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Friday, August 14, 2020 Big Brother 22 All-Stars Live Feed Updates

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations or nicknames not used in the house.


To better help you identify the HGs, we made this guide you can print out and refer to until you get to know who's who.  Mortys-TV-BB22-HG-Reference-Guide.pdf

Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:

Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)
Comic bedroom (CBR)
Photo bedroom (PBR)
Key bedroom (KBR)
Showmance room lounge (SRL)
Kitchen (KT)
Dining Table (DT)
Living Room (LR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)

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Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

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12:00am BBT: NicF and day are talking about if there might be a battle back after Janelle mentioned it earlier in the day.Janelle, Kevin and NicA are talking in the  KBR about making an alliance while Ian is sleeping  across the room, NicA says  to be quiet as Ian is always listening and she does not think he is actually asleep.
12:25am BBT: Hg are talking to each other about who might be working with who in the House and who might be in an alliance together. Janelle is in the KT talking to Christmas . Christmas tells her that David has said he is not going to play in the Safety today, Christmas says she might play  but she will decide that later on at the last minute if she feels she needs to or not.

1:00am BBT: Christmas  Tells Janelle that her and Memphis only talk about their kids to each other and that is all they have ever talked about. She then says that she likes Ian he is so cute i just want to put him in my pocket, Christmas and Janelle in the WA as Christmas washes her face saying she really likes Bayleigh and they talk  but never about game.
1:15am Memphis is in bed with his lights off for the night . NicA joins Janelle in the WA and plays with the pillows, NicA looks at Janelle and tells her to be careful who she is talking game with, Janelle says Sorry Christmas wanted to talk. Kaysar joins then and they talk about who has been talking to each other a lot and what they have heard in the house and that Christmas name has been coming up a lot in everyone's conversations.
1:34am BBT: Janelle tells Kaysar and NicA that Dani has  in  with everyone She things David is being used by some of the HG, They talk about how scary Dani is to them in this house, a lot of Back and forth an people that they do not like  and saying they should have won the HOH to  do some damage.

2:00am-3:00am  BBT: Nicole , Kaysar and Janelle still talking about alliances and NicA ask are we a final three and Janelle says this is just week two. Kaysar does not think that Dani is with the other side of the house  as Janelle says she has not looked this bad in years. NicA tells her she does not look bad.  NicA talks to them about a final three again  and Kaysar laughs saying he does not know if he can trust Janelle. they all laugh. Talk goes to who they can get into the alliance and NicA wants David, Janelle says David is already with them. They leave the WA and head to bed. All HG in bed lights out.

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7:00am -8:00am BBT: David is up in the KT making coffee He then starts talking to the cameras about how he can not see thin gs as clearly this year He thinks he is a risk again this year as these other players are good. he says he has no social game at all like they do, He says he needs to get his mind straight He says he needs to talk to Memphis but he has never had to talk to the HOH before but he will have to now.

8:00am BBT: David sitting alone at the KT island talking about he hope Day or Nicole or Bayleigh will use the safety on him if they play and win like they said they would.

8:15am BBT: David has moved to the Lounge and is sitting there  telling himself to breath and telling himself it is just cold in the house. He then starts naming the HG and thinking.
8:18am BBT: Enzo gets up and heads to the KT , checks the time and off to the WC, Enzo comes out of the WC and goes back to his bed.
8:24am BBT: Kevin is now up and heads to the WC He then comes out washes and fixes his hair then gets himself a cup of coffee.

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9:58 AM BBT  Most of the HGs are up and moving around.  Janelle is alone in the KBR putting on make up.  Most of the HG are in the KT, getting something to eat.  Cody is saying he still lives at home, and his mother does the cooking.  She cooks healthy because of his father's health issues. 

10:00 AM BBT  We have critter cam.  Possible Safety Suite.

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8:35am BBT: Kevin gets Coffee and goes to the WA to sit and drink it, David comes out of the lounge and gets more coffee and joins Kevin in the WA they then talk about  working together.
8:40am-9:00am  BBT: David and Kevin talk more about  working together and how David needs to talk to Memphis, Kevin tells him to go sit in the Loft so he has a better chance at talking to Memphis,AS they continue to repeat themselves David then says that Memphis has a little grumpiness going on some. David then tells Kevin that he trust him in this game and  He, Bayleigh and day want him in this house. Enzo gets up and goes to the KT then the WA and they tell him good morning and we get FOTH.

9:10am BBT: Feeds return with HG up and walking around doing ADL's and getting coffee.
9:30am-9:45am BBT: Hg still doing ADL's and drinking coffee and making more coffee, Enzo complaining  he did not hear the songs this morning and that they need the backyard and naps  and how it is nothing like his season was  when he played BB.

9:50am BBT: Hg just doing make up , drinking coffee and not a lot of talking going on,
10:00am BBT: WE now have Puppies cam

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3:31 PM BBT.  Nicole F and Dani talking in the PBR.  Nicole says they have to keep Da’Vonne safe.  Nicole leaves.  Sounds like Christmas won and saved Ian.  

 3:37 PM BBT.  Several HGs in the KT getting snacks.  Memphis says they took his clothes.  Tyler asks is that your restaurant.  Memphis says yeah. 

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3:40 PM BBT

Christmas is talking to the cameras in the Have Not Room. She saved herself and Ian with her Safety Suite pass.

Whispering-  What in the world. I just smashed this competition. I let the whole house know I came to play. I came to dominate, and if you are coming after me you better have your target and your sights dialed in.... because I am a sharp shooter baby. I just confirmed the two sides of the house. Janelle, Nicole, Bayleigh, Da'vonne and Kaysar   Floaters: David, Ian, Enzo, Kevin  The other side of the house- Dani, Nicole, Cody, Tyler and Memphis plays for himself. I am good with the opposite side. I am locked in with our 6 person alliance. Right now in this moment I feel so good about my position...my social game...my competition game....I really trust Tyler...Nicole...I trust Kaysar and I don't want to put them up if I get HoH...I don't know if Memphis...well, I can't start doubting my alliance...I hope he goes for heavy shot on the other side. He has to...Janelle is an option, Nicole A although I don't think she is really good at comps...we need to get Janelle out! I love the girl, but Janelle got to go. (she was hitting her fist into her hand)

That win was for you baby boy! I love you so much!






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3:38 PM BBT.  Christmas is talking to the camera in the HNR.  She says “I just smashed this competition and showed them I am here to play.  She says she is a sharp shooter.  She says she is in the best position ever.  She is in a 6 person alliance and she’s good with the other side of the house.  She says she feels so good.  She trusts Tyler, Nicole F and Kaysar but she can’t let him know about this alliance.  She wants to keep Kaysar in the game but doesn’t want the HOH to know.  She is safe & she did that, on her terms.  

3:40 PM BBT.  Christmas still talking to herself and the camera.  She wants Memphis to take a shot at the other side.  She says Janelle is an option, Nicole A is, but she's not very good at comps.  She says "Janelle, love u girl, but u gotta go!  She then says that was for u baby boy.  


4:47 PM BBT.  In the KT, Enzo asks if people are in the lounge.  He gets up and says “let me see if I can go creep in there”.  


3:51 PM BBT.  In rhe KT, Janelle saya she wants alcohol tonight.  She says we got it every other night in season 14.  Cody says and u got it every night for all stars?  Janelle replies yes.  

3:54 PM BBT.  Dani and Da’Vonne talking in the PBR.  Da’Vonne thinks he’ll nominate David.  They say the way Memphis said David’s name when he made him a have not was disgusting and nasty. Dani says u 2 cannot be on the block together (Bayleigh and Da’Vonne).  Da’Vonne says he wouldn’t do that. Dani says “I don’t know what he’s doing”, she says did u see how he came out in his HOH robe.  Dani says tell him u clearly can’t win comps.  Dani says he won’t put up Enzo.  Da’Vonne says maybe Tyler and David but Tyler will get himself down and then who goes up? 

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4:15 PM BBT  

Da'Vonne, Kevin, and Dani are in the PBR talking about the competition. 

Dani says that Memphis was saying he may nominate people that didn't play the safety suite to try and get rid of those passes. She goes over all the HGs that still have their pass: Enzo, Dani, the Nicoles, Tyler, Memphis

Kevin- 7 played today (Kevin, Da'Vonne, Cody, Christmas, Ian, David, Bayleigh)

Christmas joins them and Dani asks Christmas how she did it.

Christmas- I just ran all my pieces down in front of the table and stacked them between my legs

Kevin- huh?...oh then grabbed them from your legs...mine felt like 2 minutes...2 minutes and 5 seconds

Da'Vonne- mine felt was shorter than 8 minutes. I just knew I did it in less that 5. I was thoroughly excited.

They discuss Ian and how excited he is to get a punishment. They can't wait to see what it is.


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4:02PM BBT Dani and Day talking about why Nic didn't play. (not sure which one). Day says that Nic said she got to the button late. Dani says that is BS. Kevin comes into the room and they joke about their times on the comp.


4:05PM BBT Memphis and Enzo in the HOH BR. Memphis says the HG are probably all downstairs sweating. He says there are 4 or 5 people downstairs he is willing to put up. Eno tells him to do what he needs to do.


4:12PM BBT Kevin and Dani tell Day that Memphis may nominate based on who didn't use their safety. For one less person he has to fight for safety. Tyler, NicA, Dani, NicF, Memphis,  and Enzo have not used their pass. There were 7 who played today. Day says that Memphis told her that he respects those that play so to go play. 


4:21PM BBT Ian, Dani and Xmas in the PBR. Talking about the room. Xmas says it has cool vibes. All 4 cams on them. We get FOTH.


4:29PM BBT Xmas and Dani talking. Dani says that it seems like Memphis doesn't want any input from anyone. Xmas says that she should probably go talk to him about Ian. Xmas says that she doesn't think they should get rid of the floaters. Dani asks Xmas who she would put up and Xmas says she won't tell her and they laugh.

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4:43 PM BBT  PBR  (Dani, Christmas, Janelle)

Christmas- he says the nomination ceremony will be in like 45 minutes

Dani- I'm glad he told us that, at least....should we talk to him again

Janelle- I don't know


4:43 PM BBT   HoH Room 

NicoleF and Memphis chatting about Christmas and  all the reassurance she needs "constantly". Nicole tells him he should have told Christmas who he wanted her to save "because she was panicking". Memphis says he is okay with that decision (Christmas saving Ian). 

Memphis- depending on who wins HoH, we will all Well who hasn't used it?  me, you Tyler, NicoleA and Dani...so there's 5 - Me you Tyler Dani

NicoleF- oh nice....so we could have like 100% chance

Then they realize Enzo, too. Neither are worried about Enzo.

Memphis is planning to put up NicoleA


4:47 PM BBT


Cody and Memphis discuss the noms. Memphis mentions that other options include Bayleighg, Da'Vonne, David, but he isn't sure which one. He also mentions Janelle is not off the table. Cody says he should wait until after the veto. "If you pull the rip cord on her, where do you think Kaysar will be?"

Memphis- backdooring Janelle at this point?...who would she lose to

Cody- we have 5 (votes) to push her out already...we have the numbers





4:47 PM BBT

Christmas takes her turn with Memphis. She begins to say something about Ian and Memphis stops her saying he doesn't care that she saved Ian, he just hates that Ian was saved twice in one day (NicoleF volunteered for slop in his place and Christmas saved him with the Safety Suite)

Christmas- he is super grateful; if he wins next week I am a voice in his ear...who thinks Ian is the target?

Memphis- every guy that came in here

Christmas- I made the best decision for our alliance

Memphis- I agree with you 100%

Christmas- David doesn't know what the fuck he's doing

Christmas hints that he should put up Janelle, but he says they have to wait for veto. [backdoor move is in play, if possible]

Christmas and Memphis reaffirm that the 6 person alliance has to trust each other.

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4:36PM BBT Xmas, Dani and Janelle talking about if Josh was supposed to be there. Xmas says he told her he got called back. She thought he would be there. Dani wants to know who all the alternates were. Memphis and NicF is chatting in the HOH BR. He says that he told Xmas that she needs to trust their alliance but he thinks she needs reassurance every day. NicF says she will do that. NicF says he should have told her who to save because Xmas panicked. Memphis says that Ian wasn't his target right now. 


4:41PM BBT NicF and Memphis talk about NicA being the only one with a safety pass that is not in their alliance. Memphis says that he could put her up and out and then they will have 100% safety. They remember Enzo has his. Memphis says he considers Enzo a floater and he shouldn't.


 4:45PM BBT NIcA came up to HOH ral quick and chatted with Memphis. She leaves and Cody comes in. Cody doesn't understand why Xmas saved Ian. Memphis upset that Ian has been saved twice in one day. Memphis says that Xmas took the only option. He would want to be one of the ones he would have back door. He says he is debating between 5 HG. David, NicA, Bay and Day. He says that he can pull the ripcord with Janelle. Cody says that they should wait until after Veto.


4:50PM BBT Xmas comes into the HOH BR. She says she has a reason she saved Ian. Memphis says he doesn't care Ian was saved but he is upset that he was saved twice in one day. Xmas says she didn't think about it. She chose Ian because she could be in Ian's ear next week if needed.



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4:59PM BBT IN the WCA, NicA, Kevin and Dani talking. She is complaining that the carpet is so dirty after a week. They talk about jury house and Dani says it was the worst. Kevin says he doesn't want to see it.


5:07PM BBT Memphis in the HOH BR by himself. Heavy breathing and sitting looking out to nothing. Bay enters the HOH BR. Memphis tells her that his thought is that he hasn't decided. He says if he doesn't pull her name out, he wants to make a gentleman's favor. He wants to make sure she doesn't put him up if she wins HOH. He says he tries not to make an alliance until the second half of the game.


5:16PM BBT 5:16PM BBT Cody, NicF, Dani and Xmas talking in the PBR. They are talking about crying in the house. Cody says that he understands when women cry because they miss their kids. They are talking aout people who are sensitive people. In the KT, Tyler talking about how he and Angela started being vegan at the beginning of the year.



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5:24 PM BBT

Dani blows Cody's mind in the PBR telling him about pregnancy brain. 

Dani- when I was pregnant I flooded the house and I never admitted that to anyone before...one day I went to take a bath and turned on the water then walked away and flooded our house....they basically suck up everything good about you and leave you a rotting corpse  

Christmas and Dani continue telling Cody how bad pregnancy messes up your body. He comments that it shows women are so much stronger than men.



5:48 PM BBT

Kevin and David are talking in the lounge about how they could be put up together

David- I don't think that would be a good look...the two of us up there together

Kevin questions him as to why Memphis would target him. He says it's just a vibe...."the way he confronts production "he's power hungry"

BB call Memphis to the Diary Room

David- here we go




Kevin leaves and David talks to the camera. He says he doesn't know if it will be him, but he feels that he got asked back because he figured out alliances last season. "I think it's Memphis, Kaysar, Janelle, Christmas"     *feeds cut for nomination ceremony

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 5:24PM BBT Dani telling Cody, Max and NicF that pregnancy brain is real. She flooded their house. She turned on a bath and walked away and forgot. Cams change to the KT with some of the guys discussing oats. Tyler says he has oats every day with fruit.


5:32PM BBT Tyler, Memphis and Kaysar talk about the BY. They are hoping that the safety suite can be repurposed so they can get the BY more often. No game talk. Hg just roaming around waiting for noms to start.


5:39PM BB Cody, NicF and NicA talking in the WCA. Ian is in the WC and Cody yells out to him if he is ok. NicF tells him that he is stressing Ian out. Cody says that he has trouble going with people sitting in the WCA because he is so loud.


 5:47PM BBT Kevin and David in the lounge. David in a corner. He tells Kevin there is always a big alliance.Kevin says he isn't part of it then and that means they may be on the block together. David says yes but he doesn't think it would be a good look.


5:53PM BBT Memphis is called to the DR.

5:53PM BBT Reels for noms.

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