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Everything posted by StephenV

  1. Mike basically giving April an ultimatum either apologize in the DR or he will reveal that April and Jenny are pairs..but he has not come out to say it...(Looks like April is shitting in her pants) April "is it me"
  2. Yvette bitching because she has to pick stuff up from the rain and it's only April helping
  3. Well we might find out about your question pretty soon a thunder storm just passed over my house and is heading West towards the BB house. I live about 35 miles away from the BB house. This is like only the 2nd time in my life it's ever rained in July. Right now it's 5:53 bb time.
  4. Howie telling rachel once James is gone then the games is theirs.
  5. Kaysar asks Mike "you'd you be offended if I didn't vote for you" Kaysar wants to "confuse the hell out of em" Mike looks offended and Janelles says can't he get just one vote. [ talking about a possible clean sweep and Kaysar giving his eviction vote to Mike instead of Jannelle]
  6. What I think is ironic is people complaining about people who complain.
  7. I quite don't feel like you about this season until Mike, Kaysar, Janelle and Howie are all gone. Besides I can't wait til Eric and Yvette get evicted..that'll make the season for me.
  8. Sign me up for the Janelle fan club!! She rocks!
  9. I watched it twice the first time didn't notice the 2nd time I saw Janelle first. But it ends here in 30 mins hopefully another West Coaster can confim.
  10. James "I hate Micheal" James thinks he needs "to seek help"
  11. James say are you sure your nor "Colubian" Yvette says she hates Columbians and they are "asshole" She doesn't care if she says that "on TV"
  12. Yvette talking crap about Mike to James and April at the hammock. April leaves James ays he "hates April" becuase she will sell us out. Yvette said for her "it's Maggie" James warn Yvette not to bring Maggie up anymore to Eric. "don't say anymore about to him at let me do my research" James to Yvette about Eric
  13. Outside lockdown "HG this is lockdown. Please go outside and close the sliding glass door"
  14. Janelles know that they are both from Texas and they are in the same sorority.....talking about April and Jenny.
  15. Howie clogged the toilet and is cleaning the plunger where everyone sits. (in the backyard)
  16. Yvette started making fun of Mike's "man titties" and that "he walks like a duck" and Janelles "fake hair" and says at least my "tits are mine" and "my hair is mine"
  17. Beau is tellinh Yvette about the song Mike made up about her the night in the Gold Room. Beau is reluctant to tell her because she will "go off" Yvette is going to "laugh at them so hard" when they get kicked out of the house.
  18. Yvette just said Maggie is "butchy" and a "big butch" She is annoying according to Yvette and Beau
  19. Rachel says "I can't believe Kayasar slept in the gold room with them last night" Eric "who knows"
  20. It's like you never see her then she just pops out of nowhere. Weird.
  21. Feeds are back Jenny April and Janelle smoking and with that I'm done for the night..night guys.
  22. Mike tells Howie "you're the star of the show" Howie "really?..thanks bro"
  23. Mike said Eric will use the others as puppets if any of them win HOH. So don't be fooled he tells Kaysar and Howie
  24. Eric would'nt be surprised if eric will go crazy and BB has to "throw people out" Especially with Yvettes "big mouth" Mike saying about Yvette "have you seen her ass?" Saying it would be impossible to get an erection from looking at it. "The good thing about having her around is that it takes all my sex drive away" Again he tells them he wants a motorcycle if they win.



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