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Tuesday, July 17 2018 Big Brother 20 Live Feed Updates


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Please post ONLY Live Feed, televised show, Big Brother After Dark observations and screen captures here !

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Remember your time zones. Big Brother Time (BBT) is West Coast Daylight Saving Time (See Map Here).

Please be careful in identifying who is speaking, and do not use confusing abbreviations. We may have several HGs with names which start with the same letter.


Try to be consistent with abbreviations, like:
Washroom Area (WA)
Water Closet (WC)

Kitchen (KT)
Living Room (LR)
Back Yard (BY)
Bedroom (BR)
Indoor Lock Down (ILD)
Outdoor Lock Down (OLD)
Head of House Room (HOHR)
Storage Room (SR)
Blue bedroom  (BBR)

Pink bedroom (PBR)

The combined bedroom is (CBR)

The fidget spinner bedroom is (SBR)

It only takes a few good posts to earn your "Live Feed Updater" badge and LFU status. 


Also, all registered members of the forums have access to our chat rooms, at http://www.tvfanforums.net/index.php?/chat.html/ Stop in talk to SMVanBoyz, Fuskie, and I'm in there from time-to-time too. It's fun to be able to watch the feeds at dish the HGs at the same time.  


Please feel free to post info for other updaters to let them know how long you can update, or when you're taking a break and you want someone else to take over.


...And pictures, screen caps are welcome here too.

Thank you!

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12:00AM BBT: Haliegh is outside in the hammock with Brett and Winston. They talk about what the power apps could be. 

12:03AM BBT: Tyler and Kaycee are whispering in the KT. Tyler tells her about how the whole house knows about Sam's power and how Kaitlyn told everyone. Kaycee wants to know if Kaitlyn knows that Tyler knows she told everyone about Sam's power. Tyler says no.

12:07AM BBT: Tyler and Kaycee change the conversation when Rachel walks in. General conversation throughout the house. 

12:08AM BBT: Kailtyn says she doesn't want anyone to take a screen shot of her face and make a meme of it.



12:20AM BBT: Still just general conversations throughout the house. Kaitlyn, Rockstar, and JC are in the PBR. Faysal, Scottie, and Sam are in the BY. Tyler, Kaycee, and Rachel are in the KT. 

12:30AM BBT: Tyler and Kaycee tell Rachel that Kaitlyn told the whole house that Sam has the power. They think Bayleigh has a power.

1:00AM BBT: Still just general conversation in the house. Bayleigh, Haliegh, and Brett are talking on the hammock. Sam, Kaycee, and Faysal are laughing in the kitchen about making food. 

1:25AM BBT: Haliegh and Brett are on the hammock, talking about evicting Swaggy. They talk about the upcoming eviction night. Winston and Faysal are eating in the KT.

1:31AM BBT: Winston says he's frustrated with the way things turned out and how he doesn't want to lose his boy, but that they had every opportunity to win. Winston is having trouble seeing past Thursday.   

1:38Am BBT: Haliegh has to start reading again. She's in the PBR, reading to JC, Kaitlyn, and Rockstar. 

1:50AM BBT: Haliegh changes to rapping Hamlet while she reads. Kaitlyn and Rachel dance around while she does so.

1:57AM BBT: Haliegh is done reading for now. Sam, Faysal, and Scottie are in the KT. Sam is sorting laundry, Scottie and Faysal are eating. Sam asks them if they're going 
to be up for awhile. They say yes and she asks for laundry help.  

1:59AM BBT: Scottie goes outside and watched Faysal work out while he eats pizza. Faysal asks Scottie what the genius plan is. Scottie says they're going to "f**k everyone up."
Faysal wants to know who they trust. 

2:00AM BBT: Scottie says the five, including them, plus Bayleigh, Rockstar, and Haliegh. Scottie says he kind of trusts Kaycee. Faysal says he doesn't have a game relationship with her and it scares him.


2:05AM BBT: Faysal says he trusts Kaitlyn to not put him up on the block. He and Scottie talk a little bit about last week. Faysal says that they need to watch it before the girls start to win comps. Haleigh walks in and he has to back peddle a little since she heard him say that. They start to talk about competitions now that Haliegh has sat down. 

2:08AM BBT: Faysal says that they need to watch it before the girls start to win comps. Haleigh walks in and Faysal has to backpedal since she heard him say that so it doesn't sound as bad as it sounded. They start to talk about competitions now that Haliegh has joined their conversation. 

2:21AM BBT: Haliegh says she's going to bed and says good night. 


2:32AM BBT: Scottie asks Faysal what he thinks the house thinks of Scottie. Faysal says they thought he was going to be a superfan, but now that they think he's a evil genius super fan. Kaitlyn walks out to the BY. There's not much game talk now that Kaitlyn has joined them, just joking around. 


2:46AM BBT: Kailtyn leaves the BY. Faysal and Scottie go back to talking game. They talk about Kaitlyn's 'meltdown' yesterday. 


3:00AM BBT: Faysal and Scottie talk about what it's like to be in the jury house. Faysal doesn't understand why they don't just let you go home. 



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9:04am BBT: ALL HG still sleeping.

9:38am BBT: BB waking the HG as we have FOTH.

9:46am BBT: Winston and Faysal in the BBR talking about music. Rockstar in the KT getting coffee. Have Nots are still laying in their beds covered up with their heads covered.

9:48am BBT: Kaycee, Bayleigh and Haleigh in the WA doing ADL's. Rockstar takes her coffee and goes to the BBR listening to Faysal and Winston talk about rap music.

9:55am BBT: Winston and Rockstar in BBR talking about listening to Pandora and Apple Music and which is better to listen to. Rockstar says she listens to alot of instrumental stuff too since she goes to clubs.

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10:10AM BBT  Scottie and Brett talk in the storage room.  Scottie asks Brett about Sam's power app.  Brett says he doesn't know anything about it.  Scottie tells Brett that the reason Kaitlyn voted to keep Sam was because she was worried about Sam's power app being used and one of them going home instead.  Scottie asks Brett to swear he didn't know about it and tells Brett that his name was brought up.  Brett says, "no that power doesn't even make sense."

10:15AM BBT Scottie is up in the HOH room pacing back and forth.  "If he didn't know about it.. that means they..."  and "this is bullshit after bullshit".  He's breathing heavy and seems to be worked up.  Scottie brushes his teeth and goes down to the kitchen and acts normal.

10:18AM BBT:  Scottie looks in the fridge then walks into the storage room to look for food.  He's pacing the floor and seems to punch the air.  Talks to himself some but can't make it out.  Camera switches to have not room with Brett and Tyler.

10:19AM BBT:  Brett:  So freaking weird.  tyler comes up to me and says, 'so i found out people voted to keep sam because of her power app. she threatened to have the vote flipped and that's the reason they voted the way they did.'  Tyler says that he told kaitlyn that if he used Sam's power to get Kaitlyn to vote to keep Sam. 

Brett: he said my name was tossed around a lot.

Tyler:  because everyone thought you had the power app.

They talk about this week being Sam's last week to use the power.  Tyler says Sam is scared now because Kaitlyn's telling everyone about Sam's power.

Brett says Sam needs to use her power app because it saves numbers on their side.

Brett says he thinks Scottie thinks Brett has a power app.

10:23AM BBT:  Tyler:  Scottie's scared as F that you're both going to stay and then come for him.


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10:25AM BBT Tyler says as of last night, Sam says she's voting to keep Brett.

Brett: that's good but if she could use her power app, we would have the numbers.

Someone comes in and says something and leaves the room. Tyler leaves too.

10:26AM BBT Angela is watching dishes.  in the PBR, Kaitlyn, Bayleigh and JC are laying in bed.  Fessy comes in.  No game talk.  Fessy leaves.  Kaitlyn says she was called to the DR  at 2:30 and we get WBRB.

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10:30AM BBT:  Rockstar is also in the PBR w/ Kaitlyn, Bayleigh and JC.  Talking about shows.  No game talk.

10:40AM BBT:  Haleigh's talking about how she told her boyfriend to make sure to have a place for them to live when she gets out.  She wanted him to find a place for them together and she didn't want to have to deal with it-she wants him to do it all.  [little does she know...]

10:41AM BBT:  Kaitlyn says she's going to take a poopie.

JC says one of his main goals when he gets out is to live by himself.

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10:00am BBT: Haleigh in the HNR snuggling with Brett they look to be sleeping. In the KT Angela , Winston and kaycee are getting coffee and breakfast. just general talk going on about everyone's cups.

10:02am BBT: Sam joins the KT getting coffee, Kaitlyn and Faysal in the STR hugging, They leave the STR and go towards the BR's. In the PBR Haleigh is talking to Bayleigh and Rockstar about they have nothing to do today since they are on indoor LD now.

10:14am BBT: Tyler and Brett up i the WA doing ADL's Scottie in the HOHR doing ADl's.  Most HG in the KT drinking coffee and eating breakfast.

10:50am BBT: Tyler washing dishes, In the LVR Kaitlyn and Winston are talking about if he thinks he will stay or not. Faysal is working out and climbing the wall.

10:55am BBT: Hg are sitting around talking general talk and telling about dreams.

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11:03AM BBT:  Sam and Brett are talking in the have not room.  Sam tells Brett not to worry because of what she's hearing, every is voting for Winston to stay.  Sam tells him not to worry, not to worry about rumors, it's all stupid and she wants Brett to enjoy his day.

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11:07AM BBT (after having non-game talk) Brett to Sam:  well hey, i didn't want to freak you out.  if you do have it (the power app) my motive of our talk wasn't to try to get you to confirm it.  Then they go back to trying to figure out how to make the have not room more comfortable. 

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10:59 am BBT.  Kaitlyn, Rockstar and Winston talking in the LR and Faysal is climbing the rock wall and wearimg very tight white leggings or something.  JC and Bayleigh talking in the PBR while each laying in a bed inder the covers.  General talk.  Kaitlyn says she loves LA and never wants to leave.   They are discussing how every restaurant there has a patio.  


11:02 am BBT.  Brett and Sam whispering in the HN room.  They are talking about vote flipping and who says who did it.  Sam says everyone is voting for Brett to stay.  Kaitlyn and Winston talking how his dog has calmed down and Kaitlyn asks if he would ever get another dog.  He said for sure.  Winston leaves.  Faysal is doing plank exercises.  Kaitlyn tells Rachel how doing her certification for her job she realized if she doesn’t get enough validation she gets upset (big news here).  Brett asks Sam to keep him updated (I think they talked about Sam’s power ?).  Brett says there has to be a way to make the HN room more comfy.  WBRB.  Kaitlyn, Rachel, Scottie, Tyler, Angela and Rockstar all sitting in KT.  WBRB.  


11:22 am BBT.  Brett tells the LR crew the coldest he ever went skiing it was 20 below.  


11:25 am BBT.  Rockstar in PBR with JC, Bayleigh and someone else.  Everyone but Rockstar is in bed under covers so I can’t see the 3rd person’s face.  Rockstar says there is nothing to do.  She is describing the shapes her creamer is making in her coffee.  She starts talking about when she discovered festivals.  General chat between Faysal and the bros in the LR.  


11:29 am BBT.  WBRB (we keep getting that every few min or so).  When it comes back just general talk in LR and PBR.  


11:32 am BBT.  Tyler is laying in the bathroom and Sam is shaving his face.  Tyler saying he wasn’t gonna let people touch his hair.  Sam asks at what point did he realize people were treating him differently bcuz of his incredible hair.  He says he made a $100 bet with a friend that he wouldn’t cut it for 5 years.  He says in Aug, it’ll be 2 years.  WBRB.  


11:39 am BBT.  Rachel has joined the LR crew of Faysal and the bros.  Kaitlyn and Scottie on couch outside HOHR.  She has Scottie put oils

on his wrist and then put his hands to face and breathe in.  


11:42 am BBT.  Kaitlyn and Scottie move into the HOHR.  Scottie sits in bed and Kaitlyn continues to show him where to put the oils, them they meditate.  


11:45 am BBT.  Brett is laying on LR couch with his head in Rachel’s lap.  She rubs his very low back.  


11:51 am BBT.  Scottie still meditating.  Kaitlyn lays back in bed and meditates mouthing some words, then starts chanting...Faysal has joined them in HOHR.  Rockstar comes in.  The bros laying on LR couch. 


11:54 am BBT.  We keep flipping back between feeds and WBRB. 


12:00 pm BBT.  Meditating still going on in HOHR.  Rachel is getting stuff on to climb rock wall.  


12:06 pm BBT.  Sam is tweezing Tyler’s eyebrows in the WA.  Everyone is saying today is boring.  


12:11 am BBT.  Sam is Tyler the difference between her shaving your face (what she does) vs u doing it yourself.  WBRB. 

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12:18PM BBT:  Sam and Rockstar are in their bedroom.  Rockstar tells her how JC was half asleep one day and she asked him about his power.  He was talking about "his power" so Rockstar thinks JC has one and thinks he accidentally told her because he was half asleep. Sam tells Rockstar:  "I have a power.  i've had it forever.  it expires this week and i'm not going to use it because it's not fair."

Rockstar:  what is it?

Sam:  i'm not going to say.  but it's not a fair thing.  If i would have had to use it on myself, then I would have.

12:21PM BBT:  in HOH bed, Kaitlyn and Scottie are talking.  Kaitlyn says Sam is going to float her way to the end.  Scottie says that seems to be the plan.  Kaitlyn says she thinks Sam got the power app because she plays dumb.  Scottie and Kaitlyn say that Sam says to everyone, "i don't understand the game".  We get WBRB because Kaitlyn complains about casting.

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12:23PM BBT: Back in the have not room, Rockstar tells Sam that she wasn't telling her about "JC's power" to piss her off (Sam doesn't like knowing secrets because she doesn't want to lie).  Sam says she's not mad, she just wishes she never even had a power. and it makes her angry that people know about her power because people were talking about it.

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12:16 pm BBT.  Kaitlyn asks Scottie how he feels today.  He says a-ok.  He is just going to focus on the fact that his objective got done this week and whatever happens, happens.  He says the only things that concerns him is the meeting Sam had with Brett.  He said it was after he won veto.  Kaitlyn wants to talk to her bcuz her and Tyler are supposed to be the only ones who know about her power and it was going to be used on Kaitlyn.  Scottie says he didn’t know that Tyler knew.  Kaitlyn says Sam said 3 days ago that if Kaitlyn went up she would use it on her.  She says this is her last week for it.  Scottie says maybe she lied about it.  Kaitlyn says Sam is gonna float her way to the end.  Scottie says that seems to be the plan.  He says his big thought is the day she got the power, American would’ve known she got a punishment but wouldn’t have known what it was yet, so why was she trending?  Kaitlyn says maybe she’s not as dumb as she acts.  Then she starts saying production why do u cast...and we get WBRB.  


Meanwhile, Rockstar and Sam are in the HN room.  Rockstar says I found out who has one of the powers.  She says it’s JC.  Sam asks, for sure?  She says she was kidding with JC and said JC are u gonna use your power this week and he was half asleep and starts telling her about it.  Then, he says but I already told u all of this and she says “u didn’t tell me yo!”  Sam asks if he wants people to know.  Rockstar says no and Sam says why are u telling me then?  She says bcuz it’s a secret and I trust u.  Sam asks if he said what it was and Rockstar says no he just said it was a big deal.  She says 3 are floating around.  Sam says everyone knows I have one, I got the 1st one.  Sam says it expores this week but I’m not gonna use it cuz it’s not fair.  Rockstar asks what it is.  Sam says I’m not gonna say, but I’m not gonna use it and now it’s gone.  Sam wonders if the other ones have expiration dates.  Rockstar thinks they all run out before jury.  


12:23 pm BBT.  Rockstar tells Sam in the HN room that she didn’t mean to piss her off, she was just sharing info.  Sam says it’s fine, she justs wants it to be over and move on and for it to go away.  She says she didn’t want a power.  She doesn’t want something unfair.  Rockstar asks her not to say anthing JC’s.  She says she won’t bcuz she didn’t want hers told to everyone.  She says she pretended she didn’t have it unless she had to use it.  She says now it’ll expire naturally.  She starts saying the drwers suck and have staples.  We get WBRB.  


Meanwhile in HOHR, Kaitlyn says JC always wants to vote with the HOH, so who knows.  They talk about getting Brett this week and them hetting Winston next week and then 1 more week til jury.


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12:26 pm BBT.  Rockstar and Sam hug.  In the HOHR, Kaitlyn tells Scottie that when Swaggy was there, that he would tell her, Faysal and Bayleigh everything that he would say that Brett and Winston told him.  She says he wasn’t loyal.  She says when she was HOH, she told the bros she was taking Scottie off the block, Winston asked her why not me?  She says Winston said he had never spoken an ounce of game to Scottie.  He says that’s a lie, he approached me about an alliance on day 2.  She says I believe u over him.  She says she knew she couldn’t trust them.  Scottie says he didn’t buy it when they pitched that it was Swaggy who drew lines.  Kaitlyn says the whole thing is sisappointing.  She says Brett is fun to have around.  

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 12:30pm -1:00pm BBT: Kaitlyn and Scottie talk in the HOHR about Sam not telling Tyler about the power until later in the game, She then complains about Production and how they cast someone like Sam who does not know anything about this game. In the LVR Rockstar is climbing the wall and gets to the top and tries to come down and is scared so other HG try helping her down. WE get FOTH for a bit then Feeds come back with Rockstar still hanging on the wall. She decides to let go and drops. Other Hg come to give her a hug as she is shaking from being so scared.Back in the HOHR Kaitlyn tells Scottie that Swaggy told her and the group everything that Scottie said. She said that Swaggy betrayed you.


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1:00pm-3:00pm BBT: Tyler and Winston in the STR talking about Winston staying, he says he is due to win a comp now but then he might have to throw the comp so he can lay low again. He says he will not campaign against Brett but wants to talk to everyone one on one to see where their heads are. Tyler then tells Winston that kaitlyn is telling the other group in the house about sams Power and how they are saying sam better not use it and how they have to get her out of the house now. Winston agrees that Kaitlyn is stirring up Drama  Tyler leaves and goes to the Lounge rm and talks to kaycee and tells her about the talk with Winston. kaycee says that kaitlyn is trying to make an all girls alliance. Tyler thinks that Winston will stay this week.

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3:00pm-4:00pm BBT: Kaycee and Tyler still talking in the Lounge rm about needing to win this HOH comp this week when JC comes in and tells them that he just told Winston he is waiting to see what the house is doing  before he decides how to vote. Jc says he wants to sit  across from kaitlyn Thursday night and see he face when Winston leaves so he can see her facial expressions. Kaitlyn walks into the RM and game talks is halted. In the HOHR Scottie , Haleigh and Rockstar are talking about Kaitlyn having a power and how she would keep that a secret from everyone. Scottie says that Kaitlyn told them about the Cloud App  and they think that kaitlyn has it now anyone else. Rockstar tells Scottie that JC swore he would not use his power on anyone but himself. JC and Faycel talk about  some Hg think JC has the power and JC says let them think it then.

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06:59PM BBT Kaitlyn and Brett quietly talk in the BBR. She says "fool me once, shame on me, ya know?".

07:02PM BBT Fessy and Haleigh whisper in the PBR, very difficult to hear.

07:07PM BBT Winston talks with Rachel in the lounge.  He asks her not to rule him out yet.


07:10PM BBT Kaitlyn is now giggly/flirty with Brett.


07:20PM BBT Rachel is telling Angela how Winston just told her that he's thrown the comps thus far, that he could win them if he tried.  The two girls are going back through the pros and cons of keeping one over bro over the other.


07:24PM BBT Rachel and Angela confirm that it's the two of them til the end.


07:25PM BBT Kaitlyn asks Brett to tell her if there's someone that she thinks is on her side proves to be against her.


07:27PM BBT Brett tells Kaitlyn that he is not going to impulsively throw anyone under the bus.  She tells him that it won't benefit him at this point.


07:28PM BBT After prodding, Brett tells Kaitlyn that he feels that he has the votes to stay. 

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07:29PM BBT Kaitlyn tells Brett that her vote depends on what he chooses to share with her over the next 24 hours.  She says she feels hot and tells him to "feel me". 


07:34PM BBT Kaitlyn thinks that the girls will make a decision on who to keep based on who they'll have a better time with this summer.


07:35PM BBT Rachel and Angela play Jenga talking about how they need to hide their F2 alliance.


07:36PM BBT Fessy is wearing Swaggy's shirt while talking with Sam in the washroom area.  She offers advice not to make the decision based on the girls and who he likes more.


07:38PM BBT Sam walks Fessy through scenarios and how he could base his decision on.  Brett is a bigger target, but Winston could be beaten more easily.  And then finally - who would he rather be around after this week?


07:41PM BBT Sam made slop cookies, slop brownies, and slop bread


07:43PM BBT Winston, Brett, Angela, Kaitlyn and Haleigh are in the kitchen making/eating dinner.


07:49PM BBT In the PBR, Fessy is telling Kaitlyn that he's feeling frustrated with the boredom of the house.  Kaitlyn interrupts and tells him that he's her best friend.


07:56PM BBT Fessy says that he really wants to make it to jury.  "I also want to win, but..." and then the feeds go to fish.



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The best bit today happened at almost 5:30PM BBT.


In the Lounge, playing Jenga, JC and Winston

5:28PM BBT Winston: I would give anything to watch a movie.
5:28PM BBT JC: Clear out my head.
5:28PM BBT Winston: Just clear out my head, that's all I want. I just want mindless entertainment. Mindless entertainment would be fantastic...
5:28PM BBT (Rachel walks in)
5:28PM BBT JC: Hi Rachel, we were just talking about you.

(Winston dies laughing)

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08:00PM BBT Rockstar is now in bed with Kaitlyn in the PBR.  She said that she told Winston that if you're on the block, that you should talk to people. 


08:03PM BBT Haleigh is called to the DR.


08:04PM BBT Rachel is doing a dance routine in the kitchen with Fessy trying to keep up with her.


08:05PM BBT Rockstar settles in to the bed and reads the Bible.


08:11PM BBT In the HN room, Brett fills Rachel in on his conversation with Kaitlyn, and how she wanted Brett to name names of who suggested his meeting with Scottie re: putting Kaitlyn up. 


08:14PM BBT JC and Fessy play Foosball with Scottie looking on.


08:14PM BBT Kaycee and Tyler are talking in the HOHR and Rachel comes in.  Tyler then leaves.  Rachel tells her that Brett and Kaitlyn talked and that Brett said that it was "stupid and BS".  


08:18PM BBT Rachel yells down and announces that they're having an acting night in the house.  JC is repeating her with "blah blah blah blah".  Scottie joins JC making fun of her.


08:19PM BBT Brett tells Tyler in the lounge how he could see Fessy and team listening to Brett while he was talking to Kaitlyn in bed.  "How stupid they they think I am?"


08:20PM BBT Kaitlyn corners Tyler about his conversation with Brett, wanting details.  He asks Tyler if he's going to vote to keep him.


08:22PM BBT Kaitlyn tells Tyler that Brett probably thinks that he has her vote, but that he's too scary and almost won that comp.


08:23PM BBT Tyler calls out Kaitlyn for saying "I know for a fact" when talking about people, and how there's no way she can know for a fact in most cases.


08:27PM BBT Tyler is questioning Kaitlyn on her telling different versions of her conversations. 


08:28PM BBT Rachel and JC are playing in the house, chasing each other around and laughing.

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8 minutes ago, BBLurkerPlus said:

The best bit today happened at almost 5:30PM BBT.


In the Lounge, playing Jenga, JC and Winston

5:28PM BBT Winston: I would give anything to watch a movie.
5:28PM BBT JC: Clear out my head.
5:28PM BBT Winston: Just clear out my head, that's all I want. I just want mindless entertainment. Mindless entertainment would be fantastic...
5:28PM BBT (Rachel walks in)
5:28PM BBT JC: Hi Rachel, we were just talking about you.

(Winston dies laughing)

That's so awesome!!!!


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08:36PM BBT Kaitlyn is still trying to figure out who has the 3rd app, if Sam and JC have the first and second.


08:38PM BBT Angela is called to the DR.


08:38PM BBT Haleigh joins Tyler and Kaitlyn in the Jenga lounge, discussing Kaitlyn's conversation with Brett.  


08:41PM BBT Winston and Brett talk in the kitchen and see that Fessy is in the kitchen keeping an eye on them.


08:45PM BBT Kaitlyn says that she only makes decisions in life based on her intuition.


08:47PM BBT Kaitlyn tells Haleigh and Tyler that she forgives Brett.


08:49PM BBT Kaitlyn says that she would take Soul Cycle courses at night and it would help her sleep.  WInston, Angela and Brett are making up their beds in the HN room.


08:51PM BBT Bay joins JC, Rockstar, and Haleigh in the Jenga lounge.  They're talking about doing a workout after Kaitlyn goes poo and changes into leggings.  


08:53PM BBT Kaycee said that it's confirmed that PopTV is every night, and how she wishes they'd known that.


08:58PM BBT Rockstar and Haleigh tickle JC on the floor of the lounge.




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BB Time 8:52pm

camera 1


Winston is trying to praise Sam for her bed making skills in the have not room. When she came into the room earlier Winston and Brett rolled their eyes and she caught them'

Sam: I am trying to avoid people as much as possible

Winston: Why?

S: this is the longest day ever, on slop, and coming off my nicotine high. And I don't like you guys. I wish you were both leaving.


She laughs and says “just kidding. But I don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all. But I like you guys....


Sam leaves the room, leaving Winston and Brett alone in the room.


They are talking about someone who expected an apology from Brett (assuming it was Kaitlyn) Brett says there was no need for her display the other night.


Faysal starts to enter, then leaves even after Brett says come in.


Brett says he told her (Kaitlyn) that he hopes they will be friends outside the house, he likes her as a

person. Brett still whispering and talking only a few words are audible.


JC starts to enter, then leaves


Kaitlyn comes to the door, she refuses to come into the room when they invite her, “I don't want to”. And she also leaves.


They think Sam's attitude has to do with not smoking, and deciding what she is going to do with the power. They say she is probably tired of cleaning and cooking, and without her the kitchen would be dirty 24/7.

Winston says the DR told him to clean up and don't leave food out when he mentioned it, but he thinks they are all Nichiren and wont do it.


Rachel opens the door, then refuses to come into the room.


The bros are upset that no one will come into the room.


They wonder if there will be a battle back, but don't believe there will be one, but hope for the possibility.

Winston thinks if there is one it will be physical. Each of them think they will be voted out, but Winston believes people love Brett, and he looks like an intense a**hole. Brett doesn't disagree. Winston thinks Scottie is playing a character, but can;t figure out his angle. The bros are sorry they did not talk to the other side of the house. Winston calls Scottie a weird kid, and it irks him that everyone is up in the HOH befriending Scottie, and even though they talked to him earlier he put them up. They make fun of Rock Star, who was stuck on the wall earlier (rock climbing)((she was too afraid to come down and finally dropped to the floor))


gossip continues.


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