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Everything posted by WickedOne

  1. he's rather odd... I think the bear's feeling violated
  2. with lil old John-boy back... might as well not have brought ANYONE back
  3. If I have to watch that muppet blubber one more time.................
  4. Gotta love when the HG's swear they will put their hand on the bible to prove they're telling the truth. The biggest book of lies ever created by men Bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 'Dude and like' Vanessa needs to G. O.
  5. Thinks she's in the running to replace Vanna White. eyeroll
  6. I can tolerate her... with a bag over her head.
  7. Decent body... edible.... needs to lose the face...
  8. Those feet.... there was no fixing those.
  9. Same humans keep invading my space i'm eating them as fast as I can
  10. A lil twerp that created his own image in hopes someone other than bullies would notice him. Rather he be obnoxious than boring.
  11. golly.. ANOTHER twin twist... be still my blackened heart
  12. that bullfrog voice... kill it with fire



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