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Everything posted by CasperSabe

  1. you might be on to something .. time will tell!!!
  2. They are talking about whent he red sox played in the world series. Eric says that he went to work at 14 -- that his dad made him give him money for rent. Maggie had a job at 14. Eric says that if his kids give him money he'll put it an account for them. maggie said she'd make a deposit with her birthday money, etc in the bank. Eric is saying that him and Julie should do that with his kids .. she is talking about her dad giving her, her first credit card (he didn't pay it for her) .. and teaching her how to use the card .. and that he did it so that when she was 19 she'd have credit ..
  3. There can be .. but man it's addictive. I am gonna be sooooooo nuts at work next week anxious to get home and turn them on .. I am gonna hate missing so much while I am at work.
  4. I am right there with you yana!! Eric and maggie must have heard us in that other thread yana, they just started talking about why she's not married to her BF she's been with for so long.
  5. I am in CST time .. but it airs the same time here it does on the east coast, I just tune in at 7 .. when it's say 8 in new york.
  6. I have posted their pics in the pic forum for those who don't have feeds
  7. Say for instance it's 9: 00 PM CST .. you subtract 2 hours and you have BB Time NBT ~ 7:00 MT ~ 8:00 Subtract an Hour CST ~ 9:00 Subtract 2 hours EST ~ 10:00 Subtract 3 hous Depending on which time zone your in .. just subtract the appropriate number of hours from what time it is where you are ..
  8. Hers and April's voices are starting to really just make me cringe when I hear them. It's not even always what they say but how they say it.
  9. I had a horrible dream last night that they were kissing in the gold room and Rachel .. or next weeks head of house hold (Ivette) saw them kissing on the spy screen at that they were presto - up for eviction. They had better knock it off.
  10. Ivette -- I can't even be fake, which is the worst part .. I was Ivette try to be fake .. it just doesn't work, not for the life of me I can't bring it out. Ivette -- let me tell you I have been great keeping my mouth shut. April it's taking all that I have in me to not tell that girl off. Apirl -- hate is a very strong word I don't know her enough to hate her -- Ivette if I never had to see that girl again I would not care .. I would never degrade anyone ever .. she is all about thinking she's better than everybody else .. she jsut seems like the typical person who thinks that your better than me .. you have nothing to offer me or my life .. April -- the deal is you pick and choose friends because you have something to give to them and they have something to give to you Iette -- She just takes what you do and run with it. April -- what will happen when she comes back in the house four weeks from now. Ivette -- your right, she's like that cat with nine lives, that's the twist she'll keep coming back Beau -- can you imagine? Ivette - I can't dream about my family all I dream about is senarios with big brother .. Beau you know whose annoying me? maggie April -- I think she just tries to stay out of everything Beau -- if you tell her something -- and she'll be like huh She'll repeat what I just said back to me ..I hate repeating myself .. she'll make me repeat it twice .. Ivette goes to the bathroom .. April and Beau are left to themselves .. they talk about how Michael has come out and told people he's eauropean that he lied about where he's from .. Beau goes on to explain that the reason he's so agressive sexually with the girls is because he's european .. that a lot of italians he knows are that way .. The feed switches to Jennifer and Michael on the couch .. he's rubbing her hair affectioantely .. he has a nice patio he says at his house .. you have a house? no an apartment ... I call apartments houses too .. it drives people crazy .. they're houses because they're your house .. Michael wants to get a cat. Jenn says he looks like a dog person. For him he says it has to get a cat. He loves Brittish Bull Terrior, or Greyhound's .. He wants a naughty cat who looks like it's done something wrong when he gets home.
  11. my bad .. i was at BBQ right after i listened to House Calls lol .. so that would be why I thought it was housecalls. Glad to see someone else read/heard the same thing, so I am not going batty.
  12. Except they're getting riled up too .. and I agree about Ivette .. she is driving me nuts!
  13. Jenny, Beau and Michael are on a bed in the gold room. James says this whole process is taking too long that it looks like it moves so fast on tv .. he says he figured due to production it would be filmed out of order .. he just thought it would be faster they have been there a week. He asks if they're going ot have a double eviction at one point. Beau and Jenny are comparing butts, and boobs. Beau is talking about jenny's boobs. sarah volunteers information that their contracts say they could be there as long as 95 days .. sarah says that it just feels long because they were there a week before it aired .. but after that they'll be doing it once a week .. James is talking about quarters ..? I must have missed this quarter thing when ivette and co were bad mothing james they were talking about quarters too .. he asys that he isn ot a baby he can handle himself but if you want to talk about him he'll say something. (a quiet pause) James asks -- do you think it's a big deal to be HOH this early Beau says it's always crucial James says for the first few weeks he'd rather be down in the trenches so that people can get to know you .. learning who I can't fucking stand. Beau says look at Lisa that she won the first HOH and the last one and she won Sarah says you can't judge off that, that there is no rhyme or reason .. Jennifer shares with them the first HOH comp that Lisa won. they're talking about Jame's feet.
  14. James is talking to Ivette about Kaysar's ability to be in the house .. james says it's not for us to judge .. that big brother put him in it .. that big brother is here to cause contraversy .. Ivette says she tried to help him .. that he doesn't have 30 days .. that you don't know how long you have .. that you have to open up right away .. :roll: (note to ivette -- stop opening up so much) More talk about where they should sleep. James and Ivette share a long hug .. (ironic since she was just talking about kicking him out-- such is the nature of the Big Brother game). Sarah looks on. She does not look happy. Sarah starts to go towards James .. and then she starts to walk away .. are you going to bed she asks .. now she follows him into the gold room with beau .. beau says he likes boobies ..
  15. James, Rachel, Eric and maggie are talking about the subway doors. They think those doors open up. They're wondering if there is more secret rooms. they are discussing if the rooms could move as people leave to either create another room .. or close off the concrete room. James says that might just be where they take stuff out or move stuff in. They're talking about kaysar missing his prayers now. James says he is not the muslim house guest, he is kaysar the house guest. Eric says not all of us are as comfortable with new people. James says all the questiosn the first few days were about his religon. All the jokes, and topics of conversation went back to that .. beau says i didn't .. 'but other people did james says .' Ivette says this is not the setting for his beliefs .. it trashes a lot of what he believes with. He went up to april and said animals don't have souls .. to anyone who isn't muslim, animals have souls .. and now James says that Christians say that too .. the bible says that we're the only ones who worship god .. Eric says all you need to know is that there is a god, and you aint him .. he says it's a heavy burnden to carry that you are responsible for your faith .. Ivette says that the house requires a lot of him that he is not suppose to do .. he is not suppose to be around women in bathing suits .. and hello, most of the compeitions are in bathing suits .. eric says no matter what you believe, all religions say you can't be deceptive, and lie .. Now they are debating past seasons .. and whether you should play by showing deceoption .. or by being honest .. he says for someone as dedicated to his religon as he is .. if they're that dedicated to being that honest, to not deceieve people .. I have to agree with Ivette .. Ivette says she was thinking about the twins in season 5, that she was lying and then busting out the bible reading verses and stuff .. if you believe so strong int he bible you can not be deceitful .. James said didn't drew use the bible Ivette: he would read it, but he wouldn't preach it.. her an dher twin were the evilest twins in the world .. eric says there are always 3 sides to the truth, their side, my side and the truth ..
  16. Tonight on the feeds I heard Ivette, and Eric get on the war path towards Michael, Kaysar and James. Ivette is deffiantely a pot stirrer .. for some reason whenever people listen to her rants for a while they get all ticked off ..
  17. I thought it was from houseguests .. I remember reading somewhere that julie would be telling them.
  18. James wants to play it safe with everybody Ivette says .. Ivette is complaining he is still nice to Ashlea and Janelle, eric says that they know he doesn't want to have anything to do with them .. that they know that .. Ivette says that James is promising them stuff .. eric keeps trying to talk and Ivette wont let him. (haha) Ivette says that she told James she doesn't always feel that he's on the same page. Rachel says -- his personality is a litle different than ours .. it is a little rude what he did, but I try not to starta big deal about it. Kaysar broke their trust somehow (eric says). It was clear as day .. eric says (apparently he told michael something eric said). Ivette says he can't associate with people who doesn't have the same beliefs as him .. maggie says she really wants to understand where people are coming from. James told them all not to fart in the kitchen -- and this has them all upset at him. :roll: Ivette is now talking about how Kaysar told april they have no souls. Eric says even if you feel that way .. maggie says he could have said in my opinion .. Eric says lets get through this week .. Ivette says we need to stay on the same page .. Eric says 'you have to win' .. eric says 'it's up to us' Ivette says if you have an issue .. we need to discuss it. Maggie says if we get to a point where we can't make promises .. eric says 'everyone will know about it ' (I like howt hey finish each other's sentences and nobody notices) James says he's taking the rope and he's beginning to hang himself .. Eric says James changed on a dime. He is going around saying this is just a vaccation spot for him. Eric says that michael isn't safe either .. they said that gives them five weeks at least that they can get rid of people and not feel bad about it ..
  19. 10:41 BBT -- Kitchen. Everyone but Janelle, Michael and Ashlea are in the kitchen talking .. It's hard to make it all out because they're all sort of talking at once .. as usual only Ivette, Howies, and Eric's voice can be heard above the group. Howie left. I think they're all waiting up until midnight .. (maybe they get food?) they keep complaining about PBJ. More discussion about whose sleeping where. It keeps cutting to fish because Ivette keeps singing (Stop it!). Eric is talking about taking his kids to dance, and baseball practice. Beau says he doesn't want to do that. Eric tells him not to do that any time soon. The coffee BB gives them is realy weak. Beau says to go to starbucks, and get those double shot expresso things. He says it makes him wired. Ivette says you should try cuban coffee. Eric talks about cigars. He got them for father's day. Kaysar keeps wandering through. Jenny is making a PBJ .. eric says he takes ephedra, beau says it's illegal now. Camera switches to james and sarah in the bathroom. James says everyone is stupid. He's brushing his teeth hard to hear him. She is talking to him about what ashlea told her he said on the hammock .. she tells him that Ashlea told her they thought he had a dirty mind .. that he brought up using altoids for oral pleasure out of the blue .. she asks him to stop. He says ok. Sarah walks away. It's back to the kitchen by the camera man. They are now talking about cots again. Michael is on Ivettes cot. 'Are you freaking serious?' she says. How will let you sleep with him someone tells her. Beau is asking for some tea. Maggie says she didn't get any. Maggie says that they'll start it early tomorrow. James says they'll have to start pounding the weights early tomorrow. Jenn is done with her pbj sandwich .. eric leaves .. jen is on his tail .. come give me a hug. They are now alone in the bathrroom. Jen is doing her hair .. Ivette, maggie and eric are in the bathroom. eric is brushing his teeth. She's wearing eric's sweats. He says if he gets kicked out he wont have to pack anything. Ivette is complaining about someone that she was nice to, not talking to her. They're talking about a cool brush that cleans your tongue and your teeth. Eric asks why she is blow drying her hair before bed, she says because it's wet. She says she had cereable paulsy when she was in high school .. and that it's an old wives tale not to go to bed with wet hair .. she is talking about having shock therapy .. and having to wear a eye patch so her eye wouldn't dry out .. Wow Ivette says and walks away .. Maggie ivette, eric, rachel are in the bedroom .. ivette asks if she can come in .. they say yeah .. and eric tels her (jokingly) get the f*ck out. Eric says if Ivette wins HOH she'll put up janelle and jenny (as pawn) .. eric says if he wins he has to put up two guys .. he says to be honest the only guy he wont put up is Howie ... she's talking about janelle again .. she doesn't like that janelle laughs at him .. instead of with him .. they feel sorry for him.. they can tell it hurts him. Maggies says once he touched her inapporpriately .. and she talked to him about it and he hasn't disrespected her since then. ----------------------- I rcvd the following email from someone: From: Michael Frazier To: dietekocgirl@gmail.com Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 8:48 AM Subject: Bell's Palsy- what jen had This is just a link to explain Bell's Palsy incase no one caught it, or does not know what it is. Hope it helps. http://www.bellspalsy.net/faq.html __________________________________________________ Thought someone else might like to see it. Sorry if I spelled it wrong.
  20. Well .. if the couple gets to the end and they don't get the money, that would be very crummy on CBS's part. And I say that because on House Calls they said that Julie would be telling the houseguests that each house guest is playing with a partner in the house, as well as telling us who the pairs are. If everyone knows everyone has a partner. Then it's not going to take a rocket scientist to figure out who they are since most of the HG's already suspect that there are other couples. Perhaps it's like the natalie and adria thing .. they only need to avade 'detection' long enough for Julie to let the houseguests know?
  21. ashlea and janelle were talking .. when they were alone about somtehing they'd do 'at home' together .. I can't find the exact quote .. but they have admitted they are a pair at least to each other.
  22. Eric tells Rachel that she picked the perfect host .. the only one better they all agree would have been Beau .. Rachel says anyone would have been good -- howie would have been a hoot.
  23. 5:29 BBT -- cam 3 Jame's first job was at Taco Bell. They are dicussing what various fastfood restaurants they have in various states. Everything tastes good when your drunk -- James. Maggie is a vegitarian. They are discussing ostrige burgers. There is no fat on it, eric says. Eric is whispering to ivette .. can't hear what they're saying. BB guys upped the sound, but still can't hear. Eric asks James if he's going to let Ivette win head of household .. he said yes. Ivette asks James if he has an alliance with Janelle, no he says, Janelle is evil. Eric wants people on the jury who are going to evaluate his game play, not think with their hearts .. eric says no one can look at long term stratagey .. they need to evaulate things week to week. Rachel just sat down.
  24. Ivette, April and Maggie are talking .. April is deffinately a pot stirrer .. it's no wonder she is friends with Ivette. I think it's hilarious that Ivette keeps saying that ashlea and janelle have told her so many lies .. cause she is never seen TALKING to them. lol



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