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Shouldn't be mad when the house decides to vote you out

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The houseguests should do whats best for their game and if voting as a house is not best then dont do it. Because the house could next week turn on you and decide to vote you out. Its just silly game play and i hate when people on the block get mad that the house is voting them out. Maybe last vote you should have split the house.

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19 hours ago, QuietStorm06 said:

The houseguests should do whats best for their game and if voting as a house is not best then dont do it. Because the house could next week turn on you and decide to vote you out. Its just silly game play and i hate when people on the block get mad that the house is voting them out. Maybe last vote you should have split the house.


Right. As much as I had wanted to see some real game play and push back, I honestly cannot feel any sympathy for Bayleigh or whoever ends up going this week. They had an opportunity to form a counter-alliance and chose not to since they didn't want to go against "the house."

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After the way Bay acted last week, she deserves to go home.  But, she has been friends with Christmas since the start.  She even helped her promote her business (something other houseguests did not want any part of).  In the house are two previous winners and four runner-ups.  She did not see any of them as a threat.

It’s all about jury votes.  Bay and Day would most likely vote for a female to win.  Christmas is playing someone else game not her own.  Ian, Bay, Day and Kevin all can see how Cody, Tyler, Dani and Nicole are running things in the house.  Nicole even told Christmas that getting rid of another girl will be a problem for our game (She really meant her game).  

The main problem with Big Brother is that everyone is trying to form an alliance at the start of the game.  It Is really not a house vote, It is an alliance vote.  If any other person would have put up Bay and Day, the house would not seem so awkward right now.  This is how Paul lost big brother twice (Friendship).

I think Ian said it best “This is not fun anymore”.

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