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Meg Maley (Week 7) + D/E Nominee

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Meg is funny!  When she was all over Clay it was hilarious.  He didn't act like he was resisting too much (and it's not the first time they have hugged, drunk or sober).

I think Meg is finally waking up to the fact that there is a game to be played and she better go out and win something!

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Now that the halfway point of the game has been passed, and everyone left is guaranteed at least Jury, will Meg step up her game, or continue to appear harmless and float her way to the final pawn position? No one knows for sure.

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My money says as the weeks go by Meg will step up to the plate and come out swinging. At least I hope so. :dj:

I know you've been crushing on Meg all season, but by her own admission, she sucks at everything. her only win in comps was a BOB with Jason. Meg has not even come close in any of the comps. I don't hate Meg, she's likeable enough. Meg is good at flirting, kissing and drinking alcohol, but I don't see a BB comp that would be in her wheelhouse.

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Meg almost won the last POV.  She had the second best time.  So we know she's trying.  I love how she fake cares about Shelli.

I agree Meg did well in the last veto comp. I think she needs to watch her back with the twins, one of them thinks that Meg is the "brains" of the goblins and wants to put Meg on the block if they win the next HOH.

Even though James & Austin came to an agreement not to come after each other, the girls have other plans.

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I would like her to have one thought that was her own and defend it.  I do not think Meg is stupid or anything like that but she does not always agree wth the James and then allows her ideas to be thrown out in favor of his or Jackie's.  I think she trusts Austin and the twins way more than she should. 

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