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7/2 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show....


2.Who will be evicted & what hg will leave them the nastiest goodbye message ?



3.Who is the one hg's you would hate to lose this next week ?




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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show -   Jace will do his rap song and everyone will laugh


2.Who will be evicted & what hg will leave them the nastiest goodbye message?  -  Jace will leave and Day and Jeff will leave nasty messages. Steve will leave a really touching message.


3.Who is the one hg's you would hate to lose this next week ? - Austin 

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1. Steve will give an awkward answer to a question.

2. Jace. Audrey will give a nasty message, but I wish Steve would comment on Jace being a bully.

3. Jeff. I'm interested in watching his game play. I'm also detecting a showmance between him and Meg (which I think could be cute!)

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1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... austin will leave a bro code  in his goodbye message to jace


2.Who will be evicted & what hg will leave them the nastiest goodbye message ? jace/ jason



3.Who is the one hg's you would hate to lose this next week ? austin just to see how he does without his road dog jace....plus the game will be somewhat boring once all the somewhat threatening  males are gone ....want to keep at least one of them in play to keep things interesting




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here we go :animated_bouncy:

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poor jace


last season was a better season for him


more bros



frankie front row seat :animated_bouncy:

talk about getting a lot in :animated_bouncy:

audrey with stray vote


but many probably will suspect her anyway :animated_bouncy:

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Audrey wants to blame a hinky vote on someone...... I think

austin but he would have no reason to lie

maybe steve :animated_bouncy:

no returning hg's of those out before jury  :animated_bouncy:

da'vonne & jason semi mean goodbye message :animated_bouncy:

surprised they would risk no one coming back in case audrey left before jury :animated_bouncy:

1.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the eviction show.... austin will leave a bro code  in his goodbye message to jace





darn it da'vonne did it :animated_bouncy:

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uvp where is the fat lady?

not into it this year


the board beside vets nobody would notice


end of an era with that :animated_bouncy:

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not sure it was smart of becky to win hoh :animated_bouncy:

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two girls winning botb



that is a shocker


two that is off radar


another shocker :animated_bouncy:

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feel another guy is going to leave this week


two tempting to not take another shot at a guy :animated_bouncy:

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feel another guy is going to leave this week


two tempting to not take another shot at a guy :animated_bouncy:

You are probably right!

Pretty extreme twist that someone picks 3 people that can't vote in the next eviction. 


That is HUGE! 

Yep. should be interesting.

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Too often the women target another woman. If they go for a guy, I think it might be James.



yeah which why somewhat so  many male winners



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