the cops.

Will , he is talking about Howie - I'm going to send your village idiot back to ya!

Will: Kissing your sister is like drinking a warm beer.

George: I've drunken a few and they're not that bad!

Everone: Whoa!

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Well im sure everyone else is thinking it. These guys are hilarious!! I tune in just to hear the funny comments they all make. lol. Soo,..i figured,..why not start a post where we can all put up funny quotes, stupid quotes..any quotes that the All *'S make.

Here goes:

Howie (said about Nakomis)(Sundays show): "Hey, its not the hair that makes the face ugly."

Will said to Howie (Sundays Show): "How does it feel to be the fat guy this season?"

Allisonsaid to Janelle: "Busto" (did she ever think what people would say to her when she refered to Janey as busto,...it can only be used by Howie. And com'on,..its Apil's Nickname.

Any others??

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Will: "If we were on 'Amazing Race' we would have been to 15 countries by now. 'The Bachelor,' we would have banged and been in Paris by now. Here, we made up a game of kickball. There's something inherently wrong with this production." "...this show sucks, it continues to suck, and it will always be sucking--" "..they have the cast and a phenomenal budget they just..."

Will's rant continues that the house isn't ADA compliant and he wants a wheelchair accessible elevator put in, "Hey, that's why they didn't get that winner from season one..."

Will asked to see the shrink, everyone wants to see the shrink. Will feels that since the producers won't give them anything to do, he'll give them something to do, "See if getting the shrink to drive out here is cheaper than giving us a game of Candyland to play." Marcellas complains about the LD too, "I didn't even want to go out there, but when you only have two options and they take one away..."

Ya gotta admit, the man is funny!

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