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So ... who the heck IS with each other?


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I have been watching some and reading all the updates, and I am afraid I just don't know who is with who for real and who is playing who. It's great, but have any of you been able to truly figure out any REAL alliances in there????? Even the 6's have me somewhat confused! :blink:

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I totally agree, we need to see the DR.

It's funny because those of us with feeds are hardly ever confused, we always know whats going on. but this year it's like WHAT????

We might get some surprising DR footage

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what fizzle said. tomorrow we will gets some info maybe if the producers dont edit out to keep us in the dark

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Nobody is with George

Nakomis and Diane are together

Jase tells them he is with them and He tells the Sloves he is with them

Janie asked MArci who he was with last night he said he was trying to get in with the four of them. though he has reminded a few people that you wouldn't want all four to make sequester

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Yes, April...exactly how I feel its like, "wait, what?" for the first time instead of being my smug "i know whats going on" self I am confused as someone who only watches the show. More so actually cause they are not seeing all the scrambling. Can't wait for tomorrow, bring on the DR!!!

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This is what ive gathered:

Janelle, Kaysar and Howie are FOR SURE together, and James is perhaps with them as well, at least for now.

Erika and Marcellas are on the fringes of this alliance, and are "with them", but secretly are only with them because they want to protect Janelle and remain close to her, while they would like to get rid of Howie and James.

Jase is pretending to be with them, but I seriously doubt he is.

Right now he's claiming alliegance to both the BB6ers, and Diane and Nakomis, but I'm quite sure that his real alliance is to Nakomis and Diane. They are also (im quite sure) with Alison.

Danielle seems to be off alone, but I think she might have a secret pact with James. I doubt she does with Marcellas, as some contestants have wondered, since he seems excited for her eviction.

Will and Mike Boogie are in a solid alliance together, and I believe their only true loyalty is to each other, however, I think they are going to work with either Allison, Jase, or the whole "alliance" they have going there.

Chicken George is all by himself, as expected.

From all of the feeds and stuff thats what ive gathered, although you never REALLY know until you see the Diary Rooms... who knows... Howie and Diane could have a freaking crazy secret pact going on; you never know until they are able to be candid.

The obvious alliances (in my opinion) however are the ones stated above!

And yes there is a show tomorrow (well more like today)... I mean Tuesday of course. It's to show footage of the house before/during veto competition and ceremony. Thursday's show is the live eviction & HOH etc.

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"Janelle, Kaysar and Howie are FOR SURE together, "

Unless they say they're evicting each other behind each others back to keep others guessing their alliance (which obviously, they might be doing), I can't say they're for sure together. Janelle's said she'd take Marcellas over Kaysar. I'm pretty sure Kaysar and Janelle have talked about getting Howie out. Howie told Will and Mike that they're an alliance but he doesn't really trust them. The Sov6 don't seem to have the greatest amount of loyalty this season. But of course this season isn't so divided so they don't *have* to stick together in order to win.

The only ones that we know absolutely for sure guarenteed 100% are Mike and Will.

Personally, I still think Kaysar and Will don't dislike each other as much as they're letting on. I have yet to hear Kaysar speak a bad word about Will to Janelle, and I have yet to hear Will speak a bad word about Kaysar to Mike. Except past the first day where they were in a group, and knew it'd be on air.

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kaysar & james had a converstation, where they want others to believe that they weren't tight as they once where. so the sovs are definately all together. they have just told the other people things, they want to hear to protect their own behind, as far as it seems so far. also, janelle told kaysar/howie about her pact with marcellas, and kaysar said to keep letting marcellas believe that they have a tighter alliance then they do.

i don't understand erika/marcellas reasoning here. i certainly understand that they need to move up in the alliance for their own benefits, but do they not get it is too soon to make any kind of moves against howie/james, they still need numbers for a while.

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"Janelle, Kaysar and Howie are FOR SURE together, "

Unless they say they're evicting each other behind each others back to keep others guessing their alliance (which obviously, they might be doing), I can't say they're for sure together. Janelle's said she'd take Marcellas over Kaysar. I'm pretty sure Kaysar and Janelle have talked about getting Howie out. Howie told Will and Mike that they're an alliance but he doesn't really trust them. The Sov6 don't seem to have the greatest amount of loyalty this season. But of course this season isn't so divided so they don't *have* to stick together in order to win.

The only ones that we know absolutely for sure guarenteed 100% are Mike and Will.

Personally, I still think Kaysar and Will don't dislike each other as much as they're letting on. I have yet to hear Kaysar speak a bad word about Will to Janelle, and I have yet to hear Will speak a bad word about Kaysar to Mike. Except past the first day where they were in a group, and knew it'd be on air.

Okay well nothing is for sure in this game, but im quite sure they're together at least for now.

They HAVE to align with each other because they are all in this "lets get out BB6" boat together.

sunflower1980 is completely right. They're trying to make it SEEM like they're not close to create doubt in the other houseguests. It's part of their plan, they've been discussing it a few times. James especially is pretending to hate the other BB6, or at least thats what he's saying, although I dunno, he might be lying to BB6. You never know with that James character. We'll see what happens in the future, but for now I really think they're all in this together. I guess we'll see in the diary rooms though.

i don't understand erika/marcellas reasoning here. i certainly understand that they need to move up in the alliance for their own benefits, but do they not get it is too soon to make any kind of moves against howie/james, they still need numbers for a while.

Yeah I definetly agree. If I was Erika and Marcellas, I would stick with BB6, let them pick off the other side a little bit and then make my move. I understand that they're frightened that it will get down to the 6 of them, and the BB6 alliance will just kick them off but I doubt that's how it will play out. At some point Diane or Nakomis or someone will get HOH, and Marcellas and Erika have to worry about cozying up to them so they can convince them to kick out Howie or James when the time comes in order to keep their ideal allowance afloat.

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It was mentioned in this thread about Will and Kay liking each other. From what I have seen so far, it would seem that they do. They both seem to have a great deal of respect for the other. My guess is that they just couldn't pass up the opportunity to go "head-to-head" here. For me, it's like a boxing match where you like both boxers. I'm just having fun watching and waiting to see who comes out on top. :D

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