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Guest ranster627

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
lol .. 

hope she doesn't come between them.

That can be taken in so many different ways.

This show is corrupting my mind :twisted:

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Guest Tareq's No1 Fan
haha .. pervs, the lot of you!!  :oops:

I think the politically corrent term is voyeur!

:twisted: :D:P

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my question is this.....where did they get their hands on a picture that janelle and michael are clearly posing for when they arent supposed to have ANY contact with the outside world like that...i mean, even when they come in to clean the fish tank they go on outside lock down...so i guess what im asking is that if they arent supposed see anyone like that, then what is up with this picture???

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my question is this.....where did they get their hands on a picture that janelle and michael are clearly posing for when they arent supposed to have ANY contact with the outside world like that...i mean, even when they come in to clean the fish tank they go on outside lock down...so i guess what im asking is that if they arent supposed see anyone like that, then what is up with this picture???

BB gave the HOH a digital camera to take pics each week new pictures will be posted on the CBS website

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haha .. pervs, the lot of you!!  :oops:

I think the politically corrent term is voyeur!

:twisted: :D:P

Well the perv part was taking what I said as sexual induendo.

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Guest adp809

I don't know what the deal is with Michael. I'm not saying he's perfect, but it seems that it's a witch hunt. One thing was said and it is snowballing and snowballing. Howie in my opinion is way worse and if I were one of those girls, I would have gone off on him by now.

I just finished a letter to CBS. I think Eric should be gone. He planned and calculated to harm another housemate. I don't care what his reasons are, no one was in immediate danger. He was looking for a fight. Michael stood there while Eric charged. He has definet issues and I say it's probably a Napolean complex. But the fact remains, he planned and then became violent and that should not be allowed to remain in the house. He is obviously unstable.

Not that it would do any good, but if you agree with me, you should let CBS know. That type of behavior and violent attitude should not be condoned and his punishment should be immediate removal from the house.

That's my opinion for what it's worth.

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Guest MickeysMom

I just wrote. I am surprised that Eric is still there.

Also, I am surprised that he is still listening to Ivette! That woman is causing all of the problems!

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While you eric haters are at it , please include in the letter that kaysar should be gone as well .

Everyone in here keeps bringing up the chair throwing incident from a couple seasons . Kaysar threw a glass or bottle against the wall and it shattered .

Lets hold everyone to the same standard . If you want eric gone for the threat of violence then like it or not , kaysar should be gone as well ....

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While you eric haters are at it , please include in the letter that kaysar should be gone as well . 

Everyone in here keeps bringing up the chair throwing incident from a couple seasons . Kaysar threw a glass or bottle against the wall and it shattered .

Lets hold everyone to the same standard . If you want eric gone for the threat of violence then like it or not , kaysar should be gone as well ....

Don't you know that you are not supposed to bring up facts...unless it hurts Eric.....:>

Didn't Sarah hit Eric in the back of the head with a bottle or something? I thought I saw someone say something about that.

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Eric should be out of there

Along with Kaysar,Sarah and Michael.....If one goes they should all go.

At least Eric was man enough to apologize and admit he was wrong. I don't think the others have done that.

do we know Eric apologized of his own free will?

and when did Kaysar sarah and Michael go after someone? It's funny I never heard anyone calling for the oust of these three until Eric's psycho fit last night


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do we know Eric apologized of his own free will?

and when did Kaysar sarah and Michael go after someone? It's funny I never heard anyone calling for the oust of these three until Eric's psycho fit last night


It says he did in the feed update. Kaysar threw a bottle against the wall and busted it. Sarah hit Eric in the head with a bottle of water and Michael instigated the whole thing with Eric. I did not call for anyone being thrown out....I am just saying if Eric must go,as you are saying all the time, so should these others. Fair is fair ya know.

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do we know Eric apologized of his own free will?

and when did Kaysar sarah and Michael go after someone? It's funny I never heard anyone calling for the oust of these three until Eric's psycho fit last night


It says he did in the feed update. Kaysar threw a bottle against the wall and busted it. Sarah hit Eric in the head with a bottle of water and Michael instigated the whole thing with Eric. I did not call for anyone being thrown out....I am just saying if Eric must go,as you are saying all the time, so should these others. Fair is fair ya know.

I'm sorry I don't see those things as the same...maybe hitting Eric with a bottle/ But was it out of anger or was she playing around? I can't imagine it was that big of a deal since I never read anything about it until this Eric Fiasco

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Do you really think they are going to throw them out? And who are you to question the producers decision when we didnt even see what happened after the confrontation?

No I don't think they are going to and I don't think they should. Who am I? I am a watcher and supporter of the show. I can question anything I want.

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Oh .. get off it .. there is a huge difference between trying to charge towards someone with murder in your eyes, and someone bopping you on the head playfully with a bottle of water .. and for the record -- that was April, not Sarah.

I did not see Kaysar throw anything .. and if anything I think Kaysar was trying to do a REALLY GOOD thing last night by trying to cool the temps down,a nd keep the peace.

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Oh .. get off it .. there is a huge difference between trying to charge towards someone with murder in your eyes, and someone bopping you on the head playfully with a bottle of water .. and for the record -- that was April, not Sarah.

I did not see Kaysar throw anything .. and if anything I think Kaysar was trying to do a REALLY GOOD thing last night by trying to cool the temps down,a nd keep the peace.

This (suppsodely) happened while we looked at the fish tank for hours -_-.

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Oh .. get off it .. there is a huge difference between trying to charge towards someone with murder in your eyes, and someone bopping you on the head playfully with a bottle of water .. and for the record -- that was April, not Sarah.

I did not see Kaysar throw anything .. and if anything I think Kaysar was trying to do a REALLY GOOD thing last night by trying to cool the temps down,a nd keep the peace.

But the point is everyone says rules are rules. Physical contact like that is against the rules,etc. Ok it was April...I said I was not sure who it was. My point is if one is wrong they are all wrong.

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OK first off we don't know Kaysar threw the bottle... That's coming from EIA... What Eric did we saw with our own two eyes... Do I think Mike should be outta the house... Yes along with Eric and Howie... The rest haven't done anything to warrent that saw far as what I have seen goes... We also don't know Sarah hit eric... That too is coming from EIA... guess after Mike, Kaysar, and Janelle she is next on the list...

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