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Austin Matelson (Week 3) - HoH1 (dethroned)


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Hopefully Austin will see the Liz/Julia twin situation and Jeff's manipulations as a wake-up call and get his head into the game. I want him to be a better player of the game.

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Too late now. He has a while to decide. So far no one is on to Jeff.


Oh yes and Vanessa told Austin about Jeff wanting to get him out. I think Jeff is going on the block. 

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Why is Austin being such a creeper and trying to cuddle with Liz? I thought he had a girlfriend.

Austin does have a girlfriend back home and that's one of the reasons that Julia was creeped out by Austin. Julia didn't like it but apparently Liz didn't have a problem with it.

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I stand slightly corrected. According to Vanessa, Liz is concerned about her image since Austin has a girlfriend back home. It seems that Austin may be a little hurt & pissy this morning because last night Liz partied with the other HGs and did not sleep with him in the HOH bedroom. He's concerned that he may be doing too much trying to protect her game at his expense.

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Austin did tell people at the beginning that his girlfriend said she might not be there when he gets out. When he got the letter and his mom said so and so said Hi. He said I have a girlfriend? 


I think he believes that it was most likely over. 


Sounds like the girlfriend thing is "ify". 

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There's something about Austin that really sets off red flags for me. Before the season started, when we first saw the interviews, he was my favorite. But listening to him laying in bed with Liz/Julia and talk about being jealous/hurt when the oter twin slept with James last night, and complaining about how he thinks Jeff doesn't treat her right.. something about him gives me this really slimy feeling. 

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There's something about Austin that really sets off red flags for me. Before the season started, when we first saw the interviews, he was my favorite. But listening to him laying in bed with Liz/Julia and talk about being jealous/hurt when the oter twin slept with James last night, and complaining about how he thinks Jeff doesn't treat her right.. something about him gives me this really slimy feeling.

He did kinda freak out and get extremely possessive about Liz for what he perceived as her "sleeping with the enemy". But now that Julia is in the house now he seems OK. I just hope he doesn't lose his cool and have an ugly confrontation with Liz when the twins make another switch. Austin's reaction to Liz's behavior was over the top.

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I go back and forth wondering why Austin is there.  At first I figured he had to be a recruit and just there to fill a spot (I think I remember one of the producers being a former wrestler or wrestling fan) or promote his wresting career or just pick up some easy change working out for the summer.


He seems to really like and (sort of) understand the BB game because he can relate incidents from lots of random past BB seasons but he still confuses me as to why he came to play!  One minute his head is 100% in the game and the next he acts clueless as to what is going on and as if he does not really care.

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I go back and forth wondering why Austin is there.  At first I figured he had to be a recruit and just there to fill a spot (I think I remember one of the producers being a former wrestler or wrestling fan) or promote his wresting career or just pick up some easy change working out for the summer.


He seems to really like and (sort of) understand the BB game because he can relate incidents from lots of random past BB seasons but he still confuses me as to why he came to play!  One minute his head is 100% in the game and the next he acts clueless as to what is going on and as if he does not really care.

I know what you mean about Austin and I have kinda mixed emotions about him too. In one of his pre-show interviews he said no showmance for him because he has a GF at home. However, his behavior with Liz clearly shows he has some feelings invested in that relationship.

Or, maybe he's still hurt by Jace's eviction in week 1, and doesn't know where he fits into this group. Austin & Jace hit it off instantly and maybe he thought they were gonna have fun & party like frat boys for the summer. Now his "bromance" is over and he seems kinds lost. Austin needs to get it together or he's not even gonna make it to the jury.

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He used to be my favorite but he is giving me some signs of being a controlling stalker type. LOL maybe its just me but his thing for Liz is weird considering he has a girlfriend at home or he did.

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I'm liking him more and more.  He is looking out for his own game, and I am waiting for the day when he decides enough is enough with that controlling lunatic Vanessa.

 LOL that is funny. Vanessa is a little off.
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He's beginning to gross me out. I dislike how he walks around without his shirt, and his attraction to all of the ladies (and belief that they all want him) is annoying. I think that's going to be his downfall (his attitude towards the ladies,not his lack of shirt ;) )

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I don't like how cocky Austin is sometimes... Also, I was watching BBAD last night and I thought I heard Liz say that she was on a "date" with Austin. Is that true? Were they really on a date?

 I guess they said it was a date they had dinner in the HOH room just the 2 of them.
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