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Everything posted by StephenV

  1. Eric telling James Kaysar wants Yvette gone. He's also telling James he has Janelle in his ear. You need to cover your ass. Now there talking about "there the one's who f@#ked over Mike" about April and Jenny. James is telling Eric can win Veto and take himself off. Eric sarcastically "Oh take yourself off" Both are pretty sure Kaysar wants Yvette gone. James "Better her than me"
  2. Yvette remindeding Eric "remeber you were telling Howie you were going to put up Kaysar"
  3. Eric is certain Kaysar is going to put up Yvette.."who is he going to put up with you?" Yvette tells him "Beau"
  4. Ivette is blaming that Micheal "talked shit" about her to Kaysar. Eric is saying they underestimated Kaysar.
  5. Telling James he wanted him to commit before "this happenes" [HOH} James telling Kaysar that he's an idealist and Kaysar tells him "you're definitely a republican"
  6. Talking about High school grades outside Janelle, Kaysar, Sarah and James. James said his GPA was 2.85. He says he sucks at math. Now he said his Major was History and minor in Econ. [no catching on he supposedly teaches philosophy]
  7. Yvette telling James "remember when Howie said he wanted Kaysar out" James is saying that he will put up Howie if he's HOH next week
  8. The only story I ever heard about Eric's grandparents was the story he was telling them how his grandfather redesigned the stethsoscope and how it carries the name "Littman" on a lot them. When asked about money Eric said that his grandfather "sold the rights" and Ivette said "that's one Jew that didn't use his Yamika". Maybe Mike was commenting about that. Only thing i can think of. I haven't heard anything else about his grandparents.
  9. Maggie was saying that if Micheal goes on a rampage tonight than they are all gonna get up and walk to the bedroom and......fish
  10. Kaysar said about Yvette "she thinks she knows what she's talking about but she's one the dumbest people around" but it might be good to keep her around.. Kaysar "do you trust me" Howie "kinda" Kaysar "damn homey" Howie "well do you completely trust your parents"
  11. Howie is upset because the cult told him "he's good for a couple weeks". He knows they don't include him.
  12. Kaysar asks if he was really a pervert or a front. Howie said he's "a pervert" he like girls panties. "There are doctors, lawyers and perverts" there enough room everyone ~ Howie. The whole Janelle Micheal thing is causing Janelle "to get distracted" from the game~Kaysar
  13. Howie is saying "the cult" never asked him to join but just ask him "what he thinks' and he says they "hiding conversations".
  14. Howie "I can't put him up" talking about putting Eric up "Kaysar "Janelle will" If they get rid of James all they will have is "people power" according Kaysar. It was important for Kaysar to get Janelle and Howie on his team because everyone in the house underestimated them
  15. Kaysar was saying if Jenny gets it "she will f@$k us" then fish
  16. Kaysar asks Howie if he gets HOH who would he put up....Howie doesn't answer..... They don't care if either of them win HOH so if the battle comes down to the two of the Howie sound like he will let Kaysar take it.
  17. Kayar and Howie are talking about next week's eviction and Kaysar saying we need votes but Howie tell them put "two of them " up there and let them fight it out. "you break the table wide open and balls all over the table" If Janelle gets it "what do you think she puts up Eric and James" Howie likes the idea because neither of them can put Eric up per the agreement.
  18. Eric is telling Maggie "lie lie lie deny deny deny" he doesn't want to use his "trump card" to early and he is really worried about James.. "Let's go downstairs"~Eric
  19. Eric is telling Maggie "Eric knows about April and Jennifer"
  20. Howie tells Beau if you win HOH are you going to put me up? Beau "only if you kiss me on the lips" he won't Howie walks over and pretends to kiss Beau with April and Janell saying "gross"
  21. Howie is reminded Janelle she has a contest [HOH] tomorrow and "no cocks" tonight.
  22. Eric is saying the only time he said Mike was a sexual/prediator or harrasser was the time he spoke to him about the women.
  23. Everyone in the LR except Jan and Mike talking. April still looks bothered



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